I am learning Aurelia framework, and have come across this code:
import moment from "moment";
export class DateFormatValueConverter {
toView(value) {
return moment(value).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');
My question is, where does it expect to find moment in the first statement? I am getting this error:
aurelia-logging-console.js:86 ERROR [app-router] Error: XHR error (404
Not Found) loading http://localhost:9000/dist/moment.js(…)
I then tried doing npm install moment --save and can now see this in my package.json file:
"dependencies": {
"moment": "^2.12.0",
"numeral": "^1.5.3"
But the error persists. Can someone please explain where should I store moment?
Update: I looked into the dist directory according to the error, but I am not sure how that's populated. It contains exactly same files as in my src directory, but how does that work?
You have to install it using jspm, not npm. Like this:
jspm install moment;
Then, you will be able to load:
import moment from "moment";
I try without success to apply a prerendering (or a SSG) to my Vue3 application to make it more SEO friendly.
I found the vue-cli-plugin-prerender-spa, and when I try it with the command line: vue add prerender-spa I have the error:
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'endsWith')
After that I tried prerender-spa-plugin but I have an error when I make a npm run build:
[prerender-spa-plugin] Unable to prerender all routes!
ERROR Error: Build failed with errors.
Error: Build failed with errors.
at /Users/myusername/Workspace/myproject/node_modules/#vue/cli-service/lib/commands/build/index.js:207:23
at /Users/myusername/Workspace/myproject/node_modules/webpack/lib/webpack.js:148:8
at /Users/myusername/Workspace/myproject/node_modules/webpack/lib/HookWebpackError.js:68:3
What do you think about this? Do you have any idea?
Nuxt3 is a really powerful meta-framework with a lot of features and huge ecosystem. Meanwhile, it's in RC2 right now so not 100% stable (may still work perfectly fine).
If your project is aiming for something simpler, I'd recommend using Vitesse. It may be a bit more stable and it's probably powerful enough (check what's coming with it to help you decide).
Some solutions like Prerender also exist but it's paid and not as good as some real SSG (/SSR). Also, it's more of a freemium.
I struggled with the same error output until I found the prerender-spa-plugin-next. Then I notice the latest version of prerender-spa-plugin was published 4 years ago and prerender-spa-plugin-next is continually updating. It seems like that prerender-spa-plugin-next is a new version of prerender-spa-plugin with the same functions. So I use prerender-spa-plugin-next instead of prerender-spa-plugin then everything works fine!
Here is my step:
install the package
npm i -D prerender-spa-plugin-next
modify vue.config.js like
const plugins = [];
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
const { join } = require('path');
const PrerenderPlugin = require('prerender-spa-plugin-next');
new PrerenderPlugin({
staticDir: join(__dirname, 'dist'),
routes: ['/'], //the page route you want to prerender
module.exports = {
transpileDependencies: true,
configureWebpack(config) {
config.plugins = [...config.plugins, ...plugins];
npm run build
Then check the index.html under the dist folder you can see the page is prerendered.
Further usage refers to the homepage of prerender-spa-plugin-next
Found and fix about the scss files to import.
In nuxt.config.ts use :
vite: {
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
additionalData: `
#import "#/assets/scss/_variables.scss";
#import "#/assets/scss/my-style.scss";
Now my 2 mains issue are : how to install vuetify properly, currently syles and components seems working but the JS not, for example, accordions don't expands on click.
And second topic is to have a i18n module, it seems that vue-i18N no longer works.
Any help with the following problem would be greatly appreciated!
My project contains two packages:
contains a single view About.vue written in composition-API-style (with vue2 helper libraries #vue/composition-api and vuex-composition-helpers)
exports a single RouteConfig
build as a lib
views/About.vue (child)
<div class="about">
<h1>This is an about page (as component lib)</h1>
import { defineComponent } from "#vue/composition-api";
import { createNamespacedHelpers } from "vuex-composition-helpers";
export default defineComponent({
components: {},
setup(_, { root }) {
const { useGetters, useActions } = createNamespacedHelpers("account"); // error thrown here!
router/index.ts (child)
export const routes: Array<RouteConfig> = [{
path: "/",
name: "About",
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "about" */ "../views/About.vue")
lib.ts (child)
export const routes = require("#/router").routes;
package.json (child)
"scripts": {
"build": "vue-cli-service build --target lib --name child-component-lib src/lib.ts"
imports the route from child-component-lib into its router
contains a simple view that displays one line of text and a <router-view />
package.json (parent)
"dependencies": {
"#tholst/child-component-lib": "file:../child-component-lib",
router/index.ts (parent)
import { routes as childComponentRoutes } from "#tholst/child-component-lib";
const routes: Array<RouteConfig> = [...childComponentRoutes];
const router = new VueRouter({routes});
export default router;
App.vue (parent)
<div id="app">
<Home />
<router-view />
import { defineComponent } from "#vue/composition-api";
import Home from "#/views/Home.vue";
export default defineComponent({
components: {
setup(_, { root }) {
Expected behavior
It works without problems.
Actual behavior
I see an error output in the console. [Vue warn]: Error in data(): "Error: You must use this function within the "setup()" method, or insert the store as first argument." The error message is misleading, because the error is actually thrown inside setup() method. It can be traced back to getCurrentInstance() returning undefined (inside #vue/composition-api).
It turns out that the error disappears when I include the same About.vue in the parent-app itself (just switch the route, to try it out), i.e., it works when we avoid the import from the built library.
So it looks like it's a problem with the build setup
(one of vue.config.js, webpack, babel, typescript, ...)
Reproduce the error:
1. Clone, install, run
git clone git#github.com:tholst/vue-composition-api-comp-lib.git && cd vue-composition-api-comp-lib/child-component-lib && npm install && npm run build && cd ../parent-app/ && npm install && npm run serve
or one by one
git clone git#github.com:tholst/vue-composition-api-comp-lib.git
cd vue-composition-api-comp-lib/child-component-lib
npm install
npm run build
cd ../parent-app/
npm install
npm run serve
2. Open Browser
Go to http://localhost:8080/
3. Open Dev Tools to See Error
[Vue warn]: Error in data(): "Error: You must use this function within the "setup()" method, or insert the store as first argument."
found in
---> <Anonymous>
<App> at src/App.vue
Error Screenshot
Environment Info:
Node: 14.2.0
npm: 6.14.8
Chrome: 86.0.4240.198
#vue/babel-sugar-composition-api-inject-h: 1.2.1
#vue/babel-sugar-composition-api-render-instance: 1.2.4
#vue/cli-overlay: 4.5.8
#vue/cli-plugin-babel: 4.5.8
#vue/cli-plugin-router: 4.5.8
#vue/cli-plugin-typescript: 4.5.8
#vue/cli-service: 4.5.8
#vue/cli-shared-utils: 4.5.8
#vue/component-compiler-utils: 3.2.0
#vue/composition-api: 1.0.0-beta.19
#vue/preload-webpack-plugin: 1.1.2
typescript: 3.9.7
vue: 2.6.12
vue-loader: 15.9.5 (16.0.0-rc.1)
vue-router: 3.4.9
vue-template-compiler: 2.6.12
vue-template-es2015-compiler: 1.9.1
vuex: 3.5.1
vuex-composition-helpers: 1.0.21
#vue/cli: 4.5.8
I finally understood what the problems were. First, there was the actual problem. Second, there was a problem in the local development setup that made solutions to the actual problem look like they were not working.
The Actual Problem + Solution
The child-component-lib was bundling their own versions of the npm packages #vue/composition-api and vuex-composition-helpers. This had the following effect: When I was running the parent-app there were actually two instances of those libraries and the vue component from the child-component-lib was accessing the wrong object that had not been properly initialized.
The solution was to prevent the bundling of those libraries in the child-component-lib, by
making them devDependencies and peerDependencies.
instructing webpack not to bundle them on npm run build.
"dependencies": {
"devDependencies": {
"#vue/composition-api": "^1.0.0-beta.19",
"vuex-composition-helpers": "^1.0.21",
"peerDependencies": {
"#vue/composition-api": "^1.0.0-beta.19",
"vuex-composition-helpers": "^1.0.21"
configureWebpack: {
externals: {
"#vue/composition-api": "#vue/composition-api",
"vuex-composition-helpers": "vuex-composition-helpers"
The Tricky Problem that Made Things Difficult
I was trying to fix this problem locally, without actually publishing the package. And it seemed to work, because I was seeing the same problem locally that I also saw in the published packages.
I did local development by directly linking the parent-app and child-component-libs. I tried both
a direct folder dependency
"dependencies": {
"#tholst/child-component-lib": "file:../child-component-lib",
npm link
cd child-component-lib
npm link
cd ../parent-app
npm link #tholst/child-component-lib
Both approaches have the effect that they actually import (=symlink to) the child-component-lib's folder with all files and folders (instead of only the files that would be published in the npm package).
And that meant the following: Even though I had excluded the two composition-API libs from the bundle and made them dev/peer dependencies (see solution to actual problem), they were still installed and present in the child-component-lib's node_modules. And that node_modules folder was symlinked into the parent-app package. And in this way the child-component-lib still had access to their own copy of the libraries that we wanted to exclude from the build (see actual problem). And I was still seeing the error as before.
And this way my local development approach obscured the fact that the solution to the actual problem was actually working.
I'm trying to use a Bootstrap theme in my Vue application. Unfortunately the Bootstrap theme has no reference implementation for Vue. So I need to configure everything on my own.
What I want to do is, I want use the scss-files provided by the theme in Vue. So my App.vue component is pretty simple:
<div id="app">
<style lang="scss">
#import "#/assets/base.scss";
The "base.scss" file contains imports all dependencies. So, when I run my Vue application using "npm run serve", I get the following error:
ERROR Failed to compile with 10 errors
This dependency was not found:
in ./node_modules/cs
s-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-3!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist /cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/App.vue?vue&type=style&index=1&lang=scss&
To install it, you can run: npm install --save
These relative modules were not found:
./components/icons/linearicons/Linearicons-Free.eot in ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/
./components/icons/linearicons/Linearicons-Free.eot?w118d in ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_mo
./components/icons/linearicons/Linearicons-Free.svg?w118d in ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_mo
./components/icons/linearicons/Linearicons-Free.ttf?w118d in ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_mo
./components/icons/linearicons/Linearicons-Free.woff2?w118d in ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_
./components/icons/linearicons/Linearicons-Free.woff?w118d in ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_m
./components/slick-carousel/slick/ajax-loader.gif in ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/sa
./utils/images/logo-inverse.png in ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs
./utils/images/logo.png in ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref
Error from chokidar (C:): Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked,
lstat 'C:\hiberfil.sys'
The referenced files are exist in the "#/assets/components/..." directory. But my problem is that I've no idea how I can set a relative path (e.g. "#/assets") searchs for the components. Furthermore there's no variable in the "base.scss" file I can adjust to set the relativ path. I also don't want modify the "base.scss" file because it comes from the theme.
I've no idea how to fix it this. I already tried to set the corresponding webpack-chain in vue.config.js without any success:
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
.tap(options => {
options = {
name: '#/assets/[path][name].[ext]'
return options
I hope anyone can help solving this problem :-)
I finally solved the issue by simply importing the "base.scss" in the "main.js" file and use it:
import theme from '#/assets/base.scss'
Okay so maybe this has a fairly simple explanation which I don't know how to look up, but here's my conundrum:
if I publish my project (my-navigation) to the npm registry and then npm install it in another project (my-vue-app), it works all great, but!
if I try to npm install my-navigation directly from its folder on my machine into my-vue-app, I start getting runtime errors indicating that I have not correctly registered some bootstrap-vue components
I have even tried copying the files under node_modules/my-navigation into a folder and then npm installing that - I get the same errors
This is my main entrypoint:
import Vue from "vue";
import MyNavigation from "./MyNav.vue";
import {
} from "bootstrap-vue";
Vue.component("b-navbar", BNavbar);
Vue.component("b-navbar-brand", BNavbarBrand);
Vue.component("b-navbar-nav", BNavbarNav);
Vue.component("b-dropdown-form", BDropdownForm);
Vue.component("b-form-radio", BFormRadio);
import "./styles/bootstrap/mystyles.scss";
export default {
install(Vue) {
Vue.component('my-navigation', MyNavigation);
export { MyNavigation };
and in package.json:
"main": "./dist/my-navigation.umd.js",
"module": "./dist/my-navigation.esm.js",
"unpkg": "./dist/my-navigation.min.js",
"files": [
"dependencies": {
"core-js": "^3.3.2",
"vue": "^2.6.10"
"peerDependencies": {
"bootstrap-vue": "^2.0.4"
"scripts": {
"build-bundle": "vue-cli-service build --target lib --name my-navigation ./src/main-navbar.js"
I can of course work around this by importing the components directly in MyNavigation.vue, but I want to register them globally for use in another component I'll be including in the npm package as well; and well it just seems weird to me that it works through the registry but not locally
Edit: it appears that through the registry, the bootstrap-vue components are being registered globally and are available then in my-vue-app by importing the npm package. This seems like a bad idea(?), so I probably don't want that anyway.
npm pack produces a .tgz file https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/pack.html
Importing from this file instead of from dist has the same behaviour as importing from a package on the registry.
Still not sure why or what npm does in creating this file, but that answers at least the question of how to mimic the behaviour of a registered package when importing from local/a repository.
I got an error when building a vue-cli app with vuetify framework.
This dependency was not found:
* vuetify/es5/components/VCardTitle in ./src/plugins/vuetify.js
To install it, you can run: npm install --save vuetify/es5/components/VCardTitle
When I try to install it it says:
error Received malformed response from registry for undefined. The registry may be down.
Any ideas what it could be?
package json: "vuetify": "^1.1.12"
Im using vuetify a-la-carte.
I have also added VCardTitle to the vuetify.js file in imports and components.
You're importing from 'vuetify' as it is in Vue Official Documentation example (https://v1.vuetifyjs.com/en/guides/a-la-carte).
Change it to 'vuetify/lib'.
import {
Vuetify, // required
VApp, // required
} from 'vuetify/lib';