The app didn't start in the required time - windows-phone

I've created a windows app with appcelerator Titanium. The app runs fine in all the emulators but when I run it on the device it crashes immedeately (only the splashscreen is being displayed). The error message in the console is:
The app didn't start in the required time
Any idea what the cause of this error can be?
Thanks for the help.


Understanding "Application has not been registered" error

I've been given a new React Native app to maintain and whenever I build it or run it in the simulator, I get the "Application has not been registered" error. There are no other errors in the console before this message (although there are some warnings). I can't find any code issues as if the error message is dismissed in the simulator, the app runs fine so the bundler is running correctly, although on an actual device, this registers as a crash on open.
I'm running in the simulator using react-native run-ios from the project root. Builds for running on actual devices is managed by Fastlane.
My app doesn't make an explicit call AppRegistry.registerComponent due (I think) to the way react-native-navigation is set up, so most of the info online about this error doesn't apply.
Where should I go next to figure this out?

Firebase Crash Reporting automatically generates reports for fatal errors in android phone but not for iPhones?

I have setup firebase in my react native app.
But currently exceptions are not handled means not added any crashlytics logs or recorded errors
But for android app I am getting crashes in firebase but not for IOS.
Can someone explain this in detail?
Crashlytics may only be able to upload the data once the app starts again. Did you restart the app?
This can happen if you are testing while the Xcode debugger is attached.
Check this document, it explains how to test this in iOS.
If that doesn't work, enable debug logging and check if something is causing issues. For this:
After enabling debug mode, run the app.
Then hit "stop" in Xcode.
Run the app in the device and crash it
Run the app again from Xcode
Collect the output from Xcode

ReactNative: App runs on device can't respond to click event

I develop the app with React-Native, and it is running very well in ios simulator, but when I run it on device it responds to my click event very very slow. But the scrollview is OK.
Anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
PS:React-Native version:0.34.0
PSS: I found out that this happens when I run app from the xcode project. And the xcode log console keeps printing many logs.
PSSS: The RAM keeps up growing!!!!
A ios simulator have a slow mode. Try cmd+t for desactivate/activate slow mode.
I found out that is caused by package "react-native-logger". I uninstall it and the app runs normally so far.

Xamarin test recorder Instruments failed to start the app

can any one help me out i'm selected iphone5s simulator and selected after loading its giving error Instruments failed to start the app.
I too am having this same issue.
Im running a xamarin uitest application with and iphone 5 as my phyiscial device.
Ive enabled UI Testing on the device.
Ive specifiend the app bundle.
If I spewcify the device identifier I get the error that it is not a simulator and incompatible with app bundle.
My tests work fine on android devices. If I specify an apple simulator, it will run.
Thanks for your thoughts

How can I see why titanium app crashes on Blackberry simulator

I do a Titanium application that woks on iOS and android. Now, I want to create the Blackberry version.
I've tried with a simple app and it's launched well at simulator, but when I've tried my app it doesn't work.
It launches splash screen and begins to load the elements, but I think the app crash because simulator returns to main screen, there isn't any alert (like on android when app stop unexpectedly), it only returns to main screen.
My problem is that I don't know what happen and I can't find any error logs...
I connect by telnet to the simulator, and there I can see the first traces of my app, but any error.
Do you know what can be happened? How can I know if I have an error? How can I know if my app has crashed?
Sorry, if it's an easy question, I'm newbie at Blackberry.
I'm using Titanium SDK 3.2.2 and Blackberry SDK 10.02
Thank you very much
I've created a new project (with Titanium SDK 3.1.3 instead of Titanium SDK 3.2.2) and copy all files there. I've tried to launch the app many times, and one of them, the app launches.
Maybe it was a computer or simulator problem.