How is one able to delete an vm-image - virtual-machine

I do not find a function to delete an existing VM-Image at the IBM-Bluemix-Console.
I searched the whole console and do not find any way to do this.
How am I able to do this?

You can delete a virtual server image by using the Python OpenStackClient command openstack image delete. In order to run this command, you first need to have the OpenStack client set up. These instructions tell you how to set up the OpenStackClient in the Bluemix environment.
See this topic in the Bluemix docs for details on how to use the openstack image delete command.


How do I create SQL connection to my app and Upload it to google cloud

Thanks for getting back at me. Sorry for the late reply, it was bed-time this time. I need to connect the Cloud SQL database that I have created to my application that is in App Engine. I tried to follow the online tutorials but when I do apply such info I would get then gcloud app deploy it return a connection error. Please help. Also clarify here: When I execute the gcloud app deploy command I suppose it takes my local file to Google Cloud where I would see the entire folder and files of my project on the project I was deploying but I am seeing the old version of my project while presentation has changed to the latest version. Also last one how can I link domain nam from to my app in . Please help I am dying with stress I have been trying in here
Given that you haven't provided any information as to what settings you are using, or what error has been provided it is impossible to know what kind of problem you are running into.
I suggest taking a look at the "Connecting to App Engine" page here. It should answer a lot of your questions around connecting from an App Engine app.
I see two questions here.
I need to connect the Cloud SQL database that I have created to my
application that is in App Engine. I tried to follow the online
tutorials but when I do apply such info I would get then gcloud app
deploy it return a connection error. Please help. Also clarify here:
When I execute the gcloud app deploy command I suppose it takes my
local file to Google Cloud where I would see the entire folder and
files of my project on the project I was deploying but I am seeing the
old version of my project while presentation has changed to the latest
I see your problem here to be with CloudSQL and GAE connectivity. Depending on whether you use GAE Standard or Flex and CloudSQL MySQL or POSTGRES the steps varies. Documentation is quite clear in here though.
Also last one how can I link domain nam from
to my app in . Please help I am dying with
stress I have been trying in here
This is going to be super simple, goto GCP cloud console, Navigate to GAE-->Settings-->Custom Domain and click on add custom domain "Enter the domain name you want to link" When you click continue you will be shown the steps for verifying the domain owneship and to point the DNS to the GAE.
Documented properly by GCP folks at
If you are using GAE Standard or Flex, a possible result of command gcloud app deploy :
An app.yaml (or appengine-web.xml) file is required to deploy this directory as an App Engine App, check next links:
Mysql and Postgres connection:
Sometimes it easy share the app.yaml for replicate the app correctly.

How to configure Redis cache on local?

I have implemented Redis cache with .net core 2.1 application. Now the issue is I have only development connection string. I want to configure and test Redis cache somehow on my local pc. I have read somewhere that it is possible using chocalatey. So can body refer me any link?
PS: When I tried to run redis cache from development server using vpn, It shown me popup to select "ResultBox.cs" file. So I created new ResultBox.cs file and give it the path, but when I call rediscache.Get() method it opens ResultBox.cs file but nothing happens then. Can anybody tell what is ResultBox.cs for?
I have found a way to configure Redis on local using chocolatey. Use this link. If you face Misconf issues while testing on redis-cli this link will be helpful.
You can run a local docker redis image. See this and this for reference.

Restart Kubernetes API server with different options

I'm pretty new to Kubernetes and clusters so this might be very simple.
I set up a Kubernetes cluster with 5 nodes using kubeadm following this guide. I got some issues but it all worked in the end. So now I want to install the Web UI (Dashboard). To do so I need to set up authentication:
Please note, this works only if the apiserver is set up to allow authentication with username and password. This is not currently the case with the some setup tools (e.g., kubeadm). Refer to the authentication admin documentation for information on how to configure authentication manually.
So I got to read authentication page of the documentation. And I decided I want to add authentication via a Static Password File. To do so I have to append the option --basic-auth-file=SOMEFILE to the Api server.
When I do ps -aux | grep kube-apiserver this is the result, so it is already running. (which makes sense because I use it when calling kubectl)
Couple of questions I have:
So where are all these options set?
Can i just kill this process and restart it with the option I need?
Will it be started when I reboot the system?
in /etc/kubernetes/manifests is a file called kube-apiserver.json. This is a JSON file and contains all the option you can set. I've appended the --basic-auth-file=SOMEFILE and rebooted the system (right after the change of the file kubectl wasn't working anymore and the API was shutdown)
After a reboot the whole system was working again.
I didn't manage to run the dashboard using this. What I did in the end was installing the dashboard on the cluster. copying the keys from the master node (/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf) to my laptop and did kubectl proxy to proxy the traffic of the dashboard to my local machine. Now I can access it on my laptop through
I just found this for a similar use case and the API server was crashing after adding an Option with a file path.
I was able to solve it and maybe this helps others as well:
As described in the files in /etc/kubernetes/manifests are static pod definitions. Therefore container rules apply.
So if you add an option with a file path, make sure you make it available to the pod with a hostPath volume.

Bluemix VMs on eu-gb: OS_TENANT_ID missing from CLI file

VMs is up on eu-gb region which is great.
However Horizon does not appear to be installed on there, which is fine, as I use the CLI most of the time. However the CLI file that I download from the Bluemix console is not correct.
It is missing the OS_TENANT_ID property. I cannot connect to my OpenStack tenant without this. Where can I get tenant ID from?
according to Bluemix VM documentation
you should login into your region&org and download the rc file one you are going to create the first VM.
The rc file download following these steps will contain all the information you need to access and manage your VM on Bluemix using openstack client.
In the case of you already downloaded your rc file following these steps I suggest you to try again generating a new one to check the new one contains all the information you need (consider that this environment is still beta and this kind of issues could be expected)

Amazon EC2 Instance Remotely Start

Can someone elaborate more on the details of how to remotely start a EC2 instance remotely?
I have a Linux box set up locally, and would like to set up a cronjob on it to start an instance in Amazon EC2. How do I do that?
I've never worked with API's, if there are ways to use API's, can someone please explain how to do so...
Pretty Simple.
Download EC2 API. There is a CLI with it.
keep EC2_PRIVATE_KEY and EC2_CERT in as your envt variables, where they are private key and certificate files that you generate from EC2 console.
then call ec2-reboot-instances instance_id [instance_id ...]
Edit 1
Do I download this directly onto my Linux box? And how do I access the CLI on the linux box of the EC2 API? Sorry to ask so many questions, just need to know detailed steps of how to do this.
Yes. Download it from here
If you have unzipped the API in /home/naishe/ec2api, you can call /home/naishe/ec2api/bin/ec2-reboot-instance <instance_id>. Or event better set unzipped location as your envt variable EC2_API_HOME and append $EC2_API_HOME/bin to your system's PATH.
Also, try investing some time on Getting Started Doc which is amazingly simple.