Refreshing Repository Cache in Pentaho - pentaho

I wanted to know if there is a way to refresh the Pentaho Repository cache using ant. We have a build setup to pull all the new reports/jobs etc from version control and update the pentaho solution. I'm just stuck at the last step of refreshing the Solution Repository Cache so that the newly updated/added reports/jobs ect could be used.
My last option was to refresh Pentaho webapp in Tomcat but it would have been really nice to have an ant job or a http request that could be made from ant to refresh the cache.
Thanks in advance.

Look at this jira issue:
You can use this url to refresh cache repository.


How to see who created repository in GraphDB

There are some repositories on this page , how can see who have created which repository ?
Currently there's no way to tell who created which repository. There's a way to audit the user actions, which needs to be configured -

After deploy taking time to reflect changes

I have a project which is built-in ReactJs. and I am using s3 and CloudFront for deployment.
I am facing an issue whenever I deploy code after deployment it takes too much time to reflect changes. sometimes I have to manually clear browser cookies for the latest changes. Do I need to configure S3 or CloudFront settings?
Follow this steps:
Go to cloudfront :
Do invalidation of objects
Create entry /*
Reference :

How to create an issue related to a pull request for a public Apache (or other) repository

As an open source Oozie newbie user, I found the need of improving a few line of its source code, thus I forked another Oozie repository for myself, created a branch for the fix, pushed my change to that branch, and then made a pull request for that: ( )
But based on github document, a pull request should correspond to an ìssue. As the Apache (or Mapr) repository is public (, I cannot create an issue in github. So I only created the issue in apache jira (
But in practice, my created issue in Jira and my pull request have not linked to each other at all. Anyone has suggestion on this impasse?
The github repository is just a mirror, as shown by this screenshot:
So doing a pull request won't help. The correct way to submit a code change is explained here.

Priming pentaho bi server cache

I need to priming cache to Pentaho BI Server. I'm using Pentaho Data Integration, mondrian and pentaho bi server. I want precache my dashboard, but i dont know how to make this. I try wget with spider option, but this dont make any change.
Open up the CDA file in the user console and you'll be able to get a URL to get the CDA data. USe this url in a http get step in PDI to prime the cda cache.
OR to get the initial URLs just simply use firebug or similar to see what CDA urls are called when the dashboard loads and then call these urls from PDI.
Have you tried 'Scheduled Queries' in the CDA Cache Manager from the Pentaho BI Server?
It works for me (Pentaho 7) but I'm not using PDI.
You can have a look to this post:

Triggering iOS build/test job via Github pull request on CloudBees

I would like Jenkins to comment whether a merge passes or fails (much like Travis CI) on Github pull requests. I understand this is a feature on BuildHive. However, I cannot find an option on BuildHive for using customer provided slaves. My question is twofold:
Is there an option to limit builds to customer provided slaves on BuildHive?
Is there a way I could enable comments on pull requests using DEV#cloud (the actual job must be run on a customer provided slave)? If so, could you point me in the right direction to get this set up?
DEV#cloud can validate pull request as BuildHive does, with some additional configuration. See
Answering in the order of your questions:
BuildHive uses the Validated Merge plugin for Git from Jenkins Enterprise to enable Jenkins to perform pull requests and run the builds before doing a push to the main repo. That said, currently you cannot use Customer Provided Executors with BuildHive.
DEV#cloud: Normally, all Jenkins Enterprise plugins are available in a paid tier of DEV#cloud. However, this plugin is not - as the plugin sets up a git server within Jenkins - not easily achievable in a cloud setup. I have created a ticket on CloudBees support requesting that the plugin be made available and the engineering team will investigate into delivering the feature.
Meanwhile, if you like you can use Jenkins Enterprise to use the feature (however it is an on-premises solution).