Background downloading stops in iOS 10 only using alamofire - alamofire

If user starts downloading and take the application to the background and after a few minutes comes back to the app, the downloading automatically stops (only in iOS 10) but working fine in iOS 9 using alamofire.

If background downloading was working fine in iOS 9 & now problem in iOS 10 only, so just need to update alamofire for swift 3.0 & enjoy


Adaptative layout iOS 8 and iOS 7

I've to develop an app that should work on iOS 7 and iOS 8 devices. I'm using Xcode 6 to develop it and I'm having issue to design the UI. I designed the UI by using the adaptive layout, so when I try to run the app on a device in which it's installed iOS 8 it works great on all display dimension (iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, 5c, 5s and iPhone 6, 6 Plus) as you can see on the following screenshot:
When I try to run it on a device in which it's installed iOS 7 I get some trouble as you can see on the following screenshot:
How I can fix that issue? I need to design another Storyboard that the system should use if it detect iOS 7? I hope you can help me

Will an Xcode project with Background Fetch turned on still work on iOS 6

I just want to make sure that if i turn background fetch mode that my app will still be compatible with iOS 6. I realize the background fetch portion of the app will not work in iOS 6. I just want to make sure the rest of my application will continue to work once I turn this on in the project.
It does look like you can turn on background fetch support in the Xcode IDE and it will still work with iOS 6 provided you wrap newer api calls in OS version checks.

Xcode 5 not detecting iPhone running iOS 8

I have an iPhone with iOS 8 installed on it, but when I connect it to Xcode 5.1, it doesn't recognize it.
As with the other answers, it seemed fairly random whether or not my iOS 8 device was being picked up by Xcode 5.1. It appears that it works if you have the iOS 8 device plugged in before you start Xcode 5.1. When you do that, you will get a screen indicating the symbols are being processed:
After this completes, the device is selectable. I am pretty sure this needs to be performed with each new beta. That might explain why it appears to suddenly stop working.
If this isn't working for you, make sure you have the latest Xcode 6 Beta to match the iOS 8 Beta version, and connect the device while Xcode 6 is running. The same "Processing Symbol" files process will occur and then Xcode 5.1 seems to work.
the only decent way to make it work is to create a symbolic link to a folder that contains binary for iOS8. You can make fool Xcode 5.1 saying "yes, iOS 8 is ok." via a symlink:
In my case I have Xcode 5.1 on Mavericks HD, and Xcode 6.0 beta 4 on Yosemite HD.
I did:
sudo ln -s /Applications/\ (12A4331d) /Volumes/MAVERICKS/Applications/\ (12A4331d)
and Xcode 5.1 did work with my iOS8 iphone.
(note the space before /Volumes/MAVER... )
PS: for every beta, I have to patch again... :(
You need to download the Xcode 6 Beta. It's available in the iOS Developer Center, where you downloaded the iOS 8 Beta.
I have connected my iPhone with iOS 8 installed to Xcode 5.1.First time it doesn't recognize.but when i unplugged device and connect again , Device Recognized.
I dont know the reason Anyway i am sure that you can also connect your IOS8 installed device to Xcode5.1 ....
I've been using Xcode 5 to build on an iOS 8 device just fine. Now all of a sudden, it won't let me anymore.
first use xcode6 build on your iPhone5s.
second open xcode 5 ,unpluge device and connect again.
then device recognized.
Open xcode 6 and wait until device is recognised. When done, close xcode 6 and open xcode 5.1 and your device is going to be automatically recognised.
That way you can run your application on a device with iOS 8 with the old xcode.

Difference between iOS 7 and iOS 5.1 App behavior when in background

What are the differences in iOS 5.1 & 7.0 in the aspect App behavior when it is in background?
My problem is when switching to other app and switching back (let's say after 5 min / 30 mins) to my app, I am getting server error "connection lost". That was not happening with iOS 5.1, but happening in iOS 7.
I think there is something with the iPad running in the background in different way on iOS 7...
Any ideas?

iOS 5 Screen size without using default-568#2x.png

I am using iOS 6, and have set the deployment target as 5.0. But Appstore does not allow default-568#2x.png with iOS version lower than 6. Is there any way to handle the screen size of 4 inch screen without using default image?
To be able to start with the 4inch size on the iPhone 5 you have to add a Default-568#2x.png splash screen and compile with the iOS 6 SDK.
Of course you can still use you deployment target to 5.0+ while you are building your app with the iOS 6 SDK as base SDK (the deployment target and the base SDK are 2 different things, with the iOS 6 SDK you can target iOS 4.3+)
If you add a iPhone 5 splash screen and you're using the iOS 5 SDK as base SDK, you app will be rejected.
A short tips: try to create a new project with the latest Xcode version and you will find a basic Default-568#2x.png black splash screen which will allow you to start on the iPhone 5 screen size without artwork.