IBM login issue. Error BXNUI0303E - authentication

i am trying to login my ibm account to use its iot platform. but its giving error while login.
BXNUI0303E: The account information could not be retrieved because of a problem contacting the business support system. You will be logged out of Bluemix.
Try again later. If you see this message again, go to DOCS and select Troubleshooting for help and support options.
I am trying since last 3 hours.
Can anyone help me.?

We are aware of the current issues that are being experienced with Bluemix and are working as quickly as possible to resolve them. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
For more information about the situation, please visit the following URL:
Update - July 2017: Please be aware that the Bluemix Status Page moved. It is now located at the following URL:
Use the filter to list the specific category, region, and component information

If I google ibm BXNUI0303E, I find these as first results:
So, you are not alone, the solution is probably just to wait until they fix the problem.
I also found that this status page lists tons of services as "down" at the moment:


Google OAuth2 Demo fails with 403 ["message": "Cannot determine user location for geographically restricted operation."]

While I was checking out some of the Google public APIs for OAuth2, encountered above error message.
I basically didn't change a lot, tried not to add anything invalid as well
but when it goes to Step 3. Configure request to API; it's failing.
When I clicked on the link from the first screenshot, it takes me to the website where I get the second screenshot.
Has anyone worked on this resolved, or anyone who's knowledgeable in this area can help with this?
Thank you in advance!!

Getting access to the Google Pay API for Passes

I am currently trying to get access to the Google Pay API for passes. I am following the official guide provided by Google:
Unfortunately I can't even follow the first step, as the sign up form for Google Merchant seems to be offline. The URL where I expect the form just forwards me to an FAQ page.
Has anyone had similar issues lately.
Any kind of help or information is appreciated! Thanks.
Moving discussion from comment to answer to include image.
Hard to say if we're seeing the same thing. This is what I see when visiting
Is this what you see?
You need to go straight to step 2. Access the API Console.

Error when trying to login to League of Legends Developer page

I am trying to make an app for League of Legends game using their WebAPI. Registered an account for LoL and when I try to access the developer page (to get API key), I get an error. It has been 2 days. The error simply says:
Unfortunately their developer forum require me to login to post, but since I can't login, I can't even ask about this problem in their forum.
Does anybody has any information on this? Thank you.
EDIT: Would appreciate it if the person who downvoted this question would explain why. The unicorn demands to know.
Here is the answer for anyone wondering. Turns out all you got to do is be patient and wait for a few days. In my case I tried login today and it works (I tried to login everyday). So it takes 2 days for me to be able to login after registration.
Hope this helps someone.

How to fix Feature not enabled problems

I currently have an issue that whenever I connect my MapBox map to the Directions API, an error is returned which says '{"message":"Feature not enabled"}'.
I have looked around and have not found anywhere where I can enable this feature, and would like to know if there is a way that you can do it.
Thanks in Advance,
First line:
This API is a preview and may be changed or removed at any time. Contact us to get testing access to this API.

Not getting the pop up from App store for In-App-Purchase

I am working on application in which i am implementing In-App-Purchase,On buying the product through my application i can fetch all the information regarding the products in my console, but the problems occurs where i am not getting the pop-up from App Store which shows all the information to buyers. I cannot figure out the problem. Please suggest some solution for this.
Apple's IAP backend (test mode) has been up and down over the last 5 days, mostly down, there's been no official confirmation of the outage, just check twitter for similar complaints.
need code.. or follow troy brant's awesome tutorial