Function get the last day of month in sql - sql

I need to get the last day of month with input of month and year. For example, with input 06/2016 it will return 30. I use SQL Server 2005. Thanks for any help.

Suppose your input is VARCHAR in the form of MM/YYYY.
Use RIGHT and LEFT to get the year and month respectively. Then use DATEFROMPARTS to generate the starting date. Next, use EOMONTH to get the last day of the month. Finally use DAY to extract the day part.
DECLARE #input VARCHAR(7) = '06/2016'
The above only works for SQL Server 2012+.
For SQL Server 2005, you can use DATEADD to generate the dates:
DAY( -- Day part
DATEADD(DAY, -1, -- Last day of the month
DATEADD(MONTH, CAST(LEFT(#input, 2) AS INT), -- Start of next month
DATEADD(YEAR, CAST(RIGHT(#input, 4) AS INT) - 1900, 0) -- Start of the year
Some Common Date Routines

You would do something like this:
select eomonth(getdate(), 0);
If you want it formatted as MM/YYYY then you'd do this:
select format(eomonth(getdate(), 0), 'MM/yyyy');

Pardon me for tossing-in a response that is not specific to "SQL Server," nor thence to "2005," but the generalized way to compute the answer that you seek is as follows:
Break down the input that you have, e.g. 06/2016, into two parts. Call 'em #MONTH and #YEAR. Define a third value, #DAY, equal to 1.
Typecast this into a date-value ... "June 1, 2016."
Now, using the date-handling functions that you're sure to have, "first add one month, then subtract one day."
One thing that you must be very careful of, when designing code like this, is to be certain(!) that your code for decoding 06/2016 works for every(!) value that actually occurs in that database, or that it can be relied upon to fail.

try this,
declare #input varchar(20)='06/2016'
set #input=#input+'/01'
declare #dtinput datetime=#input
select dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,#dtinput)+1,0))
--OR in sql server 2012
select eomonth(#dtinput)


Find Birthday in upcoming month

I Need help in finding upcoming birthday in a month.
My Data is something like below , Both data types are nvarchar
Could anyone help me with the sql query please? how to set the DOB column into a date format and then find the birthday with month as 11 and date as 24.
Thanks in advance
Assuming SQL Server, you can use month() to extract the month from a date, for example getdate(), which is the current point in time. With left() you can extract the first characters of a string. That leads to something like:
SELECT [Name],
FROM elbat
WHERE month(getdate()) = left([Dob(mmdd)], 2);
In Microsoft SQL Server you can Create a date using the DATEFROMPARTS(int year, int month, int day) function. To get your month and day you would have to get the 2 parts of the string, the first 2 characters for month and the third and fourth characters as the day, you can use the SUBSTRING function for this. Then take each pair of characters for month and day and cast to int and use them in the DATEFROMPARTS function.
Then you want to see if your newly created date is BETWEEN today AND one month from today. So you could do something like this:
FROM SomeTable
DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(GETDATE()), CAST(SUBSTRING([Dob(mmdd)], 1, 2) as INT), CAST(SUBSTRING([Dob(mmdd)], 3, 2) as INT))
Note: this assumes [Dob(mmdd)] is always 4 characters.
You don't need the DOB in a date format. I am unclear what "upcoming" month means, but I suspect that it means a calendar month. If the current month, then:
where month(getdate()) = cast(left(dob, 2) as int)
If the next month, then:
where month(dateadd(month, 1, getdate())) = cast(left(dob, 2) as int)
Thanks, Everyone for the help.. I got this working,. both works perfect
select [USER_ID],[EMP_FULL_NM],[Birthday_Date] from [dbo].[COE]
where month(getdate())=left([Birthday_Date],2)
select [USER_ID],[JOINING_DT],[EMP_FULL_NM] from [dbo].[COE]
where SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [JOINING_DT], 101),1,2) = month(getdate())

SQL Server query to get previous month name in string from another month in string

I need to get previous month name from given month name.
For example I need to get previous month as May for the given month June.
There is no date.
I tried select CAST(Monthname-1 AS Varchar(max)) from table
Because "There is no date."
You can convert an augmented string {month name} + ' 01, 1980' to a date, and then perform the date calculation
Select datename(MONTH,dateadd(MONTH,-1,convert(date,'June'+' 01,1980')))
If 2012+ and potentially bogus data ... try_convert()
Select datename(MONTH,dateadd(MONTH,-1,try_convert(date,'June'+' 01,1980')))
Add -1 months to your starting date, then use DATENAME(month) to get its name.
DATENAME(month, DATEADD(month, -1, <yourDateField>))
You can try this:
SELECT DATENAME(MM,CAST('1 June 2018' AS datetime)-1)

Hardcode a specific day in data time while pulling the data - SQL

Actually I have different date in SQL table when I pull those via SQL query, day of datetime field should have fixed day.
Example: (DD-MM-YYYY) day should be "7" > (7-MM-YYYY)
10-08-2007 > 07-08-2007
27-12-2013 > 07-12-2013
01-03-2017 > 07-03-2017
Can someone help me on this. Thanks in Advance.
Find the difference between 7 and the day of the original date and add that to the original date:
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DAY(OriginalDate), OriginalDate)
Use DATEPART to take out the month and year parts. Cast those into varchar and concatenate with 07.
select '07-' +
cast(DATEPART(mm, [date_column]) as varchar(2)) + '-' +
cast(DATEPART(yyyy, [date_column]) as varchar(4))
from your_table_name;
Assuming You might have to change the day number example
DECLARE #dayNum char(2)
SELECT #dayNum = '07'
select #dayNum + Right(convert(char(10),getdate(),105),8)
If that is not the case You could do this
select '07'+ Right(convert(char(10),'10-08-2007',105),8)
I'd go this way:
CONVERT with format 112 will return the date as unseparated ISO (today we would get 20170407). Convert this to VARCHAR(6) will implicitly cut away the day's part (201704).
Now we add a day and use again CONVERT with 112, but now with DATE as target type.
One thing to keep in mind: The day you add must be two-digit. You can achieve this with
SELECT REPLACE(STR(#int,2),' ','0');
Use DATEFROMPARTS: Updated ONLY works from 2012 - OP has tagged SQL-Server 2008
select DATEFROMPARTS ( year('10-08-2007'), month('10-08-2007'), 7 )
Assuming that your field is of datetime datatype and your fixed day is of integer type.
select datetimecolumn+(yourparamfixedday-datepart(dd,datetimecolumn))

SQL automatic date range using DateSerial function

We've been using MS Access, with the following syntax for MTD Data that works for us:
Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1)
And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,0)
We need to transition the above logic to SQL/SSRS for automatic emailed reports, but I cannot get this DateSerial logic to work with SQL.
In the Filter field of the SQL query, I can successfully use BETWEEN '8/1/2014' AND '8/31/2014' for MTD data, but would like to have a DateSerial logic applied so that reports don't need to be created for every month, quarter, year, etc.
When trying to use the DateSerial function, we get the error "Invalid or missing Expression". I've seen a few topics on this that Parameters are required, but really believe that this is a simple syntax issue for the filter field, since actual dates work with the BETWEEN command.
There are several different ways to get this. Here is just one way.
Get todays date. In this case 8/27/2014
Declare #Today date = cast(getdate() as date)
Get the first of the month, 26 days in the past
Declare #StartDate date = dateadd(d, -1 * (day(#Today) - 1), #Today)
select #Today, #StartDate
You can use the function CONVERT:
Or the function DATEFROMPARTS if you are using SQL Server 2012:
select DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()), 0); -- first day of current month
select DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, GETDATE()), -1) -- last day of current month
This last one I took from:
See mine at:!3/d41d8/38333
This has been resolved. The ODBC driver does not apparently play well with SSRS. The DateSerial command would not work within the query itself. The workaround was to add the filter to the Dataset. This syntax is what works, but again only in the Dataset filter: [expression] Between [first value box] =DateSerial(Year(Now()),1,1) [second value box] =DateSerial(Year(Now()),12,31)
This gives us the YTD reporting data that we require.

SQL Server: Get data for only the past year

I am writing a query in which I have to get the data for only the last year. What is the best way to do this?
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE date > '8/27/2007 12:00:00 AM'
The following adds -1 years to the current date:
SELECT ... From ... WHERE date > DATEADD(year,-1,GETDATE())
I found this page while looking for a solution that would help me select results from a prior calendar year. Most of the results shown above seems return items from the past 365 days, which didn't work for me.
At the same time, it did give me enough direction to solve my needs in the following code - which I'm posting here for any others who have the same need as mine and who may come across this page in searching for a solution.
SELECT .... FROM .... WHERE year(*your date column*) = year(DATEADD(year,-1,getdate()))
Thanks to those above whose solutions helped me arrive at what I needed.
Well, I think something is missing here. User wants to get data from the last year and not from the last 365 days. There is a huge diference. In my opinion, data from the last year is every data from 2007 (if I am in 2008 now). So the right answer would be:
Then if you want to restrict this query, you can add some other filter, but always searching in the last year.
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE YEAR(DATE) = YEAR(GETDATE()) - 1 AND DATE > '05/05/2007'
The most readable, IMO:
DATEADD(yy, -1, CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 101)))
Gets now's datetime GETDATE() = #8/27/2008 10:23am#
Converts to a string with format 101 CONVERT(varchar, #8/27/2008 10:23am#, 101) = '8/27/2007'
Converts to a datetime CONVERT(datetime, '8/27/2007') = #8/27/2008 12:00AM#
Subtracts 1 year DATEADD(yy, -1, #8/27/2008 12:00AM#) = #8/27/2007 12:00AM#
There's variants with DATEDIFF and DATEADD to get you midnight of today, but they tend to be rather obtuse (though slightly better on performance - not that you'd notice compared to the reads required to fetch the data).
Look up dateadd in BOL
GETDATE() returns current date and time.
If last year starts in midnight of current day last year (like in original example) you should use something like:
DECLARE #start datetime
SET #start = dbo.getdatewithouttime(DATEADD(year, -1, GETDATE())) -- cut time (hours, minutes, ect.) -- getdatewithouttime() function doesn't exist in MS SQL -- you have to write one
SELECT column1, column2, ..., columnN FROM table WHERE date >= #start
I, like #D.E. White, came here for similar but different reasons than the original question. The original question asks for the last 365 days. #samjudson's answer provides that. #D.E. White's answer returns results for the prior calendar year.
My query is a bit different in that it works for the prior year up to and including the current date:
SELECT .... FROM .... WHERE year(date) > year(DATEADD(year, -2, GETDATE()))
For example, on Feb 17, 2017 this query returns results from 1/1/2016 to 2/17/2017
For some reason none of the results above worked for me.
This selects the last 365 days.
The other suggestions are good if you have "SQL only".
However I suggest, that - if possible - you calculate the date in your program and insert it as string in the SQL query.
At least for for big tables (i.e. several million rows, maybe combined with joins) that will give you a considerable speed improvement as the optimizer can work with that much better.
argument for DATEADD function :
DATEADD (*datepart* , *number* , *date* )
datepart can be: yy, qq, mm, dy, dd, wk, dw, hh, mi, ss, ms
number is an expression that can be resolved to an int that is added to a datepart of date
date is an expression that can be resolved to a time, date, smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2, or datetimeoffset value.
declare #iMonth int
declare #sYear varchar(4)
declare #sMonth varchar(2)
set #iMonth = 0
while #iMonth > -12
set #sYear = year(DATEADD(month,#iMonth,GETDATE()))
set #sMonth = right('0'+cast(month(DATEADD(month,#iMonth,GETDATE())) as varchar(2)),2)
select #sYear + #sMonth
set #iMonth = #iMonth - 1
I had a similar problem but the previous coder only provided the date in mm-yyyy format. My solution is simple but might prove helpful to some (I also wanted to be sure beginning and ending spaces were eliminated):
','')+'/01/'+RIGHT(RTRIM([MoYr]),4)) >= DATEADD(year,-1,GETDATE())
Here's my version.
YEAR(NOW())- 1
YEAR(c.contractDate) = YEAR(NOW())- 1
For me this worked well
If you are trying to calculate "rolling" days, you can simplify it by using:
Select ... FROM ... WHERE [DATE] > (GETDATE()-[# of Days])