progressmeter is updated too rarely - xul

I have progressmeter in my XUL source code and button that I created for testing, that increments value of progressmeter by constant value.
Problem exists because if value of increment is smaller than 4, progressmeter won't be updated.
For example if that const value is 1, value must be increment four times, to see change on the screen. Also internal value of progressmeter's object is not updated, ie logging variable progressmeter.value give non updated result.
Analogously if I increment value by 2, I must do it two times to see result.
It does not depend on max value, the same behaviours is if max is 100 or 2000.
For example:
<progressmeter value="0" max="100" id="progressmeter1" />
var pm_value = 0;
function incrementProgressmeter(){
var value_for_increment = 1;
pm_value += value_for_increment;
var progressmeter = document.getElementById("progressmeter1");
progressmeter.value = pm_value;
If value of value_for_increment is 1, I must invoke incrementProgressmeter function four times to see on the screen that progressmeter is progressing and also progressmeter.value is updated after that time.
If value of value_for_increment is 2, I must invoke incrementProgressmeter function two times. This behaviour doesn't depend on max attribute of progressmeter.
I wonder if it is designed behaviour, but I don't understand reason why it may be designed in such way. If it is, I would like to know why. Also I would like to know how to omit that limitation, ie I want to value of progressmeter to be increment properly by 1,2,3 values, so the user can see progress on the screen.


How to add record cell value to array variable (IE sum values in array)

I have a function returning a setof records. This can be seen in this picture
I have a range of boards of length 2.8m thru to 4.9m (ln28 thru ln49 respectively) they have characteristics that set bits as seen in bincodes (9,2049,4097 etc.) For each given board length, I need to sum the number of boards for each bincode. EG in this case ln28 (bincode 4097) would = 3+17+14 = 34. Where you see brdsource = 128 series is where I intend to store these values, so for row brdsource 128, bincodes 4097, I want to store 34 in ln28.
You will see that I have 0's in ln28 values for all brdsource = 128. I have generated extra records as part of my setof records, and am trying to use a multidimensional array to add the values and keep track of them as seen above with array - Summary[boardlength 0-8][bincode 0-4].
Question 1 - I see that if I add 1 (for argument sake, it can be any number) to an array location, it returns a null value (no error, just nothing in table cell). However if I first set the array location to 0, then add 1, it works perfectly. How can an array defined as type integer hold a null value?
Question 2 - How do I add my respective record (call it rc) board length count to the array. IE I want to do something like this
if (rc.bincode = 4097) then Summary[0][2] := Summary[0][2] + rc.ln28;
and then later, on, when injecting this into my table (during brdsource = 128 phase) :
if (rc.bincode = 4097) then rc.ln28 := Summary[0][2];
Of course I may be going about this in a completely unorthodox way (though to me SQL is just plain unorthodox, sigh). I have made attempts to sum all previous records based on the required conditions (eg using a case(when...end) statement, but I proved what I already suspected, ie that each returned record is simply a single row of data. There is just no means of accessing data in the previous record lines as returned by the functions FOR LOOP...END LOOP.
A final note is that everything discussed here is occurring inside the function. I am not attempting to add records etc. to data returned by the function.
I am using PostgreSQL 9.2.9, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit. And yes I am aware this is an older version.

OpenCV - Variable value range of trackbar

I have a set of images and want to make a cross matching between all and display the results using trackbars using OpenCV 2.4.6 (ROS Hydro package). The matching part is done using a vector of vectors of vectors of cv::DMatch-objects:
image[0] --- image[3] -------- image[8] ------ ...
| | |
| cv::DMatch-vect cv::DMatch-vect
image[1] --- ...
image[2] --- ...
image[N] --- ...
Because we omit matching an image with itself (no point in doing that) and because a query image might not be matched with all the rest each set of matched train images for a query image might have a different size from the rest. Note that the way it's implemented right I actually match a pair of images twice, which of course is not optimal (especially since I used a BruteForce matcher with cross-check turned on, which basically means that I match a pair of images 4 times!) but for now that's it. In order to avoid on-the-fly drawing of matched pairs of images I have populated a vector of vectors of cv::Mat-objects. Each cv::Mat represents the current query image and some matched train image (I populate it using cv::drawMatches()):
image[0] --- cv::Mat[0,3] ---- cv::Mat[0,8] ---- ...
image[1] --- ...
image[2] --- ...
image[N] --- ...
Note: In the example above cv::Mat[0,3] stands for cv::Mat that stores the product of cv::drawMatches() using image[0] and image[3].
Here are the GUI settings:
Main window: here I display the current query image. Using a trackbar - let's call it TRACK_QUERY - I iterate through each image in my set.
Secondary window: here I display the matched pair (query,train), where the combination between the position of TRACK_QUERY's slider and the position of the slider of another trackbar in this window - let's call it TRACK_TRAIN - allows me to iterate through all the cv::Mat-match-images for the current query image.
The issue here comes from the fact that each query can have a variable number of matched train images. My TRACK_TRAIN should be able to adjust to the number of matched train images, that is the number of elements in each cv::Mat-vector for the current query image. Sadly so far I was unable to find a way to do that. The cv::createTrackbar() requires a count-parameter, which from what I see sets the limit of the trackbar's slider and cannot be altered later on. Do correct me if I'm wrong since this is exactly what's bothering me. A possible solution (less elegant and involving various checks to avoid out-of-range erros) is to take the size of the largest set of matched train images and use it as the limit for my TRACK_TRAIN. I would like to avoid doing that if possible. Another possible solution involves creating a trackbar per query image with the appropriate value range and swap each in my secondary windows according to the selected query image. For now this seems to be the more easy way to go but poses a big overhead of trackbars not to mention that fact that I haven't heard of OpenCV allowing you to hide GUI controls. Here are two example that might clarify things a little bit more:
Example 1:
In main window I select image 2 using TRACK_QUERY. For this image I have managed to match 5 other images from my set. Let's say those are image 4, 10, 17, 18 and 20. The secondary window updates automatically and shows me the match between image 2 and image 4 (first in the subset of matched train images). TRACK_TRAIN has to go from 0 to 4. Moving the slider in both directions allows me to go through image 4, 10, 17, 18 and 20 updating each time the secondary window.
Example 2:
In main window I select image 7 using TRACK_QUERY. For this image I have managed to match 3 other images from my set. Let's say those are image 0, 1, 11 and 19. The secondary window updates automatically and shows me the match between image 2 and image 0 (first in the subset of matched train images). TRACK_TRAIN has to go from 0 to 2. Moving the slider in both directions allows me to go through image 0, 1, 1 and 19 updating each time the secondary window.
If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll to answer them as well as I can. Thanks in advance!
PS: Sadly the way the ROS package is it has the bare minimum of what OpenCV can offer. No Qt integration, no OpenMP, no OpenGL etc.
After doing some more research I'm pretty sure that this is currently not possible. That's why I implemented the first proposition that I gave in my question - use the match-vector with the most number of matches in it to determine a maximum size for the trackbar and then use some checking to avoid out-of-range exceptions. Below there is a more or less detailed description how it all works. Since the matching procedure in my code involves some additional checks that does not concern the problem at hand, I'll skip it here. Note that in a given set of images we want to match I refer to an image as object-image when that image (example: card) is currently matched to a scene-image (example: a set of cards) - top level of the matches-vector (see below) and equal to the index in processedImages (see below). I find the train/query notation in OpenCV somewhat confusing. This scene/object notation is taken from You can change or swap the notation to your liking but make sure you change it everywhere accordingly otherwise you might end up with a some weird results.
// stores all the images that we want to cross-match
std::vector<cv::Mat> processedImages;
// stores keypoints for each image in processedImages
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Keypoint> > keypoints;
// stores descriptors for each image in processedImages
std::vector<cv::Mat> descriptors;
// fill processedImages here (read images from files, convert to grayscale, undistort, resize etc.), extract keypoints, compute descriptors
// ...
// I use brute force matching since I also used ORB, which has binary descriptors and HAMMING_NORM is the way to go
cv::BFmatcher matcher;
// matches contains the match-vectors for each image matched to all other images in our set
// top level index is equal to the image index in processedImages
// middle level index gives the match-vector for the Xth image and some other Yth from the set that is successfully matched to X
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > > matches;
// contains images that store visually all matched pairs
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Mat> > matchesDraw;
// fill all the vectors above with data here, don't forget about matchesDraw
// stores the highest count of matches for all pairs - I used simple exclusion by simply comparing the size() of the current std::vector<cv::DMatch> vector with the previous value of this variable
long int sceneWithMaxMatches = 0;
// ...
// after all is ready do some additional checking here in order to make sure the data is usable in our GUI. A trackbar for example requires AT LEAST 2 for its range since a range (0;0) doesn't make any sense
if(sceneWithMaxMatches < 2)
return -1;
// in this window show the image gallery (scene-images); the user can scroll through all image using a trackbar
cv::namedWindow("Images", CV_GUI_EXPANDED | CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
// just a dummy to store the state of the trackbar
int imagesTrackbarState = 0;
// create the first trackbar that the user uses to scroll through the scene-images
// IMPORTANT: use processedImages.size() - 1 since indexing in vectors is the same as in arrays - it starts from 0 and not reducing it by 1 will throw an out-of-range exception
cv::createTrackbar("Images:", "Images", &imagesTrackbarState, processedImages.size() - 1, on_imagesTrackbarCallback, NULL);
// in this window we show the matched object-images relative to the selected image in the "Images" window
cv::namedWindow("Matches for current image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
// yet another dummy to store the state of the trackbar in this new window
int imageMatchesTrackbarState = 0;
// IMPORTANT: again since sceneWithMaxMatches stores the SIZE of a vector we need to reduce it by 1 in order to be able to use it for the indexing later on
cv::createTrackbar("Matches:", "Matches for current image", &imageMatchesTrackbarState, sceneWithMaxMatches - 1, on_imageMatchesTrackbarCallback, NULL);
char key = cv::waitKey(20);
if(key == 27)
// from here on the magic begins
// show the image gallery; use the position of the "Images:" trackbar to call the image at that position
cv::imshow("Images","Images:", "Images")));
// store the index of the current scene-image by calling the position of the trackbar in the "Images:" window
int currentSceneIndex = cv::getTrackbarPos("Images:", "Images");
// we have to make sure that the match of the currently selected scene-image actually has something in it
// store the index of the current object-image that we have matched to the current scene-image in the "Images:" window
int currentObjectIndex = cv::getTrackbarPos("Matches:", "Matches for current image");
"Matches for current image", < ? // is the current object index within the range of the matches for the current object and current scene
currentObjectIndex : // yes, return the correct index - 1)); // if outside the range show the last matched pair!
// do something else
// ...
The tricky part is the trackbar in the second window responsible for accessing the matched images to our currently selected image in the "Images" window. As I've explained above I set the trackbar "Matches:" in the "Matches for current image" window to have a range from 0 to (sceneWithMaxMatches-1). However not all images have the same amount of matches with the rest in the image set (applies tenfold if you have done some additional filtering to ensure reliable matches for example by exploiting the properties of the homography, ratio test, min/max distance check etc.). Because I was unable to find a way to dynamically adjust the trackbar's range I needed a validation of the index. Otherwise for some of the images and their matches the application will throw an out-of-range exception. This is due to the simple fact that for some matches we try to access a match-vector with an index greater than it's size minus 1 because cv::getTrackbarPos() goes all the way to (sceneWithMaxMatches - 1). If the trackbar's position goes out of range for the currently selected vector with matches, I simply set the matchDraw-image in "Matches for current image" to the very last in the vector. Here I exploit the fact that the indexing can't go below zero as well as the trackbar's position so there is not need to check this but only what comes after the initial position 0. If this is not your case make sure you check the lower bound too and not only the upper.
Hope this helps!

Random letters instead of numbers in dynamic text AS 2.0

So I'm trying to program a game using flash, and it's my very first time and I can't get something to work.
In the game, a ball will float across the screen and if you click on it you get 2 points. Except when I test it, the first time I click on the ball I get the letters 'eoceeeo' and if I click the ball again I get the letters 'eeoS'. The dynamic text is on a layer with the first frame having the AS of
var _root.score = 0;
gameScore.text = _root.score;
The dynamic text has a varible of _root.score and a name of gameScore
The floating ball has the AS of
on(release) { _root.score+=2; _root.gameScore.text = _root.score; }
If you click on your gameScore dynamic text field, you can scroll down to its Variable property and set that as _root.score. That way, you do not have to call gameScore.text = _root.score every time the score changes - it will simply update automatically.
Also, if you remove the var from in front of _root.score = 0, it will be easier for ActionScript to handle. Perhaps, you are casting the score variable as an integer, and the dynamic text field is having trouble displaying it as a string of characters. This can also be solved with String(_root.score) and score.toString().
That should make your code a bit less complex, and help for you to identity your random letters problem, which can't be solved specifically with the information you have here. Hope that helps!

Optimizing the objective c code

I have a method, which gets executed, say 20 times. My method has an argument, which has 20 unique values(integer value from 1 to 20), each time when the program control enters the method. The integer value is generated in a random order. First time when entering the method, the arguement may have the value 'n', the second time it may have value (n-3), third time it may be (n+6) and so on. Right now I am using switch case method to handle this. That is, here I have 20 cases, I am handling the 20 cases using switch-case. Is there a better way, that I can handle this situation, that is without writing 20 switch-cases?
- (CGFloat)methodName:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
numberOfLines = //gets this value after some complex calculations.
case 0:
return numberOfLines*35;
case 1:
return numberOfLines*35;
20 cases
return 35;
It really depends on the type of work you are doing in the switch statements. If for example you are simply returning a value based on the input then it would be possible to construct a NSDictionary mapping integers to some value. Or better yet if the input is indeed a range of consecutive integers then a predefined array would work as well.

How to make rand() more likely to select certain numbers?

Is it possible to use rand() or any other pseudo-random generator to pick out random numbers, but have it be more likely that it will pick certain numbers that the user feeds it? In other words, is there a way, with rand() or something else, to pick a pseudo random number, but be able to adjust the odds of getting certain outcomes, and how do you do that if it is possible.
BTW, I'm just asking how to change the numbers that rand() outputs, not how to get the user input.
Well, your question is a bit vague... but if you wanted to pick a number from 0-100 but with a bias for (say) 43 and 27, you could pick a number in the range [0, 102] and map 101 to 43 and 102 to 27. It will really depend on how much bias you want to put in, what your range is etc.
You want a mapping function between uniform density of rand() and the probability density that you desire. The mapping function can be done lots of different ways.
You can certainly use any random number generator to skew the results. Example in C#, since I don't know objective-c syntax. I assume that rand() return a number tween 0 and 1, 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive. It should be quite easy to understand the idear and convert the code to any other language.
/// <summary>
/// Dice roll with a double chance of rolling a 6.
/// </summary>
int SkewedDiceRoll()
// Set diceRool to a value from 1 to 7.
int diceRool = Math.Floor(7 * rand()) + 1;
// Treat a value of 7 as a 6.
if (diceRoll == 7)
diceRoll = 6;
return diceRoll;
This is not too difficult..
simply create an array of all possible numbers, then pad the array with extra numbers of which you want to result more often.
Obviously when you query that array, it will call "1" the most, followed by "4"
In other words, is there a way, with rand() or something else, to pick a pseudo random number, but be able to adjust the odds of getting certain outcomes, and how do you do that if it is possible.
For simplicity sake, let's use the drand48() which returns "values uniformly distributed over the interval [0.0,1.0)".
To make the values close to one more likely to appear, apply skew function log2():
log2( drand48() + 1.0 ); // +1 since log2() in is [0.0, 1.0) for values in [1.0, 2.0)
To make the values close to zero more likely to appear, use the e.g. exp():
(exp(drand48()) - 1.0) * (1/(M_E-1.0)); // exp(0)=1, exp(1)=e
Generally you need to crate a function which would map the uniformly distributed values from the random function into values which are distributed differently, non-uniformly.
You can use the follwing trick
This example has a 50 percent chance of producing one of your 'favourite' numbers
int[] highlyProbable = new int[]{...};
public int biasedRand() {
double rand = rand();
if (rand < 0.5) {
return highlyProbable[(int)(highlyProbable.length * rand())];
} else {
return (int)YOUR_RANGE * rand();
In addition to what Kevin suggested, you could have your regular group of numbers (the wide range) chopped into a number of smaller ranges, and have the RNG pick from the ranges you find favorable. You could access these ranges in a particular order, or, you can access them in some random order (but I can assume this wouldn't be what you want.) Since you're using manually specified ranges to be accessed within the wide range of elements, you're likely to see the numbers you want pop up more than others. Of course, this is just how I'd approach it, and it may not seem all that rational.
Good luck.
By definition the output of a random number generator is random, which means that each number is equally likely to occur next (1/10 chance) and you should not be able to affect the outcome.
Of-course, a pseudo-random generator creates an output that will always follow the same pattern for a given input seed. So if you know the seed, then you may have some idea of the output sequence. You can, of-course, use the modulus operator to play around with the set of numbers being output from the generator (eg. %5 + 2 to generate numbers from 2 to 7).