How to Install FCKEditor in YetAnotherForum - fckeditor

I want to install FCK editor in latest Yaf( but the instructions I found in Yaf forums are not correct or not for the latest forum release of them.
Could some body give me the working instructions if they did the same thing.
Thanks in advance.

A lot of guidance can be found here Custom Editors with YAF


how to install angular2-multiselect-dropdown specific version

Hello I want to install angular2-multiselect-dropdown ^4.6.6 version. I have searched It in google but there was no information about it. Thank you.
P.S. sorry there was not angular2-multiselect-dropdown tag in stackoverflow
Give it a try,
npm install angular2-multiselect-dropdown#4.6.6
You can also look here for more info about angular2-multiselect-dropdown

How to install previous releases of wix toolset

I am sorry for this stupid question, but I really need to install version 3.9 of the Wix Toolset. I can only find version 3.10 and 3.11. There is a link on the website to download older archives (also for 3.9rc2), but in this 1.2Gb file I cannot find an installer.
Please do not tell me to install the latest version, I have my own reasons for 3.9 that goes beyond the scope of this question. Any help is truely appreciated.
I should leave this for the WiX guys to answer, but maybe you are very busy and just need to test something?
Building it yourself from the sources isn't an option is it? (towards the bottom, click the blue image - it says "Show 5 other tags" here). Sounds painful to work that out...
The 3.9 binaries seem to be here (looks like R1):, but not as an installer file. Maybe you just need to test something quickly? If so, obviously please accept your own risk here, I am not sure what these files really are.
I hope I haven't linked to something that is problematic, just delete the whole answer if this should be the case (i.e the binaries pointed to should not ever be used - for some reason, etc...).
I recently had a need to get the old wix38.exe installer for legacy project maintenance, and it was a pain. Tom Blodget's comment above was the key on how to find the required file from the CodePlex archive.
Because there are likely to be other people in the future who require access to these things, I've created a github repository that includes the state of the git repository from the CodePlex archive and also makes available the various files from those releases at
Hopefully others will find this useful as well so that we don't all have to collectively puzzle this out if we have a need for this older software.

Phalcon install on CodeAnywhere

I have tried everything to install Phalcon in a stack of my CodeAnywhere account -- and cannot accomplish it. I was wondering if anyone here was successful in doing it, and if he/she can share how.
I am new in this community which has been extremely helpful to me, and I joined to contribute back in gratitude for all the answers I have read here.
I searched first for to see if others had the same issue (concerning installing in CodeAnywhere) but did not see any, so I posted this question.
use this help:
i just add apt source and install from package. works perfectly

MonoDoc: Installing and adding

I noticed on a recent video from Miguel that he was accessing MonoDoc with the contents of
Is there an install location for MonoDoc (there doesn't seem to be one at that works) that allows us to add to MonoDoc?
Pressing help in MonoDevelop does not seem to open anything.
I have submitted a bug fix request to Xamarin and will update this when it is completed.
As per this SO answer, I had to run /Applications/ in Terminal in order for the Help menu item to start working in MonoDevelop.
MonoTouch installs the documentation for MonoDoc to use. You do not need to do anything, except hit Help from MonoDevelop

Are there any good tutorials for using ShareKit?

Does anyone know of a good tutorial that is easy to understand for ShareKit? I've looked but found nothing. I'm pretty new to Xcode.
The GitHub wiki for ShareKit v2.0 has a great page titled Installing ShareKit that should help you get up and running with the latest incarnation of this project.
The source tree also has an xcodeproj file which contains sample code showing how to integrate ShareKit into your own project.
You can checkout the documentation given in ...after you downloaded and attached to your project open config file and read the comment lines given before each methods in will direct you to correct way...There is no exact tutorial for it...If u got any specific issue then ask a question here..we are ready to answer...