Facebook library login dialog how to modify its appearance? - objective-c

Using the facebook library in order to login I call this method:
+ (BOOL)openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:(NSArray*)readPermissions
If the allowLoginUI:(BOOL)allowLoginUI parameter is set to yes the facebook login dialog is shown in full screen. Is there any way to change that and have the login dialog appear not in full screen? I would like it to just appear on foreground and take most of the screen size but not full screen.
I've seen this done but I would like to know if it is possible with the current facebook library?

I do not believe you are allowed to modify the login UI. I have seen devs getting rejected for modifying other aspects of the facebook SDK UI bundle (namely the login button) but this was clearly not acceptable.
My best guess is to set allowUI to no, and sort of mimic your own interface.
Although, from a UX perspective, I would prefer you kept it in the style defined by the FB SDK.


Hiding the Address Bar of a UIWebView

I'm writing this app, in which I allow a user to use his Facebook credentials to login. As part of that FB login, I display a UIWebView to present the user with a FB login screen.
The UIWebView shows, besides the user/login UI, a standard Address/Navigation bar.
I think that is ugly, and I want to get rid of it.
Although I can imagine, that there is a good reason why it is impossible/discouraged (notably: spoofing), I would feel much better if I would be able to present the user only with widgets that are necessary for the scope of functionality.
I have Googled a while, but all I have found was irrelevant or outdated.
Can any of you help me?

How to scroll in WebAuthenticationBroker?

I am creating a Windows 8 app. I want user to login with LinkedIn. I am using WebAuthenticationBroker for that. But it's not showing the authorization dialog correctly. The "Allow Access" button remains hide and due to unavailability of scroll-bar one can't scroll.
I also tried Windows 8/RT WebAuthenticationBroker view issue - Alternative. It uses WebView and provides better view, but it's useless for me because it's not returning me the authorization code i.e. OAuth response.
According to Tim Heuer it's not possible to customize the WebAuthenticationBroker and I suspect there's issues in LinkedIn dialog itself.
Anyone has idea how to solve my problem?
Windows 8/RT WebAuthenticationBroker view issue - Alternative worked for me. I had issues in callback URL.

Facebook App request in iOS (not using Dialog)

I need to send a request throw my app to user's friends in Facebook (After the app on Facebook is authorized) I know there is a way to do it through the SDK :
[self.facebook dialog:#"apprequests" andParams:params andDelegate:nil];
But I don't need that way to show the dialog I just need to be able to send the request in the background when the user select the friend from (Table View for example).
Is this possible?
The Facebook Dialog API has not been updated (yet, hopefully). You can't bypass the dialog the way you want to do it.
But, you can :
preselect the friends with your own GUI and gives the apprequest the selected facebook ids. This way, the dialog is just to confirm the request.
activate the frictionless parameter, to avoid the dialog the next time you send the request for the same selected friends (the confirm dialog seems to show anyway, though, and immediately disappear, it gives a not-so-nice blink on the screen).
here's the related documentation, in case you need it : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/send-requests-using-ios-sdk/

UIWebView disable location prompt

Is it possible to disable the location prompt (or auto decline/accept it) that pops up when you visit certain websites that ask for locations? I am not using a MKMapView because my app will be not be just viewing maps (it just may visit websites that might have maps on it).
I'm guessing since the prompt is not being controlled by my app, but by the iOS system, I probably will not be able to auto decline/accept the dialog.
As far as disabling the prompt from within an IOS app while loading a UIWebView, it is possible.
You will need to intercept the html before it gets loaded into the UIWebView then find which part of it triggers the GPS/Location Prompt. Once you found it, you simply remove it from the html then feed the html into the UIWebView thus 'disabling' the prompt. However, as a result, the webpage will be missing that element.
No, it's not possible to do that. Not with UIWebView, not with any iOS browser.
I know no way to prevent the prompt, I hope it will be implemented as a property of the UIWebView.
The dialog is not there for the safety of the user, when it comes to UIWebViews. The app containing the view has already asked for locations access, and it can be enabled and disabled on settings. To ask for location access both from the app and from the web view, I would regard as a bug.

How to integrate facebook fan page within an iphone app?

I want to integrate facebook fan page in my game with out leaving the game. And I also want to detect If any one like that app, I mean I want to detect "like" button pressed or not.I view this tutorial http://www.raywenderlich.com/1626/how-to-post-to-a-users-wall-upload-photos-and-add-a-like-button-from-your-iphone-app But there is only instruction to add the like button,but o detection if any one tapped the button or not.
Any one help me please.Sample code or tutorial may help a lot.
Thanks in advance.
The Facebook API on iOS is meant to redirect the user on the Facebook app (or website when the app is missing) in order to grant access for the like itself. This needs to be done at least once.
In order to gather information about who is liking what you can set up whatever log or backend functionality to the Facebook app that you have to create to activate the like functionality on your iOS app.