How do I extend boost property_tree to handle custom types? - boost-propertytree

Boost PropertyTree allows serialization of custom types by providing a specialization of translator_between, but I couldn't find any documentation, and the code can be quite cryptic.

The general pattern for a custom type CustomType is:
namespace boost {
namespace property_tree {
struct translator_between<KeyType, CustomType>
struct type {
typedef KeyType internal_type;
typedef CustomType external_type;
boost::optional<external_type> get_value(const internal_type& str);
boost::optional<internal_type> put_value(const external_type& obj);
} // namespace property_tree
} // namespace boost
KeyType must be std::string for ptree and iptree, and in general must be identical to the first template argument of your basic_ptree. You could make type a template if you're into that sort of thing.
The two typedefs internal_type and external_type are mandatory, they are used in detail::is_translator<Translator> in ptree_utils.hpp.
Note that you could make translator_between::type a typedef, but you don't technically need to. I suspect they do it in all the examples to make the definition marginally prettier.
The arguments of get_value and put_value don't necessarily need to be const &, but I can't think of a reason to change that.
Beware in general of where you put your declarations of translator_between, especially if the streaming operators are overloaded for your CustomType. In this case you should probably put the translator_between next to the declarations of the operators.


How to handle conflicting function names when implementing multiple interfaces?

I have an interface defined in C# that implements IEnumerable. The implementation of the interface will be done in C++/WinRT as it needs direct access to native code. When I attempt to implement this interface using C++/WinRT, the generated header/implementation contains two 'First()' functions (one from IIterable, and one from IBindableIterable) with different return types. Obviously this isn't going to compile.
Is there some way to "rename" one (or both) of the conflicting functions in the IDL file? C++/CX had a work around that allowed you to use a different function name and then 'bind' it back to the interface name.
Simplified example code below:
public interface IUInt32Array : IEnumerable<uint> {}
runtimeclass UInt32Array : IUInt32Array
UInt32Array(UInt32 size);
IDL Generated Header:
struct UInt32Array : UInt32ArrayT<UInt32Array>
UInt32Array(uint32_t size);
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IIterator<uint32_t> First(); // <-- Problem
Windows::UI::Xaml::Interop::IBindableIterator First(); // <-- Problem
A solution for this specific problem is to use a combination of 'auto' as the declared return type for the First() function implementation, and to return a type with conversion operators for the two different return types.
Here is an example showing how this was solved in the CppWinRT source code. The linked source code is for the base_collections_vector.h header, specifically see the convertible_observable_vector::First() function (replicated below).
auto First() {
struct result {
container_type* container;
operator wfc::IIterator<T>() {
return static_cast<base_type*>(container)->First();
operator wfc::IIterator<Windows::Foundation::IInspectable>() {
return make<iterator>(container);
return result{ this };
Notice here that the function itself is defined as returning auto, which allows us to return an intermediate type. This intermediate type then implements conversion operators for converting to the type expected by the caller. This works for this particular problem as the generated CppWinRT source code immediately assigns the result of the call to a value of the expected type, thus immediately causing the invocation of the conversion operators which in turn return the final correct iterator type.
Thanks to Kenny Kerr who pointed me at both the example and a write-up explaining the above.

How to create an enum for both Swift and ObjC with standard naming?

I am writing an OS X/iOS framework in Objective-C, and I would like for the framework to be useful for developers using either Objective-C or Swift.
In normal Objective-C enums are defined like this (this example is taken directly from Apple's own UIView class reference).
typedef enum {
} UIViewAnimationCurve;
To make this enum Swift-friendly, my understanding is that it should be declared like this.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIViewAnimationCurve) {
This allows the enum to be accessed in the style of let curve: UIViewAnimationCurve = .EaseInOut from Swift.
My problem is that the NS_ENUM and underscore method produces strangely named enums when used from Objective-C. The NS_ENUM method allows dot notation to be used from Swift, but it also means that any ObjC code will need to use an underscore in the enumerated name, which is undesirable.
How can I allow dot notation for Swift while still preserving Objective-C style naming conventions for within ObjC code?
You simply follow the usual convention – no underscoring is necessary. Swift compiler is smart enough to just cut the common prefix out (the part that matches the enum type name). You do have to use an NS_ENUM for the enum to be made visible to Swift, but it's good practice anyway.
Case in point, for instance UIViewAnimationCurve is defined in an Objective-C header in just the form you describe in your first code example and works just fine in Swift:
If you define it like this:
typedef long TrafficLightColor NS_TYPED_ENUM;
TrafficLightColor const TrafficLightColorRed;
TrafficLightColor const TrafficLightColorYellow;
TrafficLightColor const TrafficLightColorGreen;
if get compiled to swift like this:
struct TrafficLightColor: RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable {
typealias RawValue = Int
init(rawValue: RawValue)
var rawValue: RawValue { get }
static var red: TrafficLightColor { get }
static var yellow: TrafficLightColor { get }
static var green: TrafficLightColor { get }
Looks like what you need, anyway take a look at:

How can I simplify my deserialization framework?

I have a Serialization interface which is designed to encapsulate the differences between XML/JSON/binary serialization for my application. It looks something like this:
interface Serialization {
bool isObject();
int opApply(int delegate(string member, Serialization value) del); //iterate object
int toInt(); //this part is ugly, but without template member overloading, I
long toLong(); //figure out any way to apply generics here, so all basic types
... //have a toType primitive
string toString();
class JSONSerialization : Serialization {
private JSON json;
long toLong() {
enforce(json.type == JSON_TYPE.NUMBER, SerializationException.IncorrectType);
return cast(long)json.toNumber();
So, what I then set up is a set of templates for registering type deserializers and calling them:
registerTypeDeserializer!Vec3(delegate Vec3(Serialization s) {
return Vec3(s[0].toFloat, s[1].toFloat, s[2].toFloat);
auto v = parseJSON("some file").deserialize!Vec3;
registerTypeDeserializer!Light(delegate Light(Serialization s) {
return new Light(s["intensity"].toFloat, s["position"].deserialize!Vec3);
This works well for structs and simple classes, and with the new parameter identifier tuple and parameter default value tuple I should even be able to add automatic deserializer generation. However, I don't really like the inconsistency between basic and user defined types, and more importantly, complex types have to rely on global state to acquire references:
static MaterialLibrary materials;
registerTypeDeserializer!Model(delegate Model(Serialization s) {
return new Model(materials.borrow(s["material"].toString), ...);
That's where it really falls apart. Because I can't (without a proliferation of register deserializer functions) pass other parameters to the deserializer, I'm having difficulty avoiding ugly global factories. I've thought about eliminating the deserialize template, and requiring a deserialize function (which could accept multiple parameters) for each user defined type, but that seems like a lot of work for e.g. POD structs.
So, how can I simplify this design, and hopefully avoid tons of boilerplate deserializers, while still allowing me to inject object factories appropriately, instead of assigning them globally?
Basic types can be read using readf \ formattedRead, so you can create a wrapper function that uses this formattedRead it possible, otherwise it uses a static function from the desired type to read the value. Something like this:
auto _readFrom(T)(string s){
static if(__traits(compiles,(readf("",cast(T*)(null))))){
T result;
return result;
return T.readFrom(s);

Obj-C++: template metafunction for recognizing Objective-C classes?

Using Objective-C++, can I write a C++ IsObjectiveCClass<T> template metafunction such that IsObjectiveCClass<T>::value is true if and only if T is an Objective-C class?
Exactly what are ObjC classes from the viewpoint of the C / C++ subset of the language? When used in a C / C++ context, MyClass* pointers seem to behave like ordinary C pointers; does that mean that MyClass is also a C type?
Here is a simplistic solution that should work in most (if not all? Can anyone think of when this might fail?) cases (it uses clang 3.0 via xcode 4.2 - use typedefs instead of using aliases for earlier clang versions):
template<class T> struct IsObjectiveCClass
using yesT = char (&)[10];
using noT = char (&)[1];
static yesT choose(id);
static noT choose(...);
static T make();
enum { value = sizeof(choose(make())) == sizeof(yesT) };
You can read my most recent rant about ObjC++ in this question. Avoid it as much as you can possibly get away with. Definitely don't try to integrate Objective-C into C++ template metaprogramming. The compiler might actually rip a hole in space.
Hyperbole aside, what you're trying to do is likely impossible. Objective-C classes are just structs. (C++ classes actually just structs too.) There's not much compile-time introspection available.
An id is a C pointer to a struct objc_object. At runtime, every object is an id, no matter its class.
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
As with the accepted answer, you can test whether the type is convertible to id, in C++17:
template <typename T>
struct is_objc_ptr : std::integral_constant<bool,
std::is_convertible_v<T, id> && !std::is_null_pointer_v<T>> {};
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_objc_ptr_v = is_objc_ptr<T>::value;
static_assert(!is_objc_ptr_v<char *>);
static_assert(is_objc_ptr_v<NSObject *>);
I don't know of a way to discover ObjC inheritance relationships at compile-time; in theory they're changeable at runtime so you would have to query the runtime.
If you look at the implementation of the C++ STL library in Xcode, you can follow the template specialization models of others like std::is_integral or std::is_floating_point:
template <class T> struct isObjcObject : public std::false_type { };
template <> struct isObjcObject<id> : public std::true_type { };
where std::false_type and std::true_type are defined in the <type_traits> header file.
If for whatever reason you don't have std::false_type and std::true_type (depending on your C++ version), you can define them yourself as such:
template<bool B> struct boolean_constant { static constexpr const bool value = B; };
template <class T> struct isObjcObject : public boolean_constant<false> { };
template <> struct isObjcObject<id> : public boolean_constant<true> { };
Note that you can also do this for Objective-C classes too:
template <class T> struct isObjcClass : public std::false_type { };
template <> struct isObjcClass<Class> : public std::true_type { };
I would create a template specialisation for 'id' and 'NSObject*', but you'll always be working against the language because the ObjC type system is not the C++ type system.
Similar to Doug's answer, but slightly simpler:
template<typename T>
inline constexpr bool is_objc_v = std::is_convertible_v<id,T>;
Checking that id is convertible to T – instead of the other way around – avoids false positives for C++ types which have a user-defined implicit conversion to an Obj-C type.

AutoPtr in C++/CLI mixed mode

I have a C++/CLI wrapper around native .lib and .h files. I use the AutoPtr class pretty extensively in the wrapper class to manage the unmanaged objects I create for wrapping. I have hit a roadblock with the copy constructor/assignment operator.
Using the AutoPtr class from Mr. Kerr:
He suggests the following(in the comments) to recreate the behavior of the assignment operator:
SomeManagedClass->NativePointer.Reset(new NativeType);
Which I believe is true. But when I compile my code:
ByteMessageWrap (const ByteMessageWrap% rhs)
AutoPtr<ByteMessage> m_NativeByteMessage(rhs.m_NativeByteMessage.GetPointer());
ByteMessageWrap% operator=(const ByteMessageWrap% rhs)
//SomeManagedClass->NativePointer.Reset(new NativeType);
if (this == %rhs) // prevent assignment to self
return *this;
return *this;
-- I get the following errors:
error C2662:
'WrapTest::AutoPtr::GetPointer' :
cannot convert 'this' pointer from
'const WrapTest::AutoPtr' to
'WrapTest::AutoPtr %'
Has anyone experienced similar issues?
For further background on the answer, I removed the "const" keyword from the signature. I know that is not smiled upon in terms of code correctness for a copy ctor, but the CLR doesn't like it at all -- sort of belies the CLR at its core with memory management.
I wonder if it's possible to leave the const in the signature and then use GCHandle or pin_ptr to make sure memory doesn't move on you while performing the copy?
Looking at Kenny Kerr's AutoPtr, it transfers ownership in its constructor -- essentially a "move" constructor rather than a copy constructor. This is analogous with std::auto_ptr.
If you really want to transfer ownership from rhs to this (i.e. leave rhs without it NativeByteMessage), you need to change your copy ctor into a move ctor.
Also, you need to use initialization syntax;
// warning - code below doesn't work
ByteMessageWrap (ByteMessageWrap% rhs)
: m_NativeByteMessage(rhs.m_NativeByteMessage); // take ownership
ByteMessageWrap% operator=(ByteMessageWrap% rhs)
//SomeManagedClass->NativePointer.Reset(new NativeType);
if (this == %rhs) // prevent assignment to self
return *this;
return *this;