I need to open links like this
in external videoplayer.
I can't find the specific url scheme for this to Linking (so
not works
not works too
I trying the module https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-intent with some modifications of mine.
It works, but when the external player opens and I press the BACK button - application closes without errors. I think that the new intent creates in the same activity.
So my question:
Is there any way to open video links with external player (like share works but user need to select from video players installed on the system to open shared link with the selected one).
Finally got it to work with this module http://npmjs.com/package/react-native-intent-launcher
I am working on a project using Xamarin.Forms as a container app. This app includes several webviews that link to restricted web content. One of these links our Sharepoint site. The Sharepoint site has a link that allows our users to go to a 3rd party site(Cornerstone) to view training videos. When using the stock UIWebView, WKWebView, or SFSafariViewController the popup that displays the video is not shown. The only way that I can get this video to play in my app is to use OpenURL to open the Sharepoint site in Safari. The problem is that this is an Enterprise solution where we don't want to allow the employees free reign with the browser.
Is there a way to create a whitelist or to have some control over the searchbar or read the url that they are linking to and block it or redirect the user?
Unfortunately as it's farming out the URL Navigation external to your application there's not a lot you can do from within your app to restrict what they do after the fact, 'openURL' only returns a Boolean value as to it's success, and the only parameters that you can send to it are:
application - Reference to this application
url - The NSUrl specified by the
calling application.
sourceApplication - The bundle ID of the calling
annotation -Optional property-list data passed by the
calling application.
You can only access these if you override the 'openURL' method within your 'AppDelegate.cs' class, there is a set of options you can pass through as an override but again none of those allow you to restrict what the user does after the browser has opened.
If the devices are managed using something like 'meraki' or some other software to control the use of managed devices, then you would likely set up a 'group policy' styled set of restrictions however that's not really a Xamarin issue, and should be discussed with the network administrators.
That being said, I don't see any reason why you can't use the WebView1, that way you can handle it all within your application. Or alternative utilize custom renderers and pass in the direct video urls and commit to opening up the devices media player for streaming the content2.
1 Playing videos in WebView
2 Using the media manager plugin.
I want to add a link from my app to another of my apps on the appstore.
Question How to link to apps on the app store showed that the itunes.apple.com link was,until recently, the normal way to go. I've tried this and everything is fine. The problem begins when I disgard this and use Apple's new recommendation of using appstore.com. I use the following line of code:
[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#http://appstore.com/myappname"]];
The first time I call this from my app it works well. You see it jump through Safari and move onto the appstore where it displays my app.
At this point if you look back into Safari you will notice a new blank tab labelled Favourites has been created.
If I go back to my app and perform the same action to link to the appstore again I'm prompted with one of the two popup boxes:
"Open this page in "App Store"? [Cancel] or [Open].
"Cannot Open Page. Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid" [OK]
I've found that manually deleting the blank tab in Safari will allow the link to work properly but this behaviour isn't what I want my users to see- and I wouldn't be expecting them to delete the blank tabs from Safari.
Any advice on stopping this behaviour whilst following Apple's new rules greatly appreciated.
A simple and clean solution is to present an instance of SKStoreProductViewController inside your app (modally) to display information on the products you are interested in. The user can interact with it as a small view on the App Store and you can simply dismiss it when done.
So I have a youtube page open where I can watch a video.
But this video was taken down by the user. My open page still has the video, if you go to it again (refresh) the new page does not.
Since I have the video loaded in my browser tab (chrome), how can I go about finding the actual file and saving it?
In the old days of YouTube, it may have been possible to find the single video file on your harddrive and save it, but this is no longer the case. As explained in this Computerphile video, all YouTube videos are now split into tiny pieces and downloaded piece by piece.
You can observe this for yourself if you open up Chrome (or Firefox's) Dev Tools and watch the nnetwork tab. You'll see:
all of the pieces of the video loading bit by bit.
One additional thing you'll learn from the Network tab is that the videos are downloaded as octet streams, so you won't be able to find the links to the pieces hidden in the DOM.
One thing you migth try is, in the Network tab, clear the results and then move the cursor to the beginning of the video. You should see the streams come up again. Right click on the path name and then do a "save as", and save it as 0000.mp4 (or whatever), for all the pieces. You should be able to reassemble these pieces in any video editing software. I tested this by getting two pieces from a random YouTube video.
I couldn't find anything that doesn't require a restart (and hence reload) of Chrome.
One (kludgy) hack if possible, though, would be to run a screen video capture and play the video.
I have done this long back using IE6, i.e. fetch the file from the temporary files location and rename it to the extension flv.
The following links should point you in the right direction, but can't say it will work for sure, as I believe recent chrome versions seem to have a defensive cache implementation.
Ubuntu Forum solutions
You might need to tweak the above for your use.
Run a screen recording/capture program such as:
Then edit out the youtube bar if its visible.
The buffered video is cached at the following location:
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp\flaxxxx.tmp
Note you have to change to whatever user you are using, and xxxx is a random number. Also, the .tmp file might be hidden, so make sure your windows explorer is displaying the hidden files.
While the tab is open, you won't be able to copy the file, but if you close it, the file will be automatically deleted. For doing so, download HoboCopy, extract it and after that, run cmd as administrator. Change the directory on the console to the directory where you have extracted HoboCopy and type the following command:
hobocopy C:\users\<user name>\Appdata\Local\Temp C:\videos fla1234.tmp
<user name> - replace with your windows username
C:\videos - the directory where you want the video to be copied to
fla1234.tmp - the name of the file to be copied.
Wait for the copy to be done and then you can rename the destination file, changing '.tmp' to '.flv'. This file can be played with any FLV supporting media player.
i find this software to get the video from temp files folder and play it http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/video_cache_view.html
Video file is cached, therefore suggested ways can help you to save the file. But if you deal with same problems I offer using IDM(Internet Download Manager). After installation of this application for every online video stream (e.g. all flv files in youtube) IDM brings a small picture that you can click on it and downloading will be started automatically without need of any configuration.
You have to install a browser extension to download YouTube videos. You won't find a simple URL for an mp4 file in the HTML source. Try googling "youtube downloader" + your browser name.
As far as I recall, YouTube videos are not served as a continuous HTTP resource, but instead divided into small chunks and assembled client-side by the Flash player. This is why you can jump into the middle of a video, without having to buffer the first half of the video.
Generally speaking, YouTube don't want you to rip their content, so they aren't exactly making it easy for downloaders.
Since it's possible to download Game Center metadata through Transporter into a .itmsp package file, how would you edit and upload that file using Application Loader? I see no interface for Game Center metadata in Application Loader. Application Loader is default app to open .itmsp packages. Did I miss something?
At worst best I guess it could be possible to edit the contained .xml file, add a few achievements, and then try to upload that into iTunes Connect using Application Loader.
If you make a lookup on an existing app inside your Itunes account, you download a file called like like the vendor_id with the .itmsp format. My experience was, opening this file by double clicking inside the Application Loaderjust changes the data inside this archive.
In my case, an additional file was created called something like meta-local... and the metadata.xml from Itunes Connect has been changed. It's like the Application Loader deletes information like description, keywords, url`s, screenshots and all the data you have to define the first time you create the app before uploading the binary.
Instead of using the Application Loader you should open the .itmsp file by right clicking and selecting show package content. This way nothing will be changed and you can open the metadata and change specific data.
I don't have Game Center elements included in my app yet but I did some researches on tools which could automate the process of generating and changing data. Have a look at these projects, the first one looks like it could be exactly what you're looking for:
iTunes Transporter Generator
iTunes Store Connector
iTunes Store Transporter Web
If not maybe you could create an Apple Script to parse the metadata.xml and add or change your data.
I would appreciate if you could leave a comment if any of these tools could help you with the Game Center problem.
I have uploaded a couple of tutorial videos in youtube.
In my winforms application (by using the AxShockwaveFlash object) i reproduce the selected video by the user.
AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(http://www.youtube ..video1)
Here comes the story.
The first time the user selects a video, reproduction works like a charm.
When the user selects to see the second video
AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(http://www.youtube ..video2)
the ShockwaveFlash continues the reproduction of the first selection
Try to use
AxShockwaveFlash1.Movie = "Your source";
Pattern to avoid leaving flash arguments behind.
Without knowing how you have integrated the video in your form, the method I would do is using a webBrowsercontrol in the form and embed the video in the control.
msdn on webBrowsercontrol
I had encountered this problem and resolved it by changing the Embed property of the Ax object control to False.
I embed the videos via the movie URL each time as follows:
Works a treat
the video is embedded. Not stored locally
This is because your application is loading flash player loader from the cache and then it's loading the real player from the site , finally this yield a security exception.
In internet explorer , in internet options set to check for new versions of the documents each time you visit the page.
You first need to extract the FLV file like here:
Getting an FLV from YouTube in .NET