The Swift 3 IteratorProtocol documentation says : "Copying an iterator is safe, but advancing one copy of an iterator by calling its next() method may invalidate other copies of that iterator."
So, this might not work:
var i = set.makeIterator()
while let obji = {
var j = i
while let objj = { // Possible error : might invalidate i
...some code...
So, I wrote this:
var objects = [Object](set)
for i in 0..<objects.count {
for j in (i+1)..<objects.count {
...some code...
But isn't there a way to do the same thing without copying the set in an array?
I have some tests which have some variables that hold some important data and I'd like to print their data when an assertion fails. Getting the data I need consumes the variables, so the printing code must own the variables. In this example, I'd want to call dump_foo_data once an assertion fails:
struct Foo();
fn dump_foo_data(f: Foo) {
eprintln!("Behold, Foo data: ");
fn my_test() {
let f = Foo();
// do a test
let success = true;
// do another test
let success = false;
I can make a very bad solution by making dump_foo_data non-returning and panic:
fn dump_foo_data(f: Foo) -> ! {
eprintln!("Behold, Foo data: ");
Then instead of using assert!, I check the failure with an if and maybe call dump_foo_data:
let success = true;
if !success {
This is too many lines of code, and I need to specify f. In reality, I have more than one variable like f that I need to dump data from, so it's not very nice to list out single relevant local variable in every check.
I couldn't figure out how to write a macro to make this better because I'd still need to pass every relevant local variable to the macro.
I couldn't think of a way to use std::panic either. update_hook would need to take ownership of f, then I couldn't use it in tests.
Is there any good way to do this in Rust?
Edit: I've thought of another approach: put each relevant local in an Rc then pass each of those to std::panic::update_hook. I've not confirmed whether this'll work yet.
Edit 2: Maybe I could abuse break to do what I explained with goto in a comment.
One way that doesn't use any macro or shared-interior-mutability-reference magic might be to repossess f:
fn check_or_dump(success: bool, f: Foo) -> Foo {
match success {
true => f,
false => panic!("Behold foo data: {:?}", dump_foo_data(f)),
You use it like this:
let f = Foo();
let success = true;
let f = check_or_dump(success, f);
let success = false;
let f = check_or_dump(success, f);
// and so on.
Here's a solution without macro or interior mutability and that doesn't require you to list all the variables on each check. It is inspired by this answer:
struct Foo();
fn dump_foo_data(_f: Foo) {
eprintln!("Behold, Foo data: ");
fn my_test() {
let f = Foo();
let doit = || -> Option<()> {
// do a test
let success = true;
// do another test
let success = false;
if let None = doit() {
dump_foo_data (f);
panic!("Test failure");
I've worked out a solution using the panic handler:
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::panic::PanicInfo;
thread_local! {
static TL_PANIC_TARGETS: RefCell<Vec<Rc<dyn PanicTrigger>>> = RefCell::new(vec![]);
pub trait PanicTrigger {
fn panic_trigger(self: Rc<Self>);
pub fn register_panic_trigger<P: PanicTrigger + 'static>(p: Rc<P>) {
TL_PANIC_TARGETS.with(|v: _| {
fn set_panic_hook() {
let old_hook = std::panic::take_hook();
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |pi: &PanicInfo| {
fn run_panic_triggers(_: &PanicInfo) {
TL_PANIC_TARGETS.with(|v: _| {
for pt in v.take() {
struct Foo();
fn dump_foo_data(_f: Foo) {
eprintln!("Behold, Foo data: ");
impl PanicTrigger for Cell<Option<Foo>> {
fn panic_trigger(self: Rc<Self>) {
if let Some(f) = self.take() {
fn my_test() {
let f = Rc::new(Cell::new(Some(Foo())));
let success = true;
let success = false;
fn main() { }
Basically, you put the relevant data in an Rc and keep a local reference and put one in TLS for the panic handler. You need to put it in an Option in a Cell so that you can move out of it.
Types that don't need to be owned to print relevant data can be registered too, and you don't need to implement PanicTrigger on a Cell<Option<T>>, just T.
This is thread-safe.
Because the data is so wrapped up, it's harder to manipulate in the test body. But now you can use normal assert!. It's a trade-off.
I am doing a project for nand2tetris. We write a program in Jack and test it on VMEmulator. The class looks like this:
class List {
field int data;
field List next;
/* Creates a new List object. */
constructor List new(int car, List cdr) {
let data = car;
let next = cdr;
return this;
/* Disposes this List by recursively disposing its tail. */
method void dispose() {
if (~(next = null)) {
do next.dispose();
// Use an OS routine to recycle the memory held by this object.
do Memory.deAlloc(this);
/* Prints the list*/
method void print() {
do Output.printString(" -> ");
do Output.printInt(data);
if (~(next = null)) {
do next.print();
/* Inserts the argument in the right position of the list (ascending order)*/
method void insertInOrder(int ins){
var List prev, curr, insert;
let prev = this;
let curr = prev.getnext();
while (ins > prev.getdata()){
if (ins < curr.getdata()){
let insert =, curr);
do prev.setnext(insert);
let prev = prev.getnext();
let curr = prev.getnext();
/* Searches the argument in the list, if found, it returns the corresponding List object*/
method List find(int toFind){
var List temp;
var List equal;
var boolean found;
let temp = this;
let found = false;
while (~(next = null)){
if(toFind = temp.getdata()){
let equal = temp;
let found = true;
let temp = temp.getnext();
if (found){
return equal;
return null;
method List getnext(){
return next;
method void setnext(List object){
let next = object;
method int getdata(){
return data;
It has one private variable data and a pointer next. So I wrote getter and setter method to return those values. Other methods are fine only the getdata()method is incorrect. When it runs through the VMEmulator, it shows the error Out of segment space in List.getdata.3. This shows in the VMEmulator.
0function List.getdata0
1push argument0
2pop pointer0
3push this 0
the error is at the 4th line return. When I change the Jack code, the same error is still at the 4th line.
What exactly is the problem in my getter method?
When you run a VM program on the VMEmulator you must first manually set the pointers to the various segments, otherwise you may get an "Out of segment space" error.
To understand the necessary settings, look at what the corresponding .tst file does. An alternative method is to insert the proposed code inside a function, since the function call automatically makes this type of setting.
You can get this error when you try to access member data of an object which is not constructed. Could it be that the List cdr in the constructor was not properly constructed?
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I have a chat controller with a WKInterfaceTable of canned messages and each table row is a different kind of rowController that comes with a WKInterfaceTable in WatchKit.
Each rowController references a MessageSource and MessageType which is defined in an enum.
The declaration of my enum looks good but the implementation syntax of the related dictionary needs some help.
Another issue related to the same blocks is the Swift conversion of my properties. I'm not sure if I have declared them correctly therefore they may be affecting the same blocks.
I have tried to trim as much code as possible because I know SO likes it that way. There are a few references in different functions though so I included what was needed to keep things explicit.
typedef enum {
MessageSourceIncoming = 1,
MessageSourceOutgoing = 2
} MessageSource;
typedef enum {
MessageTypeText = 1,
MessageTypeVoice = 2,
MessageTypeImage = 3
} MessageType;
- (void)setupTable {
_messages = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < rand()%20; i++) {
[_messages addObject:#{#"msg":#[#"Hi", #"OK", #"Nice to meet you", #"Fine"][rand()%4], #"source":#(rand()%2), #"type":#(rand()%3)}];
// clear the table rows
[_table removeRowsAtIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, _table.numberOfRows)]];
for (int i = 0; i < _messages.count; i++) {
NSDictionary *messageDic = _messages[i];
[self insertRowForMessage:messageDic];
- (void)willActivate {
[_table scrollToRowAtIndex:_table.numberOfRows - 1];
if (_shouldSendVoice) {
NSDictionary *messageDic = #{#"source":#(MessageSourceOutgoing), #"type":#(MessageTypeVoice), #"path":_shouldSendVoice};
[_messages addObject:messageDic];
[self insertRowForMessage:messageDic];
_shouldSendVoice = nil;
Let's break it down:
enum MessageSource: Int {
case MessageSourceIncoming = 1
case MessageSourceOutgoing = 2
enum MessageType: Int {
case MessageTypeText = 1
case MessageTypeVoice = 2
case MessageTypeImage = 3
Nothing wrong with enums, however it's a question whether you need to give them integer values. You don't have to assign every value though:
enum MessageType: Int {
case MessageTypeText = 1
case MessageTypeVoice
case MessageTypeImage
would work just fine and the values would be the same.
var chat = NSDictionary()
var messages = NSMutableArray()
var shouldSendVoice = NSString()
chat should probably be a Swift dictionary but we don't have enough information to set the type so I will skip it.
shouldSendVoice looks like a boolean, why should we assign a NSString to it? I am not sure how you are using that one, so I won't rename it but let's make an optional string from it.
messages should be a Swift array. Let's create a type for Message:
struct Message {
let message: String?
let source: MessageSource
let type: MessageType
let path: String?
var chat = NSDictionary() // let's ignore this
var messages: [Message] = [] // empty swift array of messages
var shouldSendVoice: String? = nil // optional String
Now, let's just rewrite the rest:
override func willActivate() {
self.table.scrollToRowAtIndex(table.numberOfRows - 1)
// in Obj-C this was checking for nil!, we have to check explicitly in Swift
if let shouldSendVoice = self.shouldSendVoice {
// let's not use Dictionaries for custom objects
let message = Message(message: nil, source: .MessageSourceIncoming, type: .MessageTypeVoice, path: shouldSendVoice)
// I think you don't want new String here, just `nil`
shouldSendVoice = nil
func setupTable() {
// let's use a saner way to generate randoms
let numMessages = Int(arc4random_uniform(20))
self.messages = (0..<numMessages).map { _ in
let message = // randomize the message
let source = // randomize source
let type = // randomize type
return Message(message: message, source: source, type: type, path: nil)
// let's split multiple operations into separate lines to make code more readable
let indicesToRemove = NSIndexSet(indexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, table.numberOfRows))
// let's use for-in without using an index
for message in messages {
Objective-C would not allow you to run the following code:
myShape.origin.x = 50
This made it easy to detect changes in the origin, since someone using your class was forced to write myShape.origin = newOrigin, and thus you could easily tie in to the setter of this property.
Swift now allows you to perform the original, formerly-disallowed code. Assuming the following class structure, how would you detect the change to the origin in order to execute your own code (e.g. to update the screen)?
struct Point {
var x = 0
var y = 0
class Shape {
var origin: Point = Point()
Update: Perhaps I should have been more explicit, but assume I don't want to modify the Point struct. The reason is that Shape is but one class that uses Point, there may very well be hundreds of others, not to mention that the origin is not the only way a Point may be used.
Property observers (willSet and didSet) do fire when sub-properties of that property are changed. In this case, when the x or y values of the Point structure change, that property will be set.
Here is my example playground code:
struct Point : Printable
var x = 0
var y = 0
var description : String {
return "(\(x), \(y))";
class Shape
var origin : Point = Point()
println("Changing origin to \(newOrigin.description)!")
let circle = Shape()
circle.origin.x = 42
circle.origin.y = 77
And here is the console output:
Changing origin to (42, 0)!
Changing origin to (42, 77)!
Doesn't this work?
class Shape {
var origin: Point {
willSet(aNewValueForOrigin) {
// pre flight code
didSet(theOldValueOfOrigin) {
// post flight code
Edit: revisited code and added name of arguments to reflect what to expect.
You can use Property Observers also works for structs
Link to the part on the ebook
class StepCounter {
var totalSteps: Int = 0 {
willSet(newTotalSteps) {
println("About to set totalSteps to \(newTotalSteps)")
didSet {
if totalSteps > oldValue {
println("Added \(totalSteps - oldValue) steps")
let stepCounter = StepCounter()
stepCounter.totalSteps = 200
// About to set totalSteps to 200
// Added 200 steps
stepCounter.totalSteps = 360
// About to set totalSteps to 360
// Added 160 steps
stepCounter.totalSteps = 896
// About to set totalSteps to 896
// Added 536 steps
Use didSet, e.g.,
struct Point {
var x = 0
var y: Int = 0 {
didSet {
println("blah blah")
class Shape {
var origin: Point = Point()
let s = Shape()
s.origin.y = 2
I'm wondering about JScript.NET private variables. Please take a look on the following code:
import System;
import System.Windows.Forms;
import System.Drawing;
var jsPDF = function(){
var state = 0;
var beginPage = function(){
state = 2;
var out = function(text){
if(state == 2){
var st = 3;
MessageBox.Show(text + ' ' + state);
var addHeader = function(){
return {
endDocument: function(){
state = 1;
beginDocument: function(){
var j = new jsPDF();
beginPage 2
header 2
endDocument 2
if I run the same script in any browser, the output is:
beginPage 2
header 1
endDocument 1
Why it is so??
Just a guess, but it appears that JScript.NET doesn't support closures the same way as EMCAScript, so the state variable in endDocument() isn't referencing the private member of the outer function, but rather an local variable (undeclared). Odd.
You don't have to use new when calling jsPDF here since you're using a singleton pattern. jsPDF is returning an object literal so even without new you'll have access to the beginPage and endDocument methods. To be perfectly honest I don't know what the specifications call for when using new on a function that returns an object literal so I'm not sure if JScript.NET is getting it wrong or the browser. But for now try either getting rid of the new before jsPDF() or change your function to this:
var jsPDF = function(){
var state = 0;
var beginPage = function(){
state = 2;
var out = function(text){
if(state == 2){
var st = 3;
MessageBox.Show(text + ' ' + state);
var addHeader = function(){
this.endDocument = function(){
state = 1;
this.beginDocument: function(){
That will allow you to use the new keyword and create more than one jsPDF object.
I've come across the same problem. In the following code, the closure bound to fun should contain only one variable called result. As the code stands, the variable result in the function with one parameter seems to be different to the result variable in the closure.
If in this function the line
result = [];
is removed, then the result in the line
return result;
refers to the result in the closure.
var fun = function() {
var result = [];
// recursive descent, collects property names of obj
// dummy parameter does nothing
var funAux = function(obj, pathToObj, dummy) {
if (typeof obj === "object") {
for (var propName in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
funAux(obj[propName], pathToObj.concat(propName), dummy);
else {
// at leaf property, save path to leaf
return function(obj) {
// remove line below and `result' 3 lines below is `result' in closure
result = []; // does not appear to be bound to `result' above
funAux(obj, [], "dummy");
return result; // if result 2 lines above is set, result is closure is a different variable