ECM Sitecore Upload Receipts From .CSV Error - file-upload

Has anyone received the following error when trying to upload receipts in Sitecore Email Campaign Manager? It looks like the file is not being saved in the temp folder. The error is not consistent. It happens sporadically.

Ensure the temp folder has Network Service write permissions on it.
Also ensure these steps have been done:
1) Change the Identity in Application Pool as Network Service
2) Make sure that the website folder and all its descendants and the data folder and all its descendants have read and write access for Network Service.


How can I set a file upload function?

I am creating an SAPUI5 WebApp with an file upload function. I try this example from SAPUi5 Explored: sap.m.sample.UploadCollection
I try with my trial account in SAP WebIDE to set the upload function ( Upload Collection)
The issue is, not allowing to upload a file in the project folder or local desktop folder.
If I upload a file it appears but i can't open it and I get a 405 HTTP
Any Ideas, what the problem is?
like you see already in your posts comments, you need a backend for this task. The UploadCollection control is only usable with a backend in the background which receives the transmitted file from the control.
On the page you see
This control allows you to upload single or multiple files from your devices (desktop, tablet or phone) and attach them to the application
while you can replace "application" with "receiving backend"
Indipendent of this may I allowed to ask where do you think the file should be uploaded when not to a backend system? I mean when you choose a file from your local storage it doesn't make any sense to upload it again to your local storage?!

Transfer from one cPanel to another cPanel without WHM access

I have cPanel access on two different servers and would like to transfer from one server to another. The original size of the account on the first server is close to 15GB.
Currently, the only two ways I can think of are:
Backup using cPanel then Restore on the second server. But this process times out. I get "Failed - Network error" error
Use FTP App like Filezilla to login and transfer files from that. I haven't tested this but I think it first downloads the files on my local machine (temp folder) then uploads them to the second server.
My problem with option 2 is that this means I will end up using 30GB of data transfer if it actually does that.
What is the best way to transfer from server to server using cPanel?
I have limited knowledge on this. I will suggest you some tips.
1.Backup using cPanel then Restore on the second server. But this process times out. I get "Failed - Network error" error
The backup creation is failed due to the high size of account. So that reason that way is not possible.
Use FTP App like Filezilla to login and transfer files from that. I haven't tested this but I think it first downloads the files on my local machine (temp folder) then uploads them to the second server.
You can download the whole content to your PC or download one folder by folder like first home, mail, and etc and upload to new cpanel account using ftp
Could you please open a support ticket to your hosting provider they will help you create from server backend using /script/pkgacct.
Thank you.

Delete a file from OneDrive for Business in for each loop in Logic Apps gives an error

When I create a Logic App, I'm listing the file content in one drive for business. Then, I'm creating a ForEach to loop through the files in a folder and delete them. The system is not deleting the files and giving a 404 error.
I do the same example for copy, it works fine. The same example works fine if I replace the oneDrive for business adaptor with SFTP for example.
I've attached files for the design I've done and the error I get:
LogicApp Workflow
404 Error
Delete file API by OneDrive takes an ID rather than the file path. So in your case, specify "Id" token and it should work.

How To Upload Log.txt File

I am searching a free service which allow there users to upload files in there account programmatically. Actually I want to upload a log.txt file which contains errors strings which occurs in my application which is running in client computer. I know we can use Email service to send logs or strings but I don't want to use email, I am searching FTP or HTTP upload.
Microsoft Windows Error Reporting

SQL Server Replication: cannot open file (OS Error 5) even though I can manually log in as the executing user and open the file

I have a remote server running SQL Server 9.0.3042, trying to subscribe to a publication on a server running SQL Server 10.0.2531.
These servers are on different domains which basically hate each other and largely refuse to allow their users access to each other.
They do both communicate nicely with a third domain, and it is a user from that domain which I am using as the process owner on both servers.
I have created a shared folder on the publishing server, and I am using it as the Snapshot folder, set via Publication Properties -> Snapshot -> "Put files in the following folder" and have confirmed that the files are being published locally and can be accessed via the shared folder.
The Snapshot Agent on the publishing server runs and appears to complete successfully.
I've then created a Pull subscription on the subscribing server and told it to run with the Agent Process Account of the same user that runs the snapshot agent on the publisher.
I've redirected the snapshot location to "Alternate folder" and set that folder to be the shared folder on the remote server that I set up earlier.
The Pulling server connects correctly to the Publishing server, And then fails because "The process could not read file "\[server].[domain][share][snapshot directory][file].pre" due to OS error 5"
I've logged into the Pull server as the executing account and manually navigated to, and opened, that file. I've done the same on the publishing server.
I'm out of ideas. What am I screwing up?
OS Error 5 is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. You're not being allowed to get to the folder. Check to make sure that the user account trying to get to the files has at least read access to the folder containing the files.
The decision has been taken that we're pretty much on the point where we're going to move every user in the company over to a brand new domain, and that this problem isn't worth the time and effort of fixing.
I did find this SO question which relates a similar problem, but I don't intend to investigate this matter any further.