In Access 2010, how do I write an update query to "fill in the blanks"? - sql

Here is a picture explaining what I have and what I'm looking for.
Tables and data describing the question.
This originally seemed like a very simple update query but it has proven I really don't understand how the query works. Can someone please explain the SQL I would need to move all the data from tblImport.Addtl_Initiator to the respective blanks under tblEntries.Initiator, and the data from tblImport.Addtl_Date_Initiated to the respective blanks under tblEntries.Date_Initiated? Essentially just moving the data to the left one column, but in a different table.
Additional information: There is a unique ID field on each of the tables not shown in the picture.

Try it with Nz.
UPDATE tblentries
INNER JOIN tblimport
ON tblentries.eid = tblimport.eid
AND tblentries.initiator = tblimport.initiator
AND tblentries.date_initiated = tblimport.date_initiated
SET tblentries.initiator = nz(tblimport.initiator, tblimport.addtl_initiator),
tblentries.date_initiated = nz(tblimport.date_initiated, import.addtl_date_initiated)
This link might also be helpful: coalesce alternative in Access SQL

Use IsNull to get the non-blank values:
IsNull(Initiator, Addtl_Inititator) AS Initiator,
IsNull(Date_Initiated, Addtl_Date_Initiated) AS Date_Initiated,


MS Access SQL receiving no results when joining tables in where clause

i am trying to update a colleague's MS Access application (with vb-code). I am rather experienced in writing SQL queries but i am not able to solve the following problem.
The query i am looking to fix uses a pass-through-query's result and a local MS Access table and joins them togehter in the where-clause (i tried using the normal way with ON but it seems this doesn't work when there is a pass through query involved). I have little experience with joining tables in the where-clause but is there such a thing that i cant use certain columns (of both tables) in the where-clause when joining tables in the where-clause? -> When i use a filter criteria such as columnA <> 'somerandomtext' (which is always satisfied, just to point out the problem) the query result is empty. When i delete the latter criteria in the where clause, the query returns results (although too many because i cant filter them accordingly).
Furthermore: I checked the pass-through-query, the results are correct. I checked the MS-Access table, the data in the table is correct. Therefore, i think i might be doing something wrong in the query where i join the two mentioned above.
SELECT t.tr_id, t.ser_num, t.contrgnt_id, t.pos_ekey, t.sernum AS cmdty, format(t.vol,""##,###,###.00"") AS volume, t.unit_def, t.value_date,
format(t.coup,""##,###,###.00"") AS fixprice,
format(s.calcvarprice,""##,###,###.00"") AS marketprice,
format(s.calcamount,""##,###,###.00"") AS payamount,
format(s.settlevarprice, ""##,###,##0.00"") as settleprice,
format(s.settleamount, ""##,###,##0.00"") as settleamount, s.sync
FROM pms_trans AS t, settledata AS s
WHERE t.tr_id=s.tr_id And t.is_booked='N' And t.value_date>='01.01.2021' And t.value_date<='01.04.2021'
SELECT t.tr_id, t.ser_num, t.contrgnt_id, t.pos_ekey, t.sernum AS cmdty, format(t.vol,""##,###,###.00"") AS volume, t.unit_def, t.value_date,
format(t.coup,""##,###,###.00"") AS fixprice,
format(s.calcvarprice,""##,###,###.00"") AS marketprice,
format(s.calcamount,""##,###,###.00"") AS payamount,
format(s.settlevarprice, ""##,###,##0.00"") as settleprice,
format(s.settleamount, ""##,###,##0.00"") as settleamount, s.sync
FROM pms_trans AS t, settledata AS s
WHERE t.tr_id=s.tr_id And t.is_booked='N' And t.pos_ekey <> 'BGGS' And t.value_date>='01.01.2021' And t.value_date<='01.04.2021'
As mentioned before, i suspect that there are some limitations when joining via where-clause (although i didnt find sufficient information online).
Best Regards and thank you in advance,
First, apply the correct syntax for the date expressions:
WHERE t.tr_id=s.tr_id And t.is_booked='N' And t.pos_ekey <> 'BGGS' And t.value_date >= #2021-01-01# And t.value_date <= #2021-04-01#
Next, double-check the values for pos_ekey. For example, try to apply the filter, <> 'BGGS', directly on the field in table view.

Looking for guidance on my sql query that apparently includes an array

Quite new to sql, and looking for help on what i'm doing wrong.
With the code below, i'm getting the error "cannot access field value on a value with type array<struct> at [1:30]"
The "audience size value" comes from the dataset public_campaigns where as the engagement rate comes from the data set public_instagram_channels
I think the dataset that's causing the issue here is the public_campaigns.
thanks in advance for your help!
SELECT creator_audience_size.value, AVG(engagement_rate/1000000) AS avgER
FROM `public_instagram_channels` AS pic
JOIN `public_campaigns`AS pc
GROUP BY creator_audience_size.value
This is to do with the type of one of the columns using REPEATED mode.
In Google BigQuery you have to use UNNEST on these repeated columns to get their individual values in the result set.
It's unclear from what you've posted which column is the repeated type - looking at the table definition for public_instagram_channels and public_campaigns will reveal this - look for the word REPEATED in the Mode column of the table definition.
Once you've found it, include UNNEST in your query, as per this untested example:
SELECT creator_audience_size.value, AVG(engagement_rate/1000000) AS avgER
FROM `public_instagram_channels` AS pic,
UNNEST(`column_name`) AS whatever_you_want
JOIN `public_campaigns`AS pc ON =
GROUP BY creator_audience_size.value

How to run a sql query multiple times and combine the results into single output?

I have a list of 2500 obj numbers stored in Excel for which I need to run the below SQL:
aq$_queue_tables a
AQ$_QUEUES b ON a.objno = b.table_objno
a.objno = 19551;
Is there any way I can write a loop on above SQL with objno feeding from a list or from a different table? I also want to store/produce all the results from each loop run as a single output.
I considered the option to upload the numbers into a new table and add a where condition:
a.objno=(SELECT newtab.objectno FROM newtab);
However, the logic I'll be writing in the query would exclude certain objectno results. Let's say that the associated objectno has certain queue_comment as of certain date associated with that objectno. I do not want to pull that record. This condition would match with some objectno and wouldn't match with others. Having that condition and running the query against all the objectno is returning 0 results. I couldn't share the original logic as it would reveal certain business rules and it'll be a violation of some policy.
So, I need to run the query on each objectno separately and combine the results.
I'm totally new to SQL and got this task assigned. I'm aware of the regular loop, for in SQL, but I don't think I can apply them in this situation.
Any guidance or reference links to helpful topics is much appreciated as well.
Thanks in advance for the help.
One option is to upload the object numbers from Excel sheet to a table in the database and run the query as following. Assuming newtab is the table where the objectno are uploaded.
aq$_queue_tables a JOIN AQ$_QUEUES b on a.objno = b.table_objno
a.objno IN (SELECT newtab.objectno FROM newtab);
I have used a subquery here, join to the aq$ can work as well.
Reading the comments and all I think you need to enhance your Excel with 2 additional columns and load to a new table.
IN can be used in the following way too:
aq$_queue_tables a
AQ$_QUEUES b ON a.objno = b.table_objno
(a.objno,a.table_comment,b.queue_comment) IN (19551,'something','something');
so with the new table will be:
(a.objno,a.table_comment,b.queue_comment) IN
(select n.objno, n.table_comment, n.queue_comment from new_table n)

SQL - LEFT JOIN and WHERE statement to show just first row

I read many threads but didn't get the right solution to my problem. It's comparable to this Thread
I have a query, which gathers data and writes it per shell script into a csv file:
'"Dose History ID"' = d.dhs_id,
'"TxFieldPoint ID"' = tp.tfp_id,
'"TxFieldPointHistory ID"' = tph.tph_id,
FROM txfield t
LEFT JOIN txfielpoint tp ON t.fld_id = tp.fld_id
LEFT JOIN txfieldpoint_hst tph ON fh.fhs_id = tph.fhs_id
WHERE d.dhs_id NOT IN ('1000', '10000')
AND ...
ORDER BY d.datetime,...;
This is based on an very big database with lots of tables and machine values. I picked my columns of interest and linked them by their built-in table IDs. Now I have to reduce my result where I get many rows with same values and just the IDs are changed. I just need one(first) row of "tph.tph_id" with the mechanics like
WHERE "Rownumber" is 1
or something like this. So far i couldn't implement a proper subquery or use the ROW_NUMBER() SQL function. Your help would be very appreciated. The Result looks like this and, based on the last ID, I just need one row for every og this numbers (all IDs are not strictly consecutive).
I think "GROUP BY" may suit your needs.
You can group rows with the same values for a set of columns into a single row

SQL - multiple conditions in DCount() function

I am using MS Access 2007.
A: DCount("[Name]","[Main]","[Name] = 'Mark'")/
DCount("[Entry]","[Main]","[Entry] = 1")
Okay, so I am basically counting the number of people with the name Mark and I am dividing it by the number of Entry's that = 1 in my database. That's easy enough, but I am trying to apply a third condition, where
[Location]![City] = 'Chicago'
, but Access isn't letting me do this (It can't find the table, even though it's in the table I specified above.
DCount("[Name]","[Main]","[Name] = 'Mark' AND [Location]![City] = 'Chicago'")/
DCount("[Entry]","[Main]","[Entry] = 1")
I have also tried filtering the city with a Where clause in the Design view, but the condition is being applied after the calculation above, so the calculation is the same regardless of the city. I just need it to perform the above calculation for the city of Chicago.
Is something like this possible with DCount?
Also, I would die a happy man if you could tell me how to Group By the city While performing the calculations for each one separately, but I would also be very thankful if someone could just show me how to do it the first way too.
What is [Location]![City]? My answer is based on the presumption it refers to a field named City in a table named Location.
If that is correct, I think your problem is because you're attempting to specify a condition based on a field which is not part of the domain ([Main]) you told DCount to use.
From Microsoft's Documentation, the domain is "A string expression identifying the set of records that constitutes the domain. It can be a table name or a query name for a query that does not require a parameter."
So if you want your DCount criteria to refer to fields in two tables, consolidate the tables in the form of a query into a single "domain". Maybe your query could be something like this, "qryMainWithCity":
SELECT m.[Name], m.Entry, m.City_ID, l.City
Main AS m
INNER JOIN Location AS l
ON m.City_ID = l.City_ID;
If that query works for your situation, you should be able to get what you want with a DCount expression like this:
DCount("*","qryMainWithCity","[Name] = 'Mark' AND City = 'Chicago'")
I was just posting the same answer as #HansUp's came up. I have an alternative way to do it, and that's to use an instant recordset lookup:
Dim varReturnValue as Variant
varReturnValue = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT Main.[Name] FROM Main INNER JOIN Location ON Main.City_ID = Location.City_ID WHERE Main.[Name] = 'Mark' AND Location.City = 'Chicago';")(0)
That returns the first field in the recordset returned (the index is zero-based). That way you don't have to save a query.