Stan. Using target += syntax - bayesian

I'm starting to learn Stan.
Could anyone explain when and how to use syntax such as... ?
target +=
instead of just:
y ~ normal(mu, sigma)
For example in Stan manual you can find the following example.
model {
real ps[K]; // temp for log component densities
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 2.5);
mu ~ normal(0, 10);
for (n in 1:N) {
for (k in 1:K) {
ps[k] = log(theta[k])
+ normal_lpdf(y[n] | mu[k], sigma[k]);
target += log_sum_exp(ps);
I think the target line increases the target value, that I think it's the logarithm of the posterior density.
But the posterior density for what parameter?
When is it updated and initialized?
After Stan finishes (and converges), how do you access its value and how I use it?
Other examples:
data {
int<lower=0> J; // number of schools
real y[J]; // estimated treatment effects
real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // s.e. of effect estimates
parameters {
real mu;
real<lower=0> tau;
vector[J] eta;
transformed parameters {
vector[J] theta;
theta = mu + tau * eta;
model {
target += normal_lpdf(eta | 0, 1);
target += normal_lpdf(y | theta, sigma);
the example above uses target twice instead of just once.
another example.
data {
int<lower=0> N;
vector[N] y;
parameters {
real mu;
real<lower=0> sigma_sq;
vector<lower=-0.5, upper=0.5>[N] y_err;
transformed parameters {
real<lower=0> sigma;
vector[N] z;
sigma = sqrt(sigma_sq);
z = y + y_err;
model {
target += -2 * log(sigma);
z ~ normal(mu, sigma);
This last example even mixes both methods.
To do it even more difficult I've read that
y ~ normal(0,1);
has the same effect than
Could anyone explain why, please?
Could anyone provide a simple example written in two different ways, with "target +=" and in the regular simpler "y ~" way, please?

The syntax
target += u;
adds u to the target log density.
The target density is the density from which the sampler samples and it needs to be equal to the joint density of all the parameters given the data up to a constant (which is usually achieved via Bayes's rule by coding as the joint density of parameters and modeled data up to a constant). You access it as lp__ in the posterior, but be careful, as it also contains the Jacobians arising from the constraints and drops constants in sampling statements---you do not want to use it for model comparison.
From a sampling perspective, writing
target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);
has the same effect as
y ~ normal(mu, sigma);
The _lpdf signals it's the log probability density function for the normal, which is implicit in the sampling notation. The sampling notation is just shorthand for the target += syntax, and in addition, drops constant terms in the log density.
It's explained in the statements section of the language reference (the second part of the manual) and used in multiple examples through the programmer's guide (the first part of the manual).

I am just starting to learn Stan and Bayesian statistics, and mainly rely on John Kruschke's book "Doing Bayesian Data Analysis". Here, in chapter 14.3.3, he explains:
Thus, the essence of computation in Stan is dealing with the logarithm
of the posterior probability density and its gradient; there is no
direct random sampling of parameters from distributions.
As a result (still rephrasing Kruschke), a
model [...] like y ∼ normal(mu,sigma) [actuallly] means to multiply the current posterior probability by the density of the normal distribution at the datum value y.
Following logarithm calculation rules, this multiplication is equal to add the log probability density of a given data y to the current log-probability. (log(a*b) = log(a) + log(b), hence the equality of multiplication and sum).
I concede that I don't grasp the full implications of that, but I think it points into the right direction into what, mathematically speaking, the targer += does.


Self-Correcting Probability Distribution - Maintain randomness, while gravitating each outcome's frequency towards its probability

This is a common problem when you want to introduce randomness, but at the same time you want your experiment to stick close to the intended probability distribution, and can not / do not want to count on the law of big numbers.
Say you have programmed a coin with 50-50 chance for heads / tails. If you simulate it 100 times, most likely you will get something close to the intended 50-50 (binary distribution centered at 50-50).
But what if you wanted similar certainty for any number of repeats of the experiment.
A client of ours asked us this ::
We may also need to add some restrictions on some of the randomizations (e.g. if spatial location of our stimuli is totally random, the program could present too many stimuli in some locations and not very many in others. Locations should be equally sampled, so more of an array that is shuffled instead of randomization with replacement).
So they wanted randomness they could control.
Implementation details aside (arrays, vs other methods), the wanted result for our client's problem was the following ::
Always have as close to 1 / N of the stimuli in each of the N potential locations, yet do so in a randomized (hard-to-predict) way.
This is commonly needed in games (when distributing objects, characters, stats, ..), and I would imagine many other applications.
My preferred method for dealing with this is to dynamically weight the intended probabilities based on how the experiment has gone so far. This effectively moves us away from independently drawn variables.
Let p[i] be the wanted probability of outcome i
Let N[i] be the number of times outcome i has happened up to now
Let N be the sum of N[] for all outcomes i
Let w[i] be the correcting weight for i
Let W_Max be the maximum weight you want to assign (ie. when an outcome has occurred 0 times)
Let P[i] be the unnormalized probability for i
Then p_c[i] is the corrected probability for i
p[i] is fixed and provided by the design. N[i] is an accumulation - every time i happens, increment N[i] by 1.
w[i] is given by
w[i] = CalculateWeight(p[i], N[i], N, W_Max)
if (N == 0) return 1;
if (N[i] == 0) return W_Max;
intended = p[i] * N
current = N[i]
return intended / current;
And P[i] is given by
P[i] = p[i] * w[i]
Then we calculate p_c[i] as
p_c[i] = P[i] / sum(P[i])
And we run the next iteration of our random experiment (sampling) with p_c[i] instead of p[i] for outcome i.
The main drawback is that you trade control for predictability. After 4 tails in a row, it's highly likely you will see a head.
Note 1 :: The described method will provide at any step a distribution close to the original if the experiment's results match the intended results, or skewed towards (away) outcomes that have happened less (more) than intended.
Note 2 :: You can introduce a "control" parameter c and add an extra step.
p_c2[i] = c * p_c[i] + (1-c) * p[i]
For c = 1, this defaults to the described method, for c = 0 it defaults to the the original probabilities (independently drawn variables).

Find global maximum in the lest number of computations

Let's say I have a function f defined on interval [0,1], which is smooth and increases up to some point a after which it starts decreasing. I have a grid x[i] on this interval, e.g. with a constant step size of dx = 0.01, and I would like to find which of those points has the highest value, by doing the smallest number of evaluations of f in the worst-case scenario. I think I can do much better than exhaustive search by applying something inspired with gradient-like methods. Any ideas? I was thinking of something like a binary search perhaps, or parabolic methods.
This is a bisection-like method I coded:
def optimize(f, a, b, fa, fb, dx):
if b - a <= dx:
return a if fa > fb else b
m1 = 0.5*(a + b)
m1 = _round(m1, a, dx)
fm1 = fa if m1 == a else f(m1)
m2 = m1 + dx
fm2 = fb if m2 == b else f(m2)
if fm2 >= fm1:
return optimize(f, m2, b, fm2, fb, dx)
return optimize(f, a, m1, fa, fm1, dx)
def _round(x, a, dx, right = False):
return a + dx*(floor((x - a)/dx) + right)
The idea is: find the middle of the interval and compute m1 and m2- the points to the right and to the left of it. If the direction there is increasing, go for the right interval and do the same, otherwise go for the left. Whenever the interval is too small, just compare the numbers on the ends. However, this algorithm still does not use the strength of the derivatives at points I computed.
Such a function is called unimodal.
Without computing the derivatives, you can work by
finding where the deltas x[i+1]-x[i] change sign, by dichotomy (the deltas are positive then negative after the maximum); this takes Log2(n) comparisons; this approach is very close to what you describe;
adapting the Golden section method to the discrete case; it takes Logφ(n) comparisons (φ~1.618).
Apparently, the Golden section is more costly, as φ<2, but actually the dichotomic search takes two function evaluations at a time, hence 2Log2(n)=Log√2(n) .
One can show that this is optimal, i.e. you can't go faster than O(Log(n)) for an arbitrary unimodal function.
If your function is very regular, the deltas will vary smoothly. You can think of the interpolation search, which tries to better predict the searched position by a linear interpolation rather than simple halving. In favorable conditions, it can reach O(Log(Log(n)) performance. I don't know of an adaptation of this principle to the Golden search.
Actually, linear interpolation on the deltas is very close to parabolic interpolation on the function values. The latter approach might be the best for you, but you need to be careful about the corner cases.
If derivatives are allowed, you can use any root solving method on the first derivative, knowing that there is an isolated zero in the given interval.
If only the first derivative is available, use regula falsi. If the second derivative is possible as well, you may consider Newton, but prefer a safe bracketing method.
I guess that the benefits of these approaches (superlinear and quadratic convergence) are made a little useless by the fact that you are working on a grid.
DISCLAIMER: Haven't test the code. Take this as an "inspiration".
Let's say you have the following 11 points
x,f(x) = (0,3),(1,7),(2,9),(3,11),(4,13),(5,14),(6,16),(7,5),(8,3)(9,1)(1,-1)
you can do something like inspired to the bisection method
a = 0 ,f(a) = 3 | b=10,f(b)=-1 | c=(0+10/2) f(5)=14
from here you can see that the increasing interval is [a,c[ and there is no need to that for the maximum because we know that in that interval the function is increasing. Maximum has to be in interval [c,b]. So at the next iteration you change the value of a s.t. a=c
a = 5 ,f(a) = 14 | b=10,f(b)=-1 | c=(5+10/2) f(6)=16
Again [a,c] is increasing so a is moved on the right
you can iterate the process until a=b=c.
Here the code that implements this idea. More info here:
int main(){
#define STEP (0.01)
#define SIZE (1/STEP)
double vals[(int)SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
double x = i*STEP;
vals[i] = -(x*x*x*x - (0.6)*(x*x));
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
printf("%f ",vals[i]);
int a=0,b=SIZE-1,c;
double fa=vals[a],fb=vals[b] ,fc;
fc = vals[c];
while( a!=b && b!=c && a!=c){
printf("%i %i %i - %f %f %f\n",a,c,b, vals[a], vals[c],vals[b]);
if(fc - vals[c-1] > 0){ //is the function increasing in [a,c]
a = c;
fc = vals[c];
printf("The maximum is %i=%f with %f\n", c,(c*STEP),vals[a]);
Find points where derivative(of f(x))=(df/dx)=0
for derivative you could use five-point-stencil or similar algorithms.
should be O(n)
Then fit those multiple points (where d=0) on a polynomial regression / least squares regression .
should be also O(N). Assuming all numbers are neighbours.
Then find top of that curve
shouldn't be more than O(M) where M is resolution of trials for fit-function.
While taking derivative, you could leap by k-length steps until derivate changes sign.
When derivative changes sign, take square root of k and continue reverse direction.
When again, derivative changes sign, take square root of new k again, change direction.
Example: leap by 100 elements, find sign change, leap=10 and reverse direction, next change ==> leap=3 ... then it could be fixed to 1 element per step to find exact location.
I am assuming that the function evaluation is very costly.
In the special case, that your function could be approximately fitted with a polynomial, you can easily calculate the extrema in least number of function evaluations. And since you know that there is only one maximum, a polynomial of degree 2 (quadratic) might be ideal.
For example: If f(x) can be represented by a polynomial of some known degree, say 2, then, you can evaluate your function at any 3 points and calculate the polynomial coefficients using Newton's difference or Lagrange interpolation method.
Then its simple to solve for the maximum for this polynomial. For a degree 2 you can easily get a closed form expression for the maximum.
To get the final answer you can then search in the vicinity of the solution.

Stan version of a JAGS model which includes a sum of discrete values - Is it possible?

I was trying to run this model in Stan. I have a running JAGS version of it (that returns highly autocorrelated parameters) and I know how to formulate it as CDF of a double exponential (with two rates), which would probably run without problems. However, I would like to use this version as a starting point for similar but more complex models.
By now I have the suspicion that a model like this is not possible in Stan. Maybe because of the discreteness introduces by taking the sum of a Boolean value, Stan may not be able to calculate gradients.
Does anyone know whether this is the case, or if I do something else in a wrong way in this model? I paste the errors I get below the model code.
Many thanks in advance
data {
int y[11];
int reps[11];
real soas[11];
parameters {
real<lower=0.001,upper=0.200> v1;
real<lower=0.001,upper=0.200> v2;
model {
real dif[11,96];
real cf[11];
real p[11];
real t1[11,96];
real t2[11,96];
for (i in 1:11){
for (r in 1:reps[i]){
t1[i,r] ~ exponential(v1);
t2[i,r] ~ exponential(v2);
dif[i,r] <- (t1[i,r]+soas[i]<=(t2[i,r]));
cf[i] <- sum(dif[i]);
p[i] <-cf[i]/reps[i];
y[i] ~ binomial(reps[i],p[i]);
Here is some dummy data:
psy_dat = {
'soas' : numpy.array(range(-100,101,20)),
'y' : [47, 46, 62, 50, 59, 47, 36, 13, 7, 2, 1],
'reps' : [48, 48, 64, 64, 92, 92, 92, 64, 64, 48, 48]
And here are the errors:
Warning (non-fatal): Left-hand side of sampling statement (~) contains a non-linear transform of a parameter or local variable.
You must call increment_log_prob() with the log absolute determinant of the Jacobian of the transform.
Sampling Statement left-hand-side expression:
get_base1(get_base1(t1,i,"t1",1),r,"t1",2) ~ exponential_log(...)
Warning (non-fatal): Left-hand side of sampling statement (~) contains a non-linear transform of a parameter or local variable.
You must call increment_log_prob() with the log absolute determinant of the Jacobian of the transform.
Sampling Statement left-hand-side expression:
get_base1(get_base1(t2,i,"t2",1),r,"t2",2) ~ exponential_log(...)
And at runtime:
Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue:
stan::prob::exponential_log(N4stan5agrad3varE): Random variable is nan:0, but must not be nan!
If this warning occurs sporadically, such as for highly constrained variable types like covariance matrices, then the sampler is fine,
but if this warning occurs often then your model may be either severely ill-conditioned or misspecified.
Rejecting proposed initial value with zero density.
Initialization between (-2, 2) failed after 100 attempts.
Try specifying initial values, reducing ranges of constrained values, or reparameterizing the model
Here is a working JAGS version of this model:
model {
for ( n in 1 : N ) {
for (r in 1 : reps[n]){
t1[r,n] ~ dexp(v1)
t2[r,n] ~ dexp(v2)
c[r,n] <- (1.0*((t1[r,n]+durs[n])<=t2[r,n]))
p[n] <- max((min(sum(c[,n]) / (reps[n]),0.99999999999999)), 1-0.99999999999999))
y[n] ~ dbin(p[n],reps[n])
v1 ~ dunif(0.0001,0.2)
v2 ~ dunif(0.0001,0.2)
With regard to the min() and max(): See this post
I'm still not sure what model you are trying to estimate (it would be best if you post the JAGS code) but what you have above cannot work in Stan. Stan is closer to C++ in the sense that you have to declare and then define objects. In your Stan program, you have the two declarations
real t1[11,96];
real t2[11,96];
but no definitions of t1 or t2. Consequently, they are initalized to NaN and when you do
t1[i,r] ~ exponential(v1);
that gets parsed as something like
for(i in 1:11) for(r in 1:reps[i]) lp__ += log(v1) - v1 * NaN
where lp__ is an internal symbol that holds value of the log-posterior, which becomes NaN and it cannot do Metropolis-style updates of the parameters.
Perhaps you meant for t1 and t2 to be unknown parameters, in which case they should be declared in the parameters block. The following [EDITED] Stan program is valid and should work, but it might not be the program you had in mind (it does not make a lot of sense to me and the discontinuity in dif will probably preclude Stan from sampling from this posterior distribution efficiently).
data {
int<lower=1> N;
int y[N];
int reps[N];
real soas[N];
parameters {
real<lower=0.001,upper=0.200> v1;
real<lower=0.001,upper=0.200> v2;
real t1[N,max(reps)];
real t2[N,max(reps)];
model {
for (i in 1:N) {
real dif[reps[i]];
for (r in 1:reps[i]) {
dif[r] <- (t1[i,r]+soas[i]) <= t2[i,r];
y[i] ~ binomial(reps[i], (1.0 + sum(dif)) / (1.0 + reps[i]));
to_array_1d(t1) ~ exponential(v1);
to_array_1d(t2) ~ exponential(v2);

Error:"Multiple definitions of node" in OpenBUGS.

So I thought the following code would work in OpenBUGS, but instead it gives me a "Multiple definitions of node Z" error.
Z <- round(X)
X ~ dnorm(0,1)T(-2,2)
Even if I replace Z <- round(X) with Z <- X I continue to get the same error. From this fact we can deduce that the error is resulting from the use of a logical assignment for an observable variable and in particular, the error is not due to the round() operation.
Why does BUGS not allow this? Also, what is a good work-around in this case? Here is a more general version that I want to implement, which is essentially modeling a discrete Gaussian with walls (the truncation):
for(i in 1:N){
Z[i] <- round(X[i])
X[i] ~ dnorm(mu,1)T(-2,2)
mu ~ dunif(-2,2)
Essentially, I want Z to be distributed with something like a discrete Gaussian with "walls" (the truncation) and I want to estimate mu from data on Z. I suppose I can try to make Z into a categorical variable and estimate the parameters but this seems theoretically painful. Is there some BUGS trick I can use to get my intended model?
WinBUGS and OpenBUGS don't allow observed data to be a deterministic function of an unobserved variable. As you suggest, you could use dcat() and express the probabilities in terms of the normal distribution.
Though you might prefer to switch to JAGS, which has a distribution dround() that deals with just this situation - data that are rounded to n significant digits, in your case n=0. Though this forum post suggests there's a bug in the current stable release for this case, and you might need to download the development version.

R: FAST multivariate optimization packages?

I am looking to find a local minimum of a scalar function of 4 variables, and I have range-constraints on the variables ("box constraints"). There's no closed-form for the function derivative, so methods needing an analytical derivative function are out of the question. I've tried several options and control parameters with the optim function, but all of them seem very slow. Specifically, they seem to spend a lot of time between calls to my (R-defined) objective function, so I know the bottleneck is not my objective function but the "thinking" between calls to my objective function. I looked at CRAN Task View for optimization and tried several of those options (DEOptim from RcppDE, etc) but none of them seem any good. I would have liked to try the nloptr package (an R wrapper for NLOPT library) but it seems to be unavailable for windows.
I'm wondering, are there any good, fast optimization packages that people use that I may be missing? Ideally these would be in the form of thin wrappers around good C++/Fortran libraries, so there's minimal pure-R code. (Though this shouldn't be relevant, my optimization problem arose while trying to fit a 4-parameter distribution to a set of values, by minimizing a certain goodness-of-fit measure).
In the past I've found R's optimization libraries to be quite slow, and ended up writing a thin R wrapper calling a C++ API of a commercial optimization library. So are the best libraries necessarily commercial ones?
UPDATE. Here is a simplified example of the code I'm looking at:
## given a set of values x and a cdf, calculate a measure of "misfit":
## smaller value is better fit
## x is assumed sorted in non-decr order;
Misfit <- function(x, cdf) {
nevals <<- nevals + 1
thinkSecs <<- thinkSecs + ( Sys.time() - snapTime)
if(nevals %% 20 == 0) cat('\n')
L <- length(x)
cdf_x <- pmax(0.0001, pmin(0.9999, cdf(x)))
measure <- -L - (1/L) * sum( (2 * (1:L)-1 )* ( log( cdf_x ) + log( 1 - rev(cdf_x))))
snapTime <<- Sys.time()
## Given 3 parameters nu (degrees of freedom, or shape),
## sigma (dispersion), gamma (skewness),
## returns the corresponding 4-parameter student-T cdf parametrized by these params
## (we restrict the location parameter mu to be 0).
skewtGen <- function( p ) {
pars = student.t( nu = p[1], mu = 0, sigma = p[2], gamma = p[3] )
function(z) pghyp(z, pars)
## Fit using optim() and BFGS method
fit_BFGS <- function(x, init = c()) {
x <- sort(x)
nevals <<- 0
objFun <- function(par) Misfit(x, skewtGen(par))
snapTime <<- Sys.time() ## global time snap shot
thinkSecs <<- 0 ## secs spent "thinking" between objFun calls
tUser <- system.time(
res <- optim(init, objFun,
lower = c(2.1, 0.1, -1), upper = c(15, 2, 1),
method = 'L-BFGS-B',
control = list(trace=2, factr = 1e12, pgtol = .01 )) )[1]
cat('Total time = ', tUser,
' secs, ObjFun Time Pct = ', 100*(1 - thinkSecs/tUser), '\n')
fit_DE <- function(x) {
x <- sort(x)
nevals <<- 0
objFun <- function(par) Misfit(x, skewtGen(par))
snapTime <<- Sys.time() ## global time snap shot
thinkSecs <<- 0 ## secs spent "thinking" between objFun calls
tUser <- system.time(
res <- DEoptim(objFun,
lower = c(2.1, 0.1, -1),
upper = c(15, 2, 1) )) [1]
cat('Total time = ', tUser,
' secs, ObjFun Time Pct = ', 100*(1 - thinkSecs/tUser), '\n')
Let's generate a random sample:
# generate 1000 standard-student-T points with nu = 4 (degrees of freedom)
x <- rt(1000,4)
First fit using the fit.tuv (for "T UniVariate") function in the ghyp package -- this uses the Max-likelihood Expectation-Maximization (E-M) method. This is wicked fast!
> system.time( print(unlist( pars <- coef( fit.tuv(x, silent = TRUE) ))[c(2,4,5,6)]))
nu mu sigma gamma
3.16658356 0.11008948 1.56794166 -0.04734128
user system elapsed
0.27 0.00 0.27
Now I am trying to fit the distribution a different way: by minimizing the "misfit" measure defined above, using the standard optim() function in base R. Note that the results will not in general be the same. My reason for doing this is to compare these two results for a whole class of situations. I pass in the above Max-Likelihood estimate as the starting point for this optimization.
> fit_BFGS( x, init = c(pars$nu, pars$sigma, pars$gamma) )
N = 3, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
iterations 5
function evaluations 7
segments explored during Cauchy searches 7
BFGS updates skipped 0
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 0
norm of the final projected gradient 0.0492174
final function value 0.368136
final value 0.368136
Total time = 41.02 secs, ObjFun Time Pct = 99.77084
[1] 3.2389296 1.5483393 0.1161706
I also tried to fit with the DEoptim() but it ran for too long and I had to kill it. As you can see from the output above, 99.8% of the time is attributable to the objective function! So Dirk and Mike were right in their comments below. I should have more carefully estimated the time spent in my objective function, and printing dots was not a good idea! Also I suspect the MLE(E-M) method is very fast because it uses an analytical (closed-form) for the log-likelihood function.
A maximum likelihood estimator, when it exists for your problem, will always be faster than a global optimizer, in any language.
A global optimizer, no matter the algorithm, typically combines some random jumps with local minimization routines. Different algorithms may discuss this in terms of populations (genetic algorithms), annealing, migration, etc. but they are all conceptually similar.
In practice, this means that if you have a smooth function, some other optimization algorithm will likely be fastest. The characteristics of your problem function will dictate whether that will be a quadratic, linear, conical, or some other type of optimization problem for which an exact (or near-exact) analytical solution exists, or whether you will need to apply a global optimizer that is necessarily slower.
By using ghyp, you're saying that your 4 variable function produces an output that may be fit to the generalized hyperbolic distribution, and you are using a maximum likelihood estimator to find the closest generalized hyperbolic distribution to the data you've provided. But if you are doing that, I'm afraid I don't understand how you could have a non-smooth surface requiring optimization.
In general, the optimizer you choose needs to be chosen based on your problem. There is no perfect 'optimal optimizer', in any programming language, and choice of optimization algorithm to fit your problem will likely make more of a difference than any minor inefficiencies of the implementation.