Linking with android os settings in react native - react-native

I'm trying to link with android os settings page.
Going to Phone Dail with Linking is work.
Linking.openURL('tel: +959 XXXXXXXX');
Can I use Linking to link with android os settings page like android location settings page?

Linking.openURL can only open correctly formatted urls. There are no standardized urls for the android settings. You would have to write some native code to do this, and then build a React Native Module to trigger it.
Here is some example Android code:
public void openWifiSettings() {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS);
if (intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {


Leaflet: How To Open a Place In Google Map / Waze Native App and Use It To Navigate?

I am using Ionic React / React Native to develop a mobile app. I want to use Leaflet to display the static map and markers. If the user click the markers, I want to open the coordinate in Google Map / Waze / any native map application then use that native app to navigate the user into the marker.
Is there a way to open the marked place into native map apps?
Google Map provides cross-platform deep linking universal URLs. If the native Google Map app is installed. It will open with that app, otherwise, use the default web browser installed on user's device.
You can use React Native Linking API to dynamically link to a specific location.
import { Linking, Alert } from "react-native";
async function openWithGoogleMap() {
/** Google Map API offers different URL to deep link to various locatioon and map ressources.
* Check their docs -
const url =
const supported = await Linking.canOpenURL(url);
if (supported) {
// Opening the link with some app, if the URL scheme is "http" the web link should be opened
// by some browser in the mobile
await Linking.openURL(url);
} else {
Alert.alert(`Don't know how to open this URL: ${url}`);

Why Android App showing blank screen when coming out of an App with back button React Native Navigation?

I am working on React Native Application and integrated react-native-navigation package for navigation inside app, link of package
Android App got stuck and show blank screen. This happens if I am closing app using back button in case of Android app. At the end I have a listing screen, after reopen the application it shows blank screen because it's not calling Navigation.registerComponent again, it might be destroying app when closed using back button.
This is a code inside my index.js::
import { Navigation } from "react-native-navigation";
import App from './src/app';
Navigation.registerComponent("appName", () => App);
Killing the app and restarting would fix the stuck on splash screen issue. But shouldn't be stuck in the first place. Just an issue when closing through back button.
Does anyone have a fix for this? Please suggest how can I handle and call my Navigation.registerComponent once again after closing app using back button.
React Native Navigation version: 2.12.0
React Native version: 0.58
Platform(s) : Android only
To resolve this you need to make modification inside react-native-navigation package. Open file and replace below code with new one:
Replace this code:
public void invokeDefaultOnBackPressed() {
if (!navigator.handleBack(new CommandListenerAdapter())) {
With this one:
public void invokeDefaultOnBackPressed() {
if (!navigator.handleBack(new CommandListenerAdapter())) {
After saving your changes check on android device.

React Native: How to open a Bitcoin URL?

How do you open a Bitcoin URL in a react native app? I am using React Native Linking to detect if there are any apps on the phone that can open a Bitcoin URL formatted according to BIP21. I have 3 apps installed that should handle it:
1) Coinbase
2) Breadwallet
3) wallet
But it's not opening. Here's the code:
async _openWallet() {
const coinURL = 'bitcoin:15bMc6sQTiQ5jSqoRX3JzatAbQqJaffqup';
try {
const supported = await Linking.canOpenURL(coinURL);
if (supported) {
} else {
console.log('Could not find a compatible wallet on this device.');
} catch (error) {
supported keeps returning false, which causes "Could not find a compatible wallet..." to execute. The weird thing is if I click on a Bitcoin URL on any random website via the Chrome / Safari browser, I get a popup that asks me if I want to open the URL in one of the above apps. So only URLs on websites are opening, but not URLs from inside react native code.
Any ideas?
Looks like every URI scheme you want to use at runtime must be defined up-front in Info.plist. Found the answer here: React Native: Linking API not discovering Uber app

React Native Open settings through Linking.openURL in IOS

I want to open ios setting app from my app. the settings destination is [ settings => notification => myapp ]. to turn on & turn off push notification.
There are some documents about how to link to settings, but I don't know how to open deep link. (notification => myapp).
How can I do this?
You can deep-link referencing the settings's index like so:
Above method only for IOS
Since React Native 0.60 to open App settings use:
import { Linking } from 'react-native';
Open the app’s custom settings, if it has any.
Works for Android and iOS
Use Linking.openURL. For example, below is how to check and open Health app on iOS
import { Linking } from 'react-native'
async goToSettings() {
const healthAppUrl = 'x-apple-health://'
const canOpenHealthApp = await Linking.canOpenURL(healthAppUrl)
if (canOpenHealthApp) {
} else {
for iOS 14, this is how i open location service settings
tested in react native 0.63.4
To access specific settings screens, try this:
Linking to app-settings only opens the settings for the
Reference: iOS Launching Settings -> Restrictions URL Scheme (note that prefs changed to App-Prefs in iOS 6)
Try this one for Open Specific System URL - Linking.openURL('App-Prefs:{3}')
try this

Strophe js in Titanium Appcelerator?

I want to create a chat application in Titanium appcelerator using Strophe.js library. I have gone through strophe js libraries and their documents as well. I believe we can use strophe.js to build xmpp based chat app in web.
Thanks in advance, Can anyone please clarify the following doubts,
Is it possible to use strophe js inside our Titanium Appcelerator,If yes please suggest me how to use it. I tried to include the strophe js inside the titanium it shows can't find module error
Here's the code i tried with.
connection.register.connect("localhost:5280", callback, wait, hold);
var callback = function (status) {
if (status === Strophe.Status.REGISTER) {
connection.register.fields.username = "newuser";
connection.register.fields.password = "123456";
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.REGISTERED) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
console.log("logged in!");
} else {
// every other status a connection.connect would receive
Can you please suggest to use any other libraries that can be used inside the Titanium Appceleartor to build chat application using XMPP
Looks like Strophe is created to be used inside browser and modifying it to work inside Titanium is rather risky.
The only XMPP module for Titanium, which I could find is titanium-xmpp on GitHub.