How To Upload Log.txt File -

I am searching a free service which allow there users to upload files in there account programmatically. Actually I want to upload a log.txt file which contains errors strings which occurs in my application which is running in client computer. I know we can use Email service to send logs or strings but I don't want to use email, I am searching FTP or HTTP upload.

Microsoft Windows Error Reporting


How can I set a file upload function?

I am creating an SAPUI5 WebApp with an file upload function. I try this example from SAPUi5 Explored: sap.m.sample.UploadCollection
I try with my trial account in SAP WebIDE to set the upload function ( Upload Collection)
The issue is, not allowing to upload a file in the project folder or local desktop folder.
If I upload a file it appears but i can't open it and I get a 405 HTTP
Any Ideas, what the problem is?
like you see already in your posts comments, you need a backend for this task. The UploadCollection control is only usable with a backend in the background which receives the transmitted file from the control.
On the page you see
This control allows you to upload single or multiple files from your devices (desktop, tablet or phone) and attach them to the application
while you can replace "application" with "receiving backend"
Indipendent of this may I allowed to ask where do you think the file should be uploaded when not to a backend system? I mean when you choose a file from your local storage it doesn't make any sense to upload it again to your local storage?!

ECM Sitecore Upload Receipts From .CSV Error

Has anyone received the following error when trying to upload receipts in Sitecore Email Campaign Manager? It looks like the file is not being saved in the temp folder. The error is not consistent. It happens sporadically.
Ensure the temp folder has Network Service write permissions on it.
Also ensure these steps have been done:
1) Change the Identity in Application Pool as Network Service
2) Make sure that the website folder and all its descendants and the data folder and all its descendants have read and write access for Network Service.

Export file from NetSuite's FileCabinet to FTP

File resides in the NetSuite file cabinet and needs to be placed on an FTP server each day.
I'm not sure how to handle this via Suitelet/RESTlet, or if it's possible - but would prefer to not use an external source/application.
My current and hopefully temporary workaround is a local scheduled task to run a script to pull files from NetSuite & upload to the FTP.
In SuiteScript 2.0, although unsecured FTP is still not support, but SS2.0 has the capability to do SFTP. See
In SuiteScript 1.0, it's not supported. The workaround is that you'll need to write a middleware code (i.e. in PHP) and let the middleware do the FTP transfer.
Netsuite doesn't interact with FTP.
You need a bridge server of some sort that runs a web app (full blown Apache or nginx running PHP or just a simple Node service)
Just get a server and install some web server/web service and POST your files to it (nlapiRequestURL with a Scheduled script). Have the web app on the bridge server send the files to the FTP server. If you are using Netsuite you can afford the cost of the bridge server.
One possible solution is to create a saved search on the Documents to list out all the files in Netsuite filtering by createdate or lastmodifieddate. Create a scheduler to fetch only the new files and save them locally where you want.
Note all the files will be in base64 encoded string format, you need to decode again to obtain the file.
As bknights said NetSuite doesn't support FTP. You need a web server(any server side language can do for that matter, I have written one in Node.js), to receive the files.
The file content for text file will be in Text format, so, no decode logic required for text files. However, binary/pdf/image and other would be in base64 format, as NetSuite's JS has no way of handling binary data. So, make sure you decode it before you create the file on your FTP Server.

Tiny FTP client with pre-configured settings? - a simple file uploader?

I am looking to have users upload files to an FTP server using a "pre-configured" FTP client. By that I mean; the FTP client's connection settings have already been set in the client they have downloaded. Ideally users should be able just to drag and drop the files into a simple window and the file uploads.
I have found two applications which allow me to do this;
"FTP Maker" (
This allows you to configure the FTP connection details and add a logo. You then hit a button which generates the "uploader application". This can then be distributed to users where they have to configure nothing. While this works, it doesn't have as many features as...
"FTP Uploader Creator" (
Same as above, except the application can zip before uploading, can resume uploads and can also send an email after upload has completed. These are handy features I wish FTP Maker had. The issue with this application is it's developer seems to have gone out of business and only the thirty-day trial is available...
Another application is "FTPcreator" ( Unfortunately this is a little outside my price range.
I am also aware of options such as dropbox, ftpbox etc.
Do you know of any super-lite FTP clients which I could pre-configure before sending out to users? Ideally it should have the features of "FTP Uploader Creator" above. I believe this sort of tool might be used in IT to allow users to send files directly to an FTP server.
I know I could do this through a webpage. However, the files will be particularly large and well over the limits of my hosting apache upload file size limit.
I have spent literally hours looking for alternative! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Programmable ftp server

We have a need to set up a ftp server. Many clients will upload files regularly. Each client will use a different ftp account. We will be called by an external system to provision a new client - we can either take username/password from the external aystem or generate them and pass them back. We will probably want to create a directory per client for them to upload files.
When a client uploads a file, we want to be notified, process the file, and pass it on to another external system (then rename or otherwise identify the file as processed)
So I am after suggestions for a ftp server that can have accounts added programmatically. Ideally, it would also handle the directories and new-upload notifications, but we can do these in other ways.
This would be on Red Hat Linux (ideally), or Solaris is an option.
Google says RedHat 9 Comes with vsftpd installed.