How to create an issue related to a pull request for a public Apache (or other) repository - apache

As an open source Oozie newbie user, I found the need of improving a few line of its source code, thus I forked another Oozie repository for myself, created a branch for the fix, pushed my change to that branch, and then made a pull request for that: ( )
But based on github document, a pull request should correspond to an ìssue. As the Apache (or Mapr) repository is public (, I cannot create an issue in github. So I only created the issue in apache jira (
But in practice, my created issue in Jira and my pull request have not linked to each other at all. Anyone has suggestion on this impasse?

The github repository is just a mirror, as shown by this screenshot:
So doing a pull request won't help. The correct way to submit a code change is explained here.


How to see who created repository in GraphDB

There are some repositories on this page , how can see who have created which repository ?
Currently there's no way to tell who created which repository. There's a way to audit the user actions, which needs to be configured -

bitbucket webhook to jenkins with branch name

i have a bitbucket repo that sends webhook to trigger jenkins job.
i want to send with the webhook the bitbucket branch name,
so i search the web for the right way to use Environment variables on bit bucket and i've found this site:
so i've edited the url with an "&branch=$BITBUCKET_BRANCH" at the end, but it won't work.
any ideas what should i do in order to send the webhook with the branch name?
i saw that there is something called Bitbucket event payload.
which is a json that contains all of the details about the webhook:
but i can't figure a way how to use it and pull it's data from jenkins.
i think that, this is the way to solve this, but i don't know how to use it.
i've found a way to do it, it works for me.
you need to use the bitbucket plugin: Bitbucket Plugin
then inside the job you need to specify the branch that will trigger the job after a push and check the marked checkbox:
then on the bitbucket create a webhook with the following URL:
http://:/bitbucket-hook/ Like so:
then push something to this repository and that branch, and there you go!
if you try to push to a different branch, the job won't be triiggered
The $BITBUCKET_BRANCH is only available in the Jenkins job. You are just literally passing the text "$BITBUCKET_BRANCH as the "branch" parameter. You can't pass in an environment variable like that.
$BITBUCKET_BRANCH may simply be available in the job, depending on the version of Jenkins and type of job you are using. In a pipeline job, this would be easy to access (if you have the right version of things). You don't need to pass it in unless you are trying to give it some other branch. In that case, you will need to see if you can get the branch on the bitbucket side to pass in to Jenkins.
Have you tried using jenkins-like variable ${BITBUCKET_BRANCH} instead of $BITBUCKET_BRANCH which is more shell-like variable?

Gerrit permission to review a specific path

Im currently working on a big project with more then one team.
Lets say in the project there are some modules that each team working on.
In addition we are using gerrit for sometime now and there is something i couldn't find out.
My question is the following:
Is there a way to tell Gerrit that only specific people/group(on Gerrit) will have permission to review code (+2) on specific path/module on the project?
This is possible, and can be achieved by using the Gerrit OWNERS Plugin. I haven't configured this plugin myself, but we use this in our codebase to protect certain areas of code.
Every folder that needs protection contains a file named OWNERS that has the following structure.
inherited: true
Here is the link to a readme for the plugin. Hope you can figure out how to configure it.
I think you can do this by making two separate commits. You can later add the group that you want to review the code on that specific path using gerrit interface.

Can I delete my fork of a BitBucket repository, after the owner has accepted and merged my pull request?

I created a fork of a public repository on BitBucket, with the sole purpose of committing a pull request that fixed some bug. The pull request was accepted and merged. Now, I want to delete the repository, that has outlived its purpose. If I do that, will the changes be lost?
There is already a question about this same issue, but for GitHub. Apparently, on GitHub you can delete the repository before the request has been even merged, as it gets automatically saved in the target repository. I guess that on BitBucket, things will be similar, but I wanted to be sure.
I would say if things work as expected on GitHub, then they would work on BitBucket. If the pull request was "accepted and merged", then nothing you do to your personal repository will modify the repository that has merged in your changes.
I'm not sure if you could do it before it's merged, but you certainly should be able to afterwards.

Refreshing Repository Cache in Pentaho

I wanted to know if there is a way to refresh the Pentaho Repository cache using ant. We have a build setup to pull all the new reports/jobs etc from version control and update the pentaho solution. I'm just stuck at the last step of refreshing the Solution Repository Cache so that the newly updated/added reports/jobs ect could be used.
My last option was to refresh Pentaho webapp in Tomcat but it would have been really nice to have an ant job or a http request that could be made from ant to refresh the cache.
Thanks in advance.
Look at this jira issue:
You can use this url to refresh cache repository.