Where is ObjectiveGit documentation - libgit2

I am wondering where is ObjectiveGit Documentation. I checked the project on github (https://github.com/libgit2/objective-git) but couldn't find it there. What am I missing?


How to run the jgraph example?

I recently have to use Jgraph to build a topu of our IoT net, however, I have no idea of how to run the Jgraph example.Any one can help me? The link of Jgraph in github is here:https://github.com/jgraph/jgraphx.Thank you very much.
A bit late but if you're still interested... once you have added the project in your ide, make sure the src and examples packages are both marked as source folders and run the GraphEditor class in (jgraphx/examples/com/mxgraph/examples/swing/GraphEditor.java)

Where to find Pod API of Kubernetes?

I read
and the last paragraph shows a link to Pod API which is broken.
Does anybody know how to get there?
Thanks in advance
The github organization where Kubernetes is developed changed (from "GoogleCloudPlatform" to "kubernetes") after these docs were generated. That broke the link. I think you can find the reference here: http://kubernetes.io/v1.0/docs/api-reference/definitions.html#_v1_pod
And the source for that here: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/docs/api-reference

Are there any good tutorials for using ShareKit?

Does anyone know of a good tutorial that is easy to understand for ShareKit? I've looked but found nothing. I'm pretty new to Xcode.
The GitHub wiki for ShareKit v2.0 has a great page titled Installing ShareKit that should help you get up and running with the latest incarnation of this project.
The source tree also has an xcodeproj file which contains sample code showing how to integrate ShareKit into your own project.
You can checkout the documentation given in http://getsharekit.com ...after you downloaded and attached to your project open config file and read the comment lines given before each methods in it...it will direct you to correct way...There is no exact tutorial for it...If u got any specific issue then ask a question here..we are ready to answer...

Couldnt find Osirix Plugin Generator. How to start to develop plugin for osirix?

As per the links at Osirix webpages, the link https://osirix.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/osirix/plugin seems to be destroyed where Osirix Plugin Generator apple script and the tutorial for developing plugin for osirix are present. Please guide how to start for developing a simple plugin for osirix in obejective C. Thanks!
They moved the project over to Github. Here's the plugin generator and samples link:
Like Nelson Terra said, you can find the generator in the /_help directory. The other folders are all sample plugins you can check out. As for a guide, this site helped me when I first started with OsiriX:
Also here's a good forum that has a lot of useful snippets:
You can find some documentation here:
I had the same problem and I just found this project: https://osirixplugins.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/osirixplugins . In this project you can find the /_help directory and inside it the osirix plugin generator, I will try this...good luck for us.
The new plugin template is in the folder called
at the github repository:
You can use that and customise the code. This works instead of a Generator script...

How to Install FCKEditor in YetAnotherForum

I want to install FCK editor in latest Yaf(yetanotherforum.net) but the instructions I found in Yaf forums are not correct or not for the latest forum release of them.
Could some body give me the working instructions if they did the same thing.
Thanks in advance.
A lot of guidance can be found here Custom Editors with YAF