How to simulate directional wind? - physics

I am currently developing hair strand system for my project. Currently I am using verlet integration to simulate gravity and wind.
Wind vector is currently just a vector. But I want to make a more realistic wind.
Is there any papers or articles that I should read about? Thanks.

It depends on how deep you want to go with the simulation. I suppose that you want something more interesting than uniform wind with varying direction and intensity.
I would suggest adding turbulent velocity to each strand with 3D Curl/Simplex noise. Even animated Perlin noise might be cheap and fast enough for your needs, but you might be able to get more dramatic effects with curl noise.
The original paper for curl noise is here:
You can also find several implementations of it, but the basic idea is still the same - perturbing particles according to an underlying flow-field.


Is programming a voxel based graphics API theoretically possible?

This is entirely a theoretical question because I understand the time it would take to do such a thing would be ridiculous
I've been working with "voxels" a lot lately and the only way I can display them to a user is to either triangulate the visible surfaces or make a CPU ray-tracer but both come with their own problems.
Simply put, if we dismiss the storage space needed for voxel meshs and targeted a very specific GPU would someone who was wanting to create a graphics API like OpenGL but with "true" voxel primitives that don't need to be converted be able to make such thing or are GPUs designed specifically for triangles with no way to introduce a new base primitive?
Its possible and it was already done many times
games like Minecraft,SpaceEngineers...
3D printing tools and slicers
MRI/PET scans tools
Yes rendering on GPU is possible with the two base methods you mention. Games usually use the transform to boundary representation 3D geometry. With rise of shaders even ray tracers are now possible here mine:
simple GLSL voxel ray tracer
using native OpenGL architecture and passing geometry as 3D texture. In order to obtain speed you need to add BVH or similar spatial subdivision of geometry...
However voxel based tools have been here for quite some time. For example many isometric games/engines are voxel based (tile is a voxel) like this one:
Improving performance of click detection on a staggered column isometric grid
Also do you remember UFO ? It was playable on x286 and it was also "voxel/tile" based isometric.

Correcting SLAM drift error using GPS measurements

I'm trying to figure out how to correct drift errors introduced by a SLAM method using GPS measurements, I have two point sets in euclidian 3d space taken at fixed moments in time:
The red dataset is introduced by GPS and contains no drift errors, while blue dataset is based on SLAM algorithm, it drifts over time.
The idea is that SLAM is accurate on short distances but eventually drifts, while GPS is accurate on long distances and inaccurate on short ones. So I would like to figure out how to fuse SLAM data with GPS in such way that will take best accuracy of both measurements. At least how to approach this problem?
Since your GPS looks like it is very locally biased, I'm assuming it is low-cost and doesn't use any correction techniques, e.g. that it is not differential. As you probably are aware, GPS errors are not Gaussian. The guys in this paper show that a good way to model GPS noise is as v+eps where v is a locally constant "bias" vector (it is usually constant for a few metters, and then changes more or less smoothly or abruptly) and eps is Gaussian noise.
Given this information, one option would be to use Kalman-based fusion, e.g. you add the GPS noise and bias to the state vector, and define your transition equations appropriately and proceed as you would with an ordinary EKF. Note that if we ignore the prediction step of the Kalman, this is roughly equivalent to minimizing an error function of the form
measurement_constraints + some_weight * GPS_constraints
and that gives you a more straigh-forward, second option. For example, if your SLAM is visual, you can just use the sum of squared reprojection errors (i.e. the bundle adjustment error) as the measurment constraints, and define your GPS constraints as ||x- x_{gps}|| where the x are 2d or 3d GPS positions (you might want to ignore the altitude with low-cost GPS).
If your SLAM is visual and feature-point based (you didn't really say what type of SLAM you were using so I assume the most widespread type), then fusion with any of the methods above can lead to "inlier loss". You make a sudden, violent correction, and augment the reprojection errors. This means that you lose inliers in SLAM's tracking. So you have to re-triangulate points, and so on. Plus, note that even though the paper I linked to above presents a model of the GPS errors, it is not a very accurate model, and assuming that the distribution of GPS errors is unimodal (necessary for the EKF) seems a bit adventurous to me.
So, I think a good option is to use barrier-term optimization. Basically, the idea is this: since you don't really know how to model GPS errors, assume that you have more confidance in SLAM locally, and minimize a function S(x) that captures the quality of your SLAM reconstruction. Note x_opt the minimizer of S. Then, fuse with GPS data as long as it does not deteriorate S(x_opt) more than a given threshold. Mathematically, you'd want to minimize
some_coef/(thresh - S(X)) + ||x-x_{gps}||
and you'd initialize the minimization with x_opt. A good choice for S is the bundle adjustment error, since by not degrading it, you prevent inlier loss. There are other choices of S in the litterature, but they are usually meant to reduce computational time and add little in terms of accuracy.
This, unlike the EKF, does not have a nice probabilistic interpretation, but produces very nice results in practice (I have used it for fusion with other things than GPS too, and it works well). You can for example see this excellent paper that explains how to implement this thoroughly, how to set the threshold, etc.
Hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to tell me if you find inaccuracies/errors in my answer.

Insert skeleton in 3D model programmatically

I'm working on a project where a user gets scanned by a Kinect (v2). The result will be a generated 3D model which is suitable for use in games.
The scanning aspect is going quite well, and I've generated some good user models.
Note: This is just an early test model. It still needs to be cleaned up, and the stance needs to change to properly read skeletal data.
The problem I'm currently facing is that I'm unsure how to place skeletal data inside the generated 3D model. I can't seem to find a program that will let me insert the skeleton in the 3D model programmatically. I'd like to do this either via a program that I can control programmatically, or adjust the 3D model file in such a way that skeletal data gets included within the file.
What have I tried
I've been looking around for similar questions on Google and StackOverflow, but they usually refer to either motion capture or skeletal animation. I know Maya has the option to insert skeletons in 3D models, but as far as I could find that is always done by hand. Maybe there is a more technical term for the problem I'm trying to solve, but I don't know it.
I do have a train of thought on how to achieve the skeleton insertion. I imagine it to go like this:
Scan the user and generate a 3D model with Kinect;
1.2. Clean user model, getting rid of any deformations or unnecessary information. Close holes that are left in the clean up process.
Scan user skeletal data using the Kinect.
2.2. Extract the skeleton data.
2.3. Get joint locations and store as xyz-coordinates for 3D space. Store bone length and directions.
Read 3D skeleton data in a program that can create skeletons.
Save the new model with inserted skeleton.
Can anyone recommend (I know, this is perhaps "opinion based") a program to read the skeletal data and insert it in to a 3D model? Is it possible to utilize Maya for this purpose?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I opted to post the question here and not on Graphics Design Stack Exchange (or other Stack Exchange sites) because I feel it's more coding related, and perhaps more useful for people who will search here in the future. Apologies if it's posted on the wrong site.
A tricky part of your question is what you mean by "inserting the skeleton". Typically bone data is very separate from your geometry, and stored in different places in your scene graph (with the bone data being hierarchical in nature).
There are file formats you can export to where you might establish some association between your geometry and skeleton, but that's very format-specific as to how you associate the two together (ex: FBX vs. Collada).
Probably the closest thing to "inserting" or, more appropriately, "attaching" a skeleton to a mesh is skinning. There you compute weight assignments, basically determining how much each bone influences a given vertex in your mesh.
This is a tough part to get right (both programmatically and artistically), and depending on your quality needs, is often a semi-automatic solution at best for the highest quality needs (commercial games, films, etc.) with artists laboring over tweaking the resulting weight assignments and/or skeleton.
There are algorithms that get pretty sophisticated in determining these weight assignments ranging from simple heuristics like just assigning weights based on nearest line distance (very crude, and will often fall apart near tricky areas like the pelvis or shoulder) or ones that actually consider the mesh as a solid volume (using voxels or tetrahedral representations) to try to assign weights. Example:
However, you might be able to get decent results using an algorithm like delta mush which allows you to get a bit sloppy with weight assignments but still get reasonably smooth deformations.
Now if you want to do this externally, pretty much any 3D animation software will do, including free ones like Blender. However, skinning and character animation in general is something that tends to take quite a bit of artistic skill and a lot of patience, so it's worth noting that it's not quite as easy as it might seem to make characters leap and dance and crouch and run and still look good even when you have a skeleton in advance. That weight association from skeleton to geometry is the toughest part. It's often the result of many hours of artists laboring over the deformations to get them to look right in a wide range of poses.

FFT Pitch Detection for iOS using Accelerate Framework?

I have been reading up on FFT and Pitch Detection for a while now, but I'm having trouble piecing it all together.
I have worked out that the Accelerate framework is probably the best way to go with this, and I have read the example code from apple to see how to use it for FFTs. What is the input data for the FFT if I wanted to be running the pitch detection in real time? Do I just pass in the audio stream from the microphone? How would I do this?
Also, after I get the FFT output, how can I get the frequency from that? I have been reading everywhere, and can't find any examples or explanations of this?
Thanks for any help.
Frequency and pitch are not the same thing - frequency is a physical quantity, pitch is a psychological percept - they are similar, but there are important differences, which may or may not matter to you, depending on the type of instrument for which you are trying to measure pitch.
You need to read up a little on the various pitch detection algorithms (and on the meaning of pitch itself), decide what algorithm you want to use and only then set about implementing it. See this Wikipedia page for a good overview of pitch and pitch detection (note that you can use FFT for the autocorrelation-based and frequency domain methods).
As for using the FFT to identify peaks in a spectrum and their associated frequencies, there are many questions and answers related to this on SO already, see for example: How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?
I have an example implementation of an Autocorrelation function available online for ios 5.1. Look at this post for a link to the implementation AND functions on how to find the nearest note and how to create a string representing the pitch (A, A#, B, B#, etc...)
While the FFT is very useful in many applications, it might not be the most accurate if you're trying to do simple pitch detection. (It can be as accurate, but you have to deal with complex numbers to do a lot of phase calculations)

How to make a 2D Soft-body physics engine?

The definition of rigid body in Box2d is
A chunk of matter that is so strong
that the distance between any two bits
of matter on the chunk is completely
And this is exactly what i don't want as i would like to make 2D (maybe 3D eventually), elastic, deformable, breakable, and even sticky bodies.
What I'm hoping to get out of this community are resources that teach me the math behind how objects bend, break and interact. I don't care about the molecular or chemical properties of these objects, and often this is all I find when I try to search for how to calculate what a piece of wood, metal, rubber, goo, liquid, organic material, etc. might look like after a force is applied to it.
Also, I'm a very visual person, so diagrams and such are EXTREMELY HELPFUL for me.
Ignore these questions, they're old, and I'm only keeping them here for contextual purposes
1.Are there any simple 2D soft-body physics engines out there like this?
preferably free or opensource?
2.If not would it be possible to make my own without spending years on it?
3.Could i use existing engines like bullet and box2d as a start and simply transform their code, or would this just lead to more problems later, considering my 1 year of programming experience and bullet being 3D?
4.Finally, if i were to transform another library, would it be the best change box2D's already 2d code, Bullet's already soft code, or mixing both's source code?
(1) Both Bullet and PhysX have support for deformable objects in some capacity. Bullet is open source and PhysX is free to use. They both have ports for windows, mac, linux and all the major consoles.
(2) You could hack something together if you really know what you are doing, and it might even work. However, there will probably be bugs unless you have a damn good understanding of how Box2D's sequential impulse constraint solver works and what types of measures are going to be necessary to keep your system stable. That said, there are many ways to get deformable objects working with minimal fuss within a game-like environment. The first option is to take a second (or higher) order approximation of the deformation. This lets you deal with deformations in much the same way as you deal with rigid motions, only now you have a few extra degrees of freedom. See for example the following paper:
A second method is pressure soft bodies, which basically model the body as a set of particles with some distance constraints and pressure forces. This is what both PhysX and Bullet do, and it is a pretty standard technique by now (for example, Gish used it):
If you google around, you can find lots of tutorials on implementing it, but I can't vouch for their quality. Finally, there has been a more recent push to trying to do deformable objects the `right' way using realistic elastic models and finite element type approaches. This is still an area of active research, so it is not for the faint of heart. For example, you could look at any number of the papers in this year's SIGGRAPH proceedings:
(3) Probably not. Though there are certain 2D style games that can work with a 3D physics engine (for example top down type games) for special effects.
(4) Based on what I just said, you should probably know the answer by now. If you are the adventurous sort and got some time to kill and the will to learn, then I say go for it! Of course it will be hard at first, but like anything it gets easier over time. Plus, learning new stuff is lots of fun!
On the other hand, if you just want results now, then don't do it. It will take a lot of time, and you will probably fail (a lot). If you just want to make games, then stick to the existing libraries and build on whatever abstractions it provides you.
Quick and partial answer:
rigid body are easy to model due to their property (you can use physic tools, like "Torseur+ (link on french on wikipedia, english equivalent points to screw theory) to modelate forces applying at any point in your element.
in comparison, non-solid elements move from almost solid (think very hard rubber : it can move but is almost solid) to almost liquid (think very soft ruber, latex). Meaning that dynamical properties applying to that knd of objects are much complex and depend of the nature of the object
Take the example of a spring : it's easy to model independantly (f=k.x), but creating a generic tool able to model that specific case is a nightmare (especially if you think of corner cases : extension is not infinite, compression reaches a lower point, material is non linear...)
as far as I know, when dealing with "elastic" materials, people do their own modelisation for their own purpose (a generic one does not exist)
now the answers:
Probably not, not that I know at least
not easily, see previously why
Unless you got high level background in elastic materials, I fear it's gonna be painful
Hope this helped
Some specific cases such as deformable balls can be simulated pretty well using spring-joint bodies:
Here is an implementation example with cocos2d:
Depending on the complexity of the deformable objects that you need, you might be able to emulate them using box2d, constraining rigid bodies with joints or springs. I did it in the past using a box2d clone for xna (farseer) and it worked nicely. Hope this helps.
The physics of your question breaks down into two different topics:
Inelastic Collisions: The math here is easy, and you could write a pretty decent library yourself without too much work for 2D points/balls. (And with more work, you could learn the physics for extended bodies.)
Materials Bending and Breaking: This will be hard. In general, you will have to model many of the topics in Mechanical Engineering:
Continuum Mechanics
Structural Analysis
Failure Analysis
Stress Analysis
Strain Analysis
I am not being glib. Modeling the bending and breaking of materials is, in general, a very detailed and varied topic. It will take a long time. And the only way to succeed will be to understand the science well enough that you can make clever shortcuts in limiting the scope of the science you need to model in your game.
However, the other half of your problem (modeling Inelastic Collisions) is a much more achievable goal.
Good luck!