Basic questions about ontology manipulation - sparql

My questions are probably very basic, but they are fundamental for me since they put all puzzles together.
1) As I understand, ontologies (*.owl) might be either "empty" (without data, i,e, without individuals) or they may involve both the relations between classes and linked data. Is it correct?
2) I downloaded a famous gene_ontology.owl, which seems to contain both data and meta-structure. How can I start creating SPARQL queries? The queries always specify endpoints, classes names, etc. e.g. PREFIX dcore: <>. Where do I get all these titles for particular ontology? Should I try to figure out all the titles using e.g. Protégé or is there any "automatic" way to create queries?


Use of several ontologies, have I to merge those?

I'm studying semantic web and I'd like to use different ontologies to enrich my raw sensor data. I'm using Protégé.
Imagine I want to use concepts from three different ontologies (for instance SSN, CSSO and another), have I to merge (in Protege - Refactor-> Merge Ontologies) all ontologies in protege?
If I need to use only a part of these ontologies? (some ontologies are really big!)
I'm a newbie in this field and I would like to know the correct way to do.
It is not necessary to merge ontologies to refer them. You can use OWL imports directives instead.
It is possible to partition large ontologies if you only need to use part of them, but the best technique depends on what you plan to do, so it's not possible to recommend an approach at this point.
However, worrying about the size of ontologies at this point is premature optimization. First define your problem and a solution, then worry about performance issues - once they can be measured.

Should I use EAV database design model or a lot of tables

I started a new application and now I am looking at two paths and don't know which is good way to continue.
I am building something like eCommerce site. I have a categories and subcategories.
The problem is that there are different type of products on site and each has different properties. And site must be filterable by those product properties.
This is my initial database design:
Products{ProductId, Name, ProductCategoryId}
ProductCategories{ProductCategoryId, Name, ParentId}
CategoryProperties{CategoryPropertyId, ProductCategoryId, Name}
ProductPropertyValues{ProductId, CategoryPropertyId, Value}
Now after some analysis I see that this design is actually EAV model and I read that people usually don't recommend this design.
It seems that dynamic sql queries are required for everything.
That's one way and I am looking at it right now.
Another way that I see is probably named a LOT WORK WAY but if it's better I want to go there.
To make table
Product{ProductId, CategoryId, Name, ManufacturerId}
and to make table inheritance in database wich means to make tables like
Cpus{ProductId ....}
HardDisks{ProductId ....}
MotherBoards{ProductId ....}
erc. for each product (1 to 1 relation).
I understand that this will be a very large database and very large application domain but is it better, easier and performance better than the option one with EAV design.
EAV is rarely a win. In your case I can see the appeal of EAV given that different categories will have different attributes and this will be hard to manage otherwise. However, suppose someone wants to search for "all hard drives with more than 3 platters, using a SATA interface, spinning at 10k rpm?" Your query in EAV will be painful. If you ever want to support a query like that, EAV is out.
There are other approaches however. You could consider an XML field with extended data or, if you are on PostgreSQL 9.2, a JSON field (XML is easier to search though). This would give you a significantly larger range of possible searches without the headaches of EAV. The tradeoff would be that schema enforcement would be harder.
This questions seems to discuss the issue in greater detail.
Apart from performance, extensibility and complexity discussed there, also take into account:
SQL databases such as SQL Server have full-text search features; so if you have a single field describing the product - full text search will index it and will be able to provide advanced semantic searches
take a look at no-sql systems that are all the rage right now; scalability should be quite good with them and they provide support for non-structured data such as the one you have. Hadoop and Casandra are good starting points.
You could very well work with the EAV model.
We do something similar with a Logistics application. It is built on .net though.
Apart from the tables, your application code has to handle the objects correctly.
See if you can add generic table for each object. It works for us.

MongoDB embedding vs SQL foreign keys?

Are there any particular advantages to MongoDB's ability to embed objects within a document, compared to SQL's use of foreign keys for the same logic?
It seems to me that the only advantage is ease of use (and perhaps performance?), and even that seems like it could be easily abstracted away (e.g. Django seems to handle SQL's foreign keys pretty intuitively).
This boils down to a classic question of whether to embed or not.
Here are a few links to get started before I explain some more:
Where should I put activities timeline in mongodb, embedded in user or separately?
MongoDB schema design -- Choose two collection approach or embedded document
MongoDB schema for storing user location history
Now to answer more specifically.
You must remember the server-side usage of foreign keys in SQL: JOINs. Embedding is a single round trip to get all the data you need in a single document however Joins are not, they are infact two selections based upon a range and then merged to omit duplicates (with significant overhead on some data sets).
So the use of foreign keys is not totally app dependant, it is also server and database dependant.
That being said some people misunderstand embedding in MongoDB and try and make all their data fit into one document. Unfortunately this is re-inforced by the common knowledge that you should always try to embed everything. The links and more will provide some useful guides on this.
Now that we cleared some things up the main pros of embedding over JOINs are:
Single round trip
Easy to update the document in a lot of cases, unless you embed many levels deep
Can keep entity data with the entity it is related to
However embedding has a few flaws:
The document must be paged in to get it's values, this can be problematic on larger documents
Subdocuments are designed to be unique to that entity that do not require advanced querying so you normally would not get two separate entities that are related together, i.e. a post could embed comments but a user probably wouldn't embed posts due to the query needs.
Nesting more than 3 levels deep could effect your ability to use things such as the atomic lock.
So when used right MongoDBs embedding can become a huge power over SQL Joins but you must understand when to use it right.
The core strength of Mongo is in its document-view of data, and naturally this can be extended to a "POCO" view of data. Mongo clients like the NoRM Project in .NET will seem astonishingly similar to experienced Fluent NHibernate users, and this is no accident - your POCO data models are simply serialized to BSON and saved in Mongo 1:1. No mappings required.
Overall, the biggest difference between these two technologies is the model and how developers have to think about their data. Mongo is better suited to rapid application development.

Named Graphs and Federated SPARQL Endpoints

I recently came across the working draft for SPARQL 1.1 Federation Extensions and wondered whether this was already possible using Named Graphs (not to detract from the usefulness of the aforementioned draft).
My understanding of Named Graphs is a little hazy, save that the only thing I have gleamed from reading the specs comprises rules around the merger, non merger in relation to other graphs at query time. Since this doesn't fully satisfy my understanding, my question is as follows:
Given the following query:
SELECT ?something
Is it reasonable to assume that a query processor/endpoint could or should in the context of the named graphs do the following:
Check is the named graph exists locally
If it doesn't then perform the following operation (in the case of the above query, I will use the second named graph)
GET /sparql/?query=EncodedQuery HTTP/1.1
User-agent: my-sparql-client/0.1
Where the EncodedQuery only includes the second named graph in the FROM NAMED clause and the WHERE clause is amended accordingly with respect to GRAPH clauses (e.g if a GRAPH <> {...} is being used).
Only if it can't perform the above, then do any of the following:
GET /cars/used HTTP/1.1
Return appropriate search results.
Obviously there might be some additional considerations around OFFSET's and LIMIT's
I also remember reading somewhere a long time ago in galaxy far far away, that the default graph of any SPARQL endpoint should be a named graph according to the following convention:
For: there should be a named graph of: that represents the default graph and so by the above logic, it should already be possible to federate SPARQL endpoints using named graphs.
The reason I ask is that I want to start promoting federation across the domains in the above example, without having to wait around for the standard, making sure that I won't do something that is out of kilter or incompatible with something else in the future.
Named graph and URLs used in federated queries (using SERVICE or FROM) are two different things. The latter point to SPARQL endpoints, the named graphs are within a triple store and have the main function of separating different data sets. This, in turn, can be useful to both improve performance and represent knowledge, such as representing what is the source of a set of statements.
For instance, you might have two data sources both stating that ?movie has-rating ?x and you might want to know which source is stating which rating, in this case you can use two named graphs associated to the two sources (e.g., and If you're storing both data sets in the same triple store, probably you will want to use NGs, and remote endpoints are a different thing. Furthermore, the URL of a named graph can be used with vocabularies like VoID to describe a dataset as a whole (eg, the data set name, where and when the triples are imported from, who is the maintainer, user licence). This is another reason to partition your triple store into NGs.
That said, your mechanism to bind NGs to endpoint URLs might be implemented as an option, but I don't think it's a good idea to have it as mandatory, since managing remote endpoint URLs and NGs separately can be more useful.
Moreover, the real challenge in federated queries is to offer endpoint-transparent queries, making the query engine smart enough to analyse the query and understand how to split it and perform partial queries on the right endpoints (and join the results later, in an efficient way). There is a lot of research being done on that, one of the most significant results (as far as I know) is FedX, which has been used to implement several query distribution optimisations (example).
Last thing to add, I vaguely remember the convention that you mention about $url, $url/sparql. There are a couple of approaches around (e.g., LOD cloud). That said, in most nowadays triple stores (e.g., Virtuoso), queries that don't specify a named graph (don't use GRAPH) work in a way different than falling into a default graph case, they actually query the union of all named graphs in the store, which is usually much more useful (when you don't know where something is stated, or you want to integrate cross-graph data).

Complex taxonomy ORM mapping - looking for suggestions

In my project (ASP.NET MVC + NHibernate) I have all my entities, lets say Documents, described by set of custom metadata. Metadata is contained in a structure that can have multiple tags, categories etc. These terms have the most importance for users seeking the document they want, so it has an impact on views as well as underlying data structures, database querying etc.
From view side of application, what interests me the most are the string values for the terms. Ideally I would like to operate directly on the collections of strings like that:
class MetadataAsSeenInViews
public IList<string> Categories;
public IList<string> Tags;
// etc.
From model perspective, I could use the same structure, do the simplest-possible ORM mapping and use it in queries like "fetch all documents with metadata exactly like this".
But that kind of structure could turn out useless if the application needs to perform complex database queries like "fetch all documents, for which at least one of categories is IN (cat1, cat2, ..., catN) OR at least one of tags is IN (tag1, ..., tagN)". In that case, for performance reasons, we would probably use numeric keys for categories and tags.
So one can imagine a structure opposite to MetadataAsSeenInViews that operates on numeric keys and provide complex mappings of integers to strings and other way round. But that solution doesn't really satisfy me for several reasons:
it smells like single responsibility violation, as we're dealing with database-specific issues when just wanting to describe Document business object
database keys are leaking through all layers
it adds unnecessary complexity in views
and I believe it doesn't take advantage of what can good ORM do
Ideally I would like to have:
single, as simple as possible metadata structure (ideally like the one at the top) in my whole application
complex querying issues addressed only in the database layer (meaning DB + ORM + at less as possible additional code for data layer)
Do you have any ideas how to structure the code and do the ORM mappings to be as elegant, as effective and as performant as it is possible?
I have found that it is problematic to use domain entities directly in the views. To help decouple things I apply two different techniques.
Most importantly I'm using separate ViewModel classes to pass data to views. When the data corresponds nicely with a domain model entity, AutoMapper can ease the pain of copying data between them, but otherwise a bit of manual wiring is needed. Seems like a lot of work in the beginning but really helps out once the project starts growing, and is especially important if you haven't just designed the database from scratch. I'm also using an intermediate service layer to obtain ViewModels in order to keep the controllers lean and to be able to reuse the logic.
The second option is mostly for performance reasons, but I usually end up creating custom repositories for fetching data that spans entities. That is, I create a custom class to hold the data I'm interested in, and then write custom LINQ (or whatever) to project the result into that. This can often dramatically increase performance over just fetching entities and applying the projection after the data has been retrieved.
Let me know if I haven't been elaborate enough.
The solution I've finally implemented don't fully satisfy me, but it'll do by now.
I've divided my Tags/Categories into "real entities", mapped in NHibernate as separate entities and "references", mapped as components depending from entities they describe.
So in my C# code I have two separate classes - TagEntity and TagReference which both carry the same information, looking from domain perspective. TagEntity knows database id and is managed by NHibernate sessions, whereas TagReference carries only the tag name as string so it is quite handy to use in the whole application and if needed it is still easily convertible to TagEntity using static lookup dictionary.
That entity/reference separation allows me to query the database in more efficient way, joining two tables only, like select from articles join articles_tags ... where articles_tags.tag_id = X without joining the tags table, which will be joined too when doing simple fully-object-oriented NHibernate queries.