Hiding the Address Bar of a UIWebView - objective-c

I'm writing this app, in which I allow a user to use his Facebook credentials to login. As part of that FB login, I display a UIWebView to present the user with a FB login screen.
The UIWebView shows, besides the user/login UI, a standard Address/Navigation bar.
I think that is ugly, and I want to get rid of it.
Although I can imagine, that there is a good reason why it is impossible/discouraged (notably: spoofing), I would feel much better if I would be able to present the user only with widgets that are necessary for the scope of functionality.
I have Googled a while, but all I have found was irrelevant or outdated.
Can any of you help me?


Mac WebView - remember login information

I have a WebView (macOS). When user opens Facebook and login, I want to store these information and use them next time. (currently my WebView does not "remember" anything)
In previous WebKit implementation, these saved data was taken from Safari, now this is gone.
Any idea how to do it, what principles use? I'd like to avoid Keychain and storing passwords in general, it'll be great if I could inhereit this data from Safari or so... Thanks.
Caused by missing WebFrameLoadDelegate.

Can we authenticate facebook user which view page in UIWebView?

I work on application which provide bonus content for certain actions Facebook Share, Facebook Like of our page and etc.
I have problem with Facebook Like, as we know Facebook SDK ToS don't allow us (developers) to programmatically like Facebook page, so I have two ideas
Open the native Facebook APP, which is straight forward.
UIWebView within' our APP. But here is the problem
How to authenticate the user in facebook, to skip the inconvenience of double login. (The first time is within' our app, to be able to fetch the result of /me/likes/(id))?
I also faced the same problem for liking pages
i found this
https://github.com/brow/FacebookLikeView it is very help full go through this it shows how to like face book pages by using web view
hope this helps

Facebook library login dialog how to modify its appearance?

Using the facebook library in order to login I call this method:
+ (BOOL)openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:(NSArray*)readPermissions
If the allowLoginUI:(BOOL)allowLoginUI parameter is set to yes the facebook login dialog is shown in full screen. Is there any way to change that and have the login dialog appear not in full screen? I would like it to just appear on foreground and take most of the screen size but not full screen.
I've seen this done but I would like to know if it is possible with the current facebook library?
I do not believe you are allowed to modify the login UI. I have seen devs getting rejected for modifying other aspects of the facebook SDK UI bundle (namely the login button) but this was clearly not acceptable.
My best guess is to set allowUI to no, and sort of mimic your own interface.
Although, from a UX perspective, I would prefer you kept it in the style defined by the FB SDK.

Facebook Page Tab app not appearing to non-page admin users

I am experiencing a problem similar to 2 others who have recently written about this issue.
A newly created Page Tab Facebook app displays for admin users but not for regular users.
I only have 8 page tabs currently so it cannot be that there are too many.
Also, sandbox mode is disabled ( have tried both enabled and disabled).
Can anyone think of a reason that this might be occurring?
I added the tab with the code:
Could it have something to do with https in the url as opposed to http?
I am at a loss and do not know how to go about solving this issue.
Any ideas, however far-out they may be,would be aprreciated.
Thank you to anyone who might think they can help...
Have you forgotten to take the app out of Sandbox Mode? (try toggling it just in case, even if it's not in sandbox mode, as this is by far the most likely explanation here)
Also, check there aren't demographic restrictions set on the app or page via the API, as in this case only the users that meet the restrictions will see the tab. (though the admins will always see it)
Also check that you've configured the Page Tab URL and Secure Page Tab URL settings for the app correctly, as if a user uses HTTPS and the App doesn't support it they won't see the tab
If the tab isn't appearing at all it's almost certainly one of those two problems ,if it's displaying but the content isn't rendering, also check your code and make sure it's not fataling on checking the signed_request for non-admins or something like that

How to integrate facebook fan page within an iphone app?

I want to integrate facebook fan page in my game with out leaving the game. And I also want to detect If any one like that app, I mean I want to detect "like" button pressed or not.I view this tutorial http://www.raywenderlich.com/1626/how-to-post-to-a-users-wall-upload-photos-and-add-a-like-button-from-your-iphone-app But there is only instruction to add the like button,but o detection if any one tapped the button or not.
Any one help me please.Sample code or tutorial may help a lot.
Thanks in advance.
The Facebook API on iOS is meant to redirect the user on the Facebook app (or website when the app is missing) in order to grant access for the like itself. This needs to be done at least once.
In order to gather information about who is liking what you can set up whatever log or backend functionality to the Facebook app that you have to create to activate the like functionality on your iOS app.