awk field separator not working for first line - awk

echo 'NODE_1_length_317516_cov_18.568_ID_4005' | awk 'FS="_length" {print $1}'
Obtained output:
Expected output:
How is that possible? I'm missing something.

When you are going through lines using Awk, the field separator is interpreted before processing the record. Awk reads the record according the current values of FS and RS and goes ahead performing the operations you ask it for.
This means that if you set the value of FS while reading a record, this won't have effect for that specific record. Instead, the FS will have effect when reading the next one and so on.
So if you have a file like this:
$ cat file
1,2 3,4
5,6 7,8
And you set the field separator while reading one record, it takes effect from the next line:
$ awk '{FS=","} {print $1}' file
1,2 # FS is still the space!
So what you want to do is to set the FS before starting to read the file. That is, set it in the BEGIN block or via parameter:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {print $1}' file
1,2 # now, FS is the comma
$ awk -F, '{print $1}' file
There is also another way: make Awk recompute the full record with {$0=$0}. With this, Awk will take into account the current FS and act accordingly:
$ awk '{FS=","} {$0=$0;print $1}' file

awk Statement used incorrectly
Correct way is
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "#{delimiter}" } ; { print $1 }'
In your case you can use
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "_length" } ; { print $1 }'

Inbuilt variables like FS, ORS etc must be set within a context i.e in 1 of the following blocks: BEGIN, condition blocks or END.
$ echo 'NODE_1_length_317516_cov_18.568_ID_4005' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="_length"} {print $1}'
You can also pass the delimiter using -F switch like this:
$ echo 'NODE_1_length_317516_cov_18.568_ID_4005' | awk -F "_length" '{print $1}'


AWK:Remove multiple columns and retain the column delimiters [duplicate]

This command works. It outputs the field separator (in this case, a comma):
$ echo "hi,ho"|awk -F, '/hi/{print $0}'
This command has strange output (it is missing the comma):
$ echo "hi,ho"|awk -F, '/hi/{$2="low";print $0}'
hi low
Setting the OFS (output field separator) variable to a comma fixes this case, but it really does not explain this behaviour.
Can I tell awk to keep the OFS?
When you modify the line ($0) awk re-constructs all columns and puts the value of OFS between them which by default is space. You modified the value of $2 which means you forced awk to re-evaluate$0.
When you print the line as is using $0 in your first case, since you did not modify any fields, awk did not re-evaluated each field and hence the field separator is preserved.
In order to preserve the field separator, you can specify that using:
BEGIN block:
$ echo "hi,ho" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}/hi/{$2="low";print $0}'
Using -v option:
$ echo "hi,ho" | awk -F, -v OFS="," '/hi/{$2="low";print $0}'
Defining at the end of awk:
$ echo "hi,ho" | awk -F, '/hi/{$2="low";print $0}' OFS=","
You first example does not change anything, so all is printed out as the input.
In second example, it change the line and it will use the default OFS, that is (one space)
So to overcome this:
echo "hi,ho"|awk -F, '/hi/{$2="low";print $0}' OFS=","
In your BEGIN action, set OFS = FS.

How to use awk to find the line starting with a variable

I know 2 things about awk:
awk -v var="$PAT" '$3 ~ var {print $0}' file.txt # will print the line where 3rd field includes the variable $PAT
awk '$3 ~ /^aGeneName/' file.txt # will print the line where 3rd field starts with string "aGeneName"
But what I want is the combination of these two: I want to print the line where the 3rd field starts with the variable $PAT, something like
awk -v var="$PAT" '$3 ~ /^var/ {print $0}' file.txt # but this is wrong, since variable can't be put into //
One way is like this:
awk -v var="$PAT" '$3 ~ "^" var {print $0}' file.txt
And the {print $0} can be saved here, it's implied.
Another way, when the pattern var is a simple string, no RegEX character inside:
awk -v var="$PAT" 'index($3, var)==1' file.txt

Extract fields from logs with awk and aggregate them for a new command

I have this kind of log:
2018-10-05 09:12:38 286 <190>1 2018-10-05T09:12:38.474640+00:00 app web - - Class uuid=uuid-number-one cp=xxx action='xxxx'
2018-10-05 10:11:23 286 <190>1 2018-10-05T10:11:23.474640+00:00 app web - - Class uuid=uuid-number-two cp=xxx action='xxxx'
I need to extract uuid and run a second query with:
./getlogs --search 'uuid-number-one OR uuid-number-two'
For the moment for the first query I do this to extract uuid:
./getlogs | grep 'uuid' | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="} { print $2 }' | cut -d' ' -f1
My three question :
I think I could get rid of grep and cut and use only awk?
How could I capture only the value of uuid. I tried awk '/uuid=\S*/{ print $1 }' or awk 'BEGIN {FS="uuid=\\S*"} { print $1 }' but it's a failure.
How could I aggregate the result and turn it into one shell variable that I can use after for the new command?
You could define two field separators:
$ awk -F['= '] '/uuid/{print $12}' file
Question 2:
The pattern part in awk just selects lines to process. It doesn't change the internal variables like $1 or NF. You need to do the replacement afterwards:
$ awk '/uuid=/{print gensub(/.*uuid=(\S*).*/, "\\1", "")}' file
Question 3:
var=$(awk -F['= '] '/uuid/{r=r","$12}END{print substr(r,2)}' file)
Implement the actual aggregation for each line (here r=r","$12).
Could you please try following(tested on shown samples and in BASH environment).
awk 'match($0,/uuid=[^ ]*/){print substr($0,RSTART+5,RLENGTH-5)}' Input_file
Solution 2nd: In case your uid is not having space in it then use following.
awk '{sub(/.*uuid=/,"");sub(/ .*/,"")} 1' Input_file
solution 3rd: using sed following may help you(considering that uid is not having any space in its values).
sed 's/\(.*uuid=\)\([^ ]*\)\(.*\)/\2/' Input_file
Solution 4th: using awk field separator method for shown samples.
awk -F'uuid=| cp' '{print $2}' Input_file
To concatenate all values into a shell variable use following.
shell_var=$(awk 'match($0,/uuid=[^ ]*/){val=val?val OFS substr($0,RSTART+5,RLENGTH-5):substr($0,RSTART+5,RLENGTH-5)} END{print val}' Input_file)

Exact string match in awk

I have a file test.txt with the next lines
1997 100 500 2010TJ
2010TJXML 16 20 59
I'm using the next awk line to get information only about string 2010TJ
awk -v var="2010TJ" '$0 ~ var {print $0}' test.txt
But the code print the two lines. I want to know how to get the line containing the exact string
1997 100 500 2010TJ
the string can be placed in any column of the file.
Several options:
Use a gawk word boundary (not POSIX awk...):
$ gawk '/\<2010TJ\>/' file
An actual space or tab or what is separating the columns:
$ awk '/^2010TJ /' file
Or compare the field directly to the string:
$ awk '$1=="2010TJ"' file
You can loop over the fields to test each field if you wish:
$ awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="2010TJ") {print; next}}' file
Or, given your example of setting a variable, those same using a variable:
$ gawk -v s=2010TJ '$0~"\\<" s "\\>"'
$ awk -v s=2010TJ '$0~"^" s " "'
$ awk -v s=2010TJ '$1==s'
Note the first is a little different than the second and third. The first is the standalone string 2010TJ anywhere in $0; the second and third is a string that starts with that string.
Try this (for testing only column 1) :
awk '$1 == "2010TJ" {print $0}' test.txt
or grep like (all columns) :
gawk '/\<2010TJ\>/ {print $0}' test.txt
\< \> is word boundarys
another awk with word boundary
awk '/\y2010TJ\y/' file
note \y matches either beginning or end of a word.

Removing content of a column based on number of occurences

I have a file (; seperated) with data like this
I would like to remove any $3 that has less than 3 occurences, so the outcome would be like
That is, only $3 got deleted, as it had only a single occurence
Sadly I am not really sure if (thus how) this could be done relatively easily (as doing the =COUNT.IF matching, and manuel delete in Excel feels quite embarrassing)
$ awk -F';' 'NR==FNR{cnt[$3]++;next} cnt[$3]<3{sub(/;[^;]+$/,"")} 1' file file
or if you prefer:
$ awk -F';' 'NR==FNR{cnt[$3]++;next} {print (cnt[$3]<3 ? $1 FS $2 : $0)}' file file
this awk one-liner can help, it processes the file twice:
awk -F';' 'NR==FNR{a[$3]++;next}a[$3]<3{NF--}7' file file
Though that awk solutions are the best in terms of performance, your goal could be also achieved with something like this:
while IFS=" " read a b;do
if [[ "$a" -lt "3" ]];then
sed -i "s/$b//" b.txt
done <<<"$(cut -d";" -f3 b.txt |sort |uniq -c)"
Operation is based on the output of cut which counts occurrences.
$cut -d";" -f3 b.txt |sort |uniq -c
7 000-000.2
1 000-200.2
3 020-000.8
Above works for editing source file in place, so keep a back up for testing.
You can feed the file twice to awk. On the first run you gather a statistic that you use in the second run:
FNR == NR { stats[ $3 ]++
{ if( stats[$3] < 3) print $1 $2
else print
Run it like this: awk -F\; -f script.awk yourfile yourfile .
The condition FNR == NR is true during processing of the first filename given to awk. The next statement skips the second block.
Thus the second block is only used for processing the second filename given to awk (which is here the same as the first filename).