using meetup API to get nearby event information with event category - api

Currently, I am using /2/open_events API to get nearby events information by using latitude, longitude and radium as parameter. However, what I want to do is separate the retrieved events information to different categories/topics (eg. Java, football, dance), so is there any way to get event category when I retrieve events information? I checked that there is a category blanket in host group information in the response of this API, which is optional. Unfortunately, most event information I retrieve back does not contain the optional information.
I also tried to use /2/topic_category API, but I have no idea how to match the category information to every event I get from /2/open_events.
So, 1. is there a way to get nearby event information (such as event venue, introduction) together with its category (using latitude, longitude and radium);
      2. if 1 is impossible, is there a way to get event category info by using event ID as parameter?
Thanks. Please help me friends.

It dumb, but meetup doesn't list all available categories by default.
Instead you must do a get request(through their web console) and it will return a full list
for example, to find out all categories you can use for requests

Currently, with the version 3 APIs, you can add 'group_topics' as a field.
The options I've found are as follows:
A.) Use v3 "find upcoming events" API
B.) Use v2 "open events", and then use v3 "get event" on each event.


How to Get All Tasks from a Story Using DevOps API

I'm trying to get all Tasks from a Story with the DevOps API but I only found a relation expand command which is not that what I want.
So how can I "expand" a Story to see all Tasks?
API REQ: https://----/----/----/_apis/wit/workitems/ID?api-version=5.1
With that I only get like the name, desc, state, reason, assignedto and so on.
Check with the related REST API and Azure CLI, it seems that currently we have no easy way to get the list of Tasks that have been linked to a User Story.
You can execute the API "Work Items - Get Work Item" and get the list of work items that have linked to the specified User Story from the Response body of this API.
In the list you can get the URL of each linked work item. You can get the detailed information of each work item via sending request to the URL. From the detailed information, you can get the work item type of each item.

Social Tables data model

I've just started looking at the documentation as we are going to need to integrate Salesforce with Social Tables shortly, so I am really new to Social Tables.
Specifically, we will need to sync data between the CRM and Social Tables Events and Guests, and maybe other objects, so it would be very helpful to have a data model or similar to check the relationships and fields available in Social Tables architecture.
I haven't found anything in the documentation, is there any way to get this, even if it's at a high level?
To make an integration with SocialTables you'll have to do a few manual steps, there is no way to do this completely programmatic from my experience. You'll also have to be prepared to contact SocialTables to get get correct guestlist ids. Also keep in mind that the API documentation isn't always correct, the API logic is also quite difficult to understand from time to time.
The first thing you need to do is figure out which version of the Venue Mapper you use. You'd want to use the 4.0 api and as far as I know this version of the api is only supported by Venue Mapper 3.0. I believe the Venue Mapper 3.0 is the frontend tool SocialTables provides to do the venue planning.
In social tables an event has two ids, one numerical one and one alpha-numerical one, when you use the 4.0/events endpoint you only get the alpha-numerical event id, and your going to need the numerical one. The only way I've been able to get the numerical id is to pull it out from the url when using the Venue Mapper, example of the url follows below:{team_id}/event/{event_id}/space/{space_id}
Now you need to get the guestlist id, you can get that by using the following url, using the numerical event id:
This endpoint return a json structure where one of the parameters is "guestlist_id".
Please be aware that the guestlist id you get from this endpoint might not be the correct one. I struggled quite a bit with this part and ended up with SocialTables sending me the guestlist id by email.
To get the guests in your guestlist use the following api endpoint:
The {guestlist_id} is an alpha-numerical string similar to: cfdac1c0-yb1d-12e6-84a5-a39e92131645
And by that you should hopefully get access to your guests.
Hey thanks for using our API.
To answer your question, the best way to see the data model at the moment is to access our developer portal and use the API console to see what is returned. For events you will need to know the team id of the team you are working with use the team events endpoint to get access to the event ids.!/Events/get_4_0_legacyvm3_teams_team_events
This will return some basic information about each event for that team. You can then request additional details for specific events by using this endpoint:!/Events/get_4_0_legacyvm3_events_event

API for searching for specific places by proximity

I would like to return specific places (stores like Target, Macy's, etc.) by location (latitude, longitude).
I have been using the google places api and entering the different stores in the name parameter. The results are inconsistent at best.
Is this the api I should be using to return specific stores by name and proximity? The google places api near by search has only a single name parameter. I would ideally like to search for several specific stores in a single request to the endpoint for performance reasons.
In conclusion
What api should I be using to return specific stores by name and proximity?
The Google Places API is the correct Google API to use; however, as you mentioned it does not support multiple name or keyword parameters. There is an active Places API - Feature Request for this here, please star it if you wish to see it resolved and to be notified of future changes.
Instead of using the name parameter, try using the keyword parameter. The keyword parameter is matched against all available fields, including but not limited to name, type, and address, as well as customer reviews and other third-party content. This can often yield more or better results.
It seems as if the foursquare api does let you search for multiple specific places.
Here is an example url that does the trick:,-118.159335&query=Target Victoria's Secret Macy's &intent=browse&radius=16094&oauth_token=mytoken
So I'm abandoning Google Places and going with FourSquare.

Eventbrite API - event_search - finding best matches

i've noticed that for certain keywords, the Eventbrite website shows relevant events, but the API returns a lot of irrelevant events.
some examples are: "arts", "health", "auction"
the results shown on the website all have the keywords appearing in the Title/Name of the event, however the API returns events as long as the keywords are in the title and/or description.
MY QUESTION IS: how do I use the API to only get back events which have the keyword appearing in the title?
I'm trying to get the best matching events.
event_search currently does a full-text search over the title and description fields.
Eventbrite is currently working on connecting their event_search interface to the same back-end that powers their web-based directory service
I'm sure they'll make an announcement via #EventbriteAPI when it's ready.

flickr API, getClusterPhotos with license filter

I am getting a collection of photos via this flickr API:
I see no option to include the license parameter on the API query and I thus get copyrighted images returned, which I do not want. I see that I can get the license info by calling on each individual image, but this will be quite time consuming. Are there any other methods to get a collection of photos from a tag cluster with a particular license?
License is one of the parameters listed in their api here:
I would try just using the id's from the results listed here in their return:
for example:
It may be better to use "" instead. You can search for a specific tag and license (there is no need to do a second call on each image).