How can I redirect and open content from a different directory to DocumentRoot in .htaccess? - apache

I've tried searching for my exact issue and couldn't find it. I don't want to redirect to a different domain, I merely want to achieve the equivalent of Alias in .htaccess. I'll explain what I have.
I'm using SiteGround cloud hosting and don't have access to anything other than .htaccess files. I have the following directory structure:
/var/www/microsite contains a Drupal installation. I could create microsite as a sub-directory there but I want to keep the content and code separate.
On an in-house setup I have access to sites-available and have simply created an alias on "/microsite-name" "/var/www/microsite" and all is great -^ opens the main Drupal site, whilst if someone opens content is loaded from /var/www/microsite.
But with this cloud hosting, alias isn't allowed in .htaccess, so how do I achieve the same in .htaccess?


prestashop not changing base url

I have an installation of prestashop 1.6 on a domain and a virtualhost on a server for redirecting to the prestashop/public_html folder. This is my main website working perfect.
Now i would like to clone the installation in another folder prestashop/clone_html and i created an alias on the virtualhost from to prestashop/clone_html
Now if i access the clone website the frontend is not working, i get a 404 error and all the links are pointing on the main domain
I tried to change change the base URI on the database and delete both .htaccess and cache but the links are never changing.
I think maybe the problem is coming from multilanguage redirect?
Do you have any idea what i should try to change?
That is a good one! If you want to change the URL of the store and you have already migrated the contents (so no access to the admin is possible or you donĀ“t want to bother), you may do the change directly at the PS table where this information is kept. The name of the table is <prefix>shop_url. Once you access it, the content is self explanatory. You have to play with domain or domain_ssl and then with physical_uri.
Also, using a subdomain as has been suggested in a comment may be a good idea. Depending on your hosting, you may be able to define a subdomain and make it point to a subdirectory. This keeps the physical_uri to / and may avoid other potential problems.

Contao is redirecting to non existend development subdirectory

Im currently trying to move a website to production that has been designed using contao. The website has been developed in a subdirectory of the current website. Now when I change the DocumentRoot to the contao directory the application automatically forwards me to the /development directory which in that situation does not exist anymore.
I did a database dump and searched it for "/development" to find the variable that is storing this information but I didn't find a match. I then did the same with the configuration files but it didn't show up any results too. How is redirecting handeled in contao?
It sounds like your pathconfig.php is wrong. After deploying/moving a Contao installation, you should always execute and log into the Install Tool under contao/install.php. This will correct your pathconfig.php.
Also make sure the RewriteBase in the .htaccess is set to the correct value (probably / in your case).

Apache routing without htaccess

I am working with a custom website built in PHP running on Apache server. The client wants to move it to a new server. I moved everything including the .htaccess file, the homepage loads fine but all the other urls like isn't working. I'm sure this is not handled by code in the old server because I renamed everything (including .htaccess) and it still works. If I create a file like test.php in the old server, I can access it like It doesn't even hit the index.php file. Also, not all the urls work like this, some are loading through files in other folders.
So my question is - what are the possible ways that Apache can let user access without the .php extension. It must not be using .htaccess. Also, we should be able to add exceptions to this so that some urls can be loaded differently.
you can achieve same thing in hosts file if you are using Linux server. you need to define same rules in hosts configuration file.

htaccess http request re-routing

Reason for Problem:
I'm working on a website and wanted to work on it without making edits to the live website. My hosting package allows for "infinite" domains. So instead of editing the live website I create a new domain, without purchasing the domain name and am trying to develop with this new domain.
Issue At Hand:
This issue is that the reference file paths don't work anymore and return 404 when trying to load the webpage. My original website directory structure looks like this
The new one is the same structure however when you open the "temporary web address" the URL looks like this"
instead of
so when my index.html file looks for /JSfiles/someJSfile.js its requesting
when it needs to be requesting
Things I've Tried Unsuccessfully:
I would really like to fix this by redirecting with the .htaccess file in the root directory on the server. Ive tried using the following directives with no success.
Redirect /
Redirect /JSfiles
Redirect /JSfiles
Redirect /JSfiles
How can I redirect the requests to the right location? I need all the the requests to be of the form
You need to read up a bit more on Virtual Hosting in particular name based virtual hosting.
It sounds like your provider might support name based VHosts but what you're trying to do is not taking advantage of that. To do what you want ie have path that points to a different version of your site is best achieved using mod_rewrite. See this
You need to make sure that your provided actually supports this.

htaccess - simulating local page as web page

Is there a way to rewrite a URL in a local project to look like web page?
For example I have project with url
I'm tryin' to rewirite this to:
That project has subpages, and it would be good if it worked like
I'm trying for an hour but I'm really htaccess noob.
I work with VertrigoServ and mod_rewrite works fine with some examples which I tried in other projects.
The issue is not with rewrite. To make a local page appear to have a more conventional domain you need to tell your browser that the conventional domain is found on your local webserver.
The simplest way to do this is by editing the hosts file on your OS. On *nix based devices it's usually /etc/hosts, On windows it's usually C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. You will need elevated privileges to edit the file.
Add a line to the end of the file that maps the domain name to your local ip address like this:
Close an reopen your browser and visit, you should see it is loading the page from your local webserver.
Chances are, you are still seeing the same page as if you view localhost site. To make it load your code you need to change the DocumentRoot in httpd.conf for your apache install to match the directory where your code is.
A preferable solution may be to use Name Based Virtual Hosting, this allows multiple web sites to share the same IP address. Searching 'apache VirtualHost examples' should give you plenty of resources for this. Make sure that NameVirtualHost *:80 is also enabled in order for this to work.