I would like to map a placeholder in a SCADA widget to a custom property that I put in my device via UpdateManagedObject. I can see the property using the API but it doesn't appear along native properties when I configure the widget.
This is possible, although this feature to add non-native properties from managed objects was implemented in version 7.27.0.
I have created an expandable follow the document below:
It's working, but when I switch to the new interface(new UI) it is not working.
Could you help me to fix it?
new interface
old interface
expected with new interface
If you want to have the UI looks like the one in point 3 of your screenshots, then you should not use a class property and the ExpandableObjectConverter.
Instead in your controller create the individual properties, maybe add a Category attribute to them.
Update: Documentation: https://www.progress.com/documentation/sitefinity-cms/autogenerated-widget-property-editors
I have a hieraarchy of classes. Root class is abstract, and is called Contact, and it has a property DisplayName. On GUI I have a dropdown where various contacts are listed, using their DisplayName property.
I have no acess to source code of those classes.
I want to somehow override Contact.DisplayName property, to make it display something else in my particular scenario. I can not just create subclass of Contact and override property there, because there is whole hierarchy under Contact class. Is there a way to alter a property for whole hierarchy of classes ? Maybe using delegates ?
I am using exotic programming language called Gosu, but the solution based on some common object oriented language could help me a lot too.
I haven't tried but maybe with Enhancements. I'm not sure that it works because DisplayName it's a property of entities.
There is a folder in Guidewire Studio, configuration/config/Entity Names. Open Contact.en and there is you can customize the DisplayName.
Can you type cast the Contact entity to its subtype and try to display it in GUI. Something like (Contact as Person).DisplayName
I already have a AutoCompleteTextView with custom layout and adapter. How can I control the visibility of a tick symbol next to each item to show if the item has already been added? By added I mean, it's compared with another list that's fetched from storage that I compare with the AutoCompleteTextView suggestions?
What do you mean is an Exposed Dropdown Menus, available in the latest material design library.
Please read the documentation about how to implement it: https://material.io/develop/android/components/menu/
What I needed to do was to have the tick icon in the custom layout be View.INVISIBLEby default. Then in the getView() method of the custom adapter, change the visibility according to the requirement for that specific situation. The point is, the getView() method is responsible for any changes to related to the UI of the items.
We're evaluating an upgrade from ckeditor 4 to the new ckeditor 5, but I need to be able to extend the Image plugin/package with some custom elements, e.g. a text input for licensing information about the image, a button/checkbox for toggling the image to be a thumbnail or not etc.
How can I add these custom elements in the image package and write my own javascript code to handle the values from these elements?
The image toolbar is being controlled by the config.image.toolbar property. It accepts names of UI components registered in the editor.ui.components factory. In other words, it works like the main editor toolbar which is configurable via editor.toolbar and you can learn more how to create buttons here: Creating a simple plugin.
I think I'm missing something obvious here in Dojo 1.8 w.r.t. writing custom widgets.
I have a simple widget that includes, among other things, a currencyTextBox.
At runtime, I would like to be able to change the currency of that widget to USD or EUR or whatever else.
Normally, if this wasn't a widget, I could do that simply with
But nested widgets inside of custom widgets don't get registered in the registry. So, what's the trick to getting addressability to the widget and assigning widget attributes (not just DOM attributes) for a widget nested inside a custom widget?
Add data-dojo-attach-point="myCurrentTextBox" to the widget definition in the template. Then from within the widget you can access the textbox using this.myCurrentTextBox.
As far as I know, all widgets are added to the registry.
Maybe the id is wrong? I guess by 'registry' it mean you required 'dijit/registry' ?
Did you try with registry.byNode?