How to display only the columns in a column chart using WinRTXamlToolkit? - xaml

I am using WinRTXamlToolkit to create a histogram in UWP.
I'd like to hide almost all elements in the chart, but displaying only the columns, is that possible?
Is it hard to hide only the confusing numbers displays along x Axis

I second Chris's suggestion that you'll need some serious retemplating. IMHO it would make more sense to simply build your own chart with a few bottom-aligned rectangles. It will be easier, it will perform better and be more satisfying to accomplish than chipping at the full chart control to trim it down to what is essentially - a few bottom-aligned rectangles. Bonus points for doing it in Win2D or other Direct2D way that should allow you to get real-time update performance.
See sample Win2D chart rendering implementation at


Kibana :: How to make a Yes/No Vertical Bar Chart?? (Horizontal Population Pyramid)

Does anyone know how to make a Horizontal Population Pyramid like the one in the header image located in this article? I want Yes to go up vertically and No to go down vertically..
Was this created with vega or classical kibana visualizations?
I doubt that graph was made with Vega, simply because most likely I would have been asked for help in building it :). That said, Vega allows you to build things like that, e.g. see this graph. Also, while I haven't tried it, I suspect that example can be substantially reduced in the size by using a single rect mark inside a single group, but I wouldn't know for sure until I try to refactor it.

Is there any way to draw a line diagram using array of x, y co-ordinates in appcelerator?

If I select one of these co-ordinates, I want to highlight that point on the diagram (by a circle or whatever shape possible). Also I would like to save it later on.
I'm not sure if Appcelerator is flexible enough to do all these things (My search didn't yield much apart from here, this only supports Android), If not I'll have to generate this diagram in my webservice and pull it back on UI once there is an update in the co-ordinate array.
I've used Chartist inside a webview and it worked great. It produces a SVG graph instead of a canvas object which performs better.
If you want to use hyperloop you can use Ti.AndroidCharts

Permanently show the legend on a graph

i basically have a problem with my Qlik sense i cant seem to display the legends for one of the graph due to its being small.
is there a way to display the legend permanetly without it being moved around?
I don't believe so, one of the trade offs with Qlik Sense is that for the dynamic resizing to each screen is that controls over appearance are not as stringent.

How keep more white space on Y-Axis of Chart?

I want to display data into a chart control. Like so:
Current Problem
My issue is the data (blue line) goes out of the chart. As seen above, it seems as if my data exceeds the viewing pane... I'd like to be able to view the whole thing.
Is it possible to create some sort of padding? Keep in mind, not all values will be in percentage...
The solution I used is multiplying the YAxis maximum by 5%.
This creates a small padding over my maximum values which enables me to view it correctly. Not very elegant but it does the job for now.
Perhaps there are better answers but this worked great.

Silverlight grid with a large number of rows and columns

I would like to know what is the recommended way of designing a Silverlight page with many controls in it, like a lob application for example. What I think would be simpler, especially if there are many pages to make, is to make a template page with a large number of rows and columns of the same dimension, so that I can visually put every control into the grid. In this way, each control will have something like absolute coordinates, as well as rowspan and columnspan.
Isn't this one the easiest way to design? I think such a layout would also be easier to modify, since if I want to move a textbox from the left to the right side of the screen, I only have to change it's Grid.Column property, without minding all the interactions with the stackpanels and the grids on the right side, like I see in many layouts that are organized with a number of grids and stackpanels.
And can the fact of having a large number of rows and columns decrease the performances?
Thanks for any opinion.
You can use a Canvas control if you want to do absolute positioning.