I can't seem to find the answer on how to set embedded data with javascript in Qualtrics.
Here is what I have:
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData( 'TimeStamp', "${date://CurrentTime/MS}" );
You need to add it to your survey flow.
Your syntax appears to be correct, so if you do this, you should be good to go!
I want to make data like 2022/12/15 (imported from Google Sheets at the moment of page load) display as "Dec 15" in one column, and as "Thu" in another column.
I found the format codes:
moment().format("MMM d"); // "Dec 15" and
moment().format("ddd"); // "Thu".
I read https://momentjs.com/docs/ and https://momentjs.com/guides/, but could not find:
Where do I enter that code?
Can I skip entering that code, and instead just enter this?:
$(document).ready(function () {
columnDefs: [
targets: 4,
render: DataTable.render.datetime('MMM d'),
Perhaps I should separate my questions into different posted questions, but I imagine it will be more helpful for future readers to find the combined challenges asked and answered in a single thread.
I'm using the WordPress plugin "Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer", which is built on DataTables.
[Edit: I realized I should not paste that code into inline_gdocs_viewer.php, and intended to paste it into igsv-datatables.js. I could not however figure out where to paste within that file. What should I look for to know where to insert it? (The author of that plugin publicly announced that no more support will be given.) Should I post the contents of the js file somewhere so you can see it?]
[Edit 2: Would entering that code make column 5 always displayed in MMM d format, even if I want column 5 to be displayed in a different format? Shouldn't specifying what format to apply to which column happen when I create a page / post and use the shortcode to embed the spreadsheet?]
(I read the plugin's documentation and I read DataTables documentation.)
If my table doesn't have a name, what do I use instead of #example? Do I need to name my table? If so, how? (I tried to find the answer at, for example, https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.asp.)
The source for the longer code came from a live example where the dates were in column 5, but the code says "targets:4". To apply the code to column 3 (for example), should I enter targets:2? I read https://datatables.net/reference/option/columns.render, but bizarrely that didn't address this basic question.
If you're wondering if I upgraded DataTables from the old version that comes with Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer, yes I did.
If you're wondering if I got the script array to call moment.js, I might have. Into the scripts array I added
'moment' => array(
'src' => plugins_url('moment.min.js', __FIL__),
'deps' => array( 'moment' )
I'm not sure about the "deps" part. Does it mean dependencies? Was I right to use "moment" twice in that code?
If you only know a possible answer to one of these questions, that's better than nothing, so please do share what you can.
I know the Moment team recommends you choose a different library than Moment for new projects, but DataTables to this day recommends Moment for sorting by Day of the week or sorting by Date.
Using moment.js 2.29.2 and DataTables 1.13.1.
What I tried, and what I expected:
I read the documentation for all the programs, and I read forum discussions for all the programs, and I studied examples, expecting to find where to enter the code, but nowhere could I find what to do with it. It was always assumed that that part was already known.
Hello Support I can't get the String from a Component. I did this with 2 ways with bad results.
TextComponent textComponent = (TextComponent) item.displayname;
return textComponent.content();
The result of this is a error with Casting
return PlainTextComponentSerializer.plainText().serialize(item.displayname);
The result of this is Literaly "chat.square_brackets" which is weird.
Please Help. Thanks
I also was having trouble with this. Here's what I found to work for me. Full disclosure that I'm developing my plugin on the PaperMC 1.16 fork and not Spigot. So it's possible that this may not work for you, either because it isn't a part of Spigot or because you are working in a version that this feature is not a part of.
To start, I would first check to make sure that we are both on the same page. For me, the component objects being used are from a package called net.kyori.adventure.text if yours are not provided by this package I don't know that this solution will work for you.
Also as mentioned by others, accessing the displayName directly on the ItemStack isn't going to give the desired results. Instead, you need to do itemStack.getItemMeta().displayName(). This method should then return a net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; once you have the component you need to serialize it using one of the serializers from the previously mentioned package.
That will look something like this:
Component itemDisplayName = itemStack.getItemMeta().displayName()
PlainComponentSerializer plainSerializer = PlainComponentSerializer.plain();
String itemName = plainSerializer.serialize(itemDisplayName);
The package that the serializer is from is: net.kyori.adventure.text.serializer.plain.PlainComponentSerializer
I don't understand how you can access to the displayname field in ItemStack in the Spigot API.
You should use ItemMeta to manage display name. To get the item meta, you should use ItemStack#getItemMeta.
Don't forget to check if the item as a meta with hasItemMeta. You can also use hasDisplayName to be sure that the display name is valid.
So I have this bit as a part of the a code that came with the html template that I purchased. I was told that in order for this to work, I need to use the absolute URL of 'api/tweet.php'.
This is all I one line:
(function($){$.fn.twittie=function(options){var settings=$.extend({'count':10,'hideReplies':false,'dateFormat':'%b/%d/%Y','template':'{{date}} - {{tweet}}'},options);var linking=function(tweet){var parts=tweet.split(' ');var twit='';for(var i=0,len=parts.length;i<len;i++){var text=parts[i];var link="https://twitter.com/#!/";if(text.indexOf('#')!==-1){text=''+text+''}if(text.indexOf('#')!==-1){text=''+text+''}if(text.indexOf('http://')!==-1){text=''+text+''}twit+=text+' '}return twit};var dating=function(twt_date){var time=twt_date.split(' ');twt_date=new Date(Date.parse(time[1]+' '+time[2]+', '+time[5]+' '+time[3]+' UTC'));var months=['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];var _date={'%d':twt_date.getDate(),'%m':twt_date.getMonth()+1,'%b':months[twt_date.getMonth()].substr(0,3),'%B':months[twt_date.getMonth()],'%y':String(twt_date.getFullYear()).slice(-2),'%Y':twt_date.getFullYear()};var date=settings.dateFormat;var format=settings.dateFormat.match(/%[dmbByY]/g);for(var i=0,len=format.length;i<len;i++){date=date.replace(format[i],_date[format[i]])}return date};var templating=function(data){var temp=settings.template;var temp_variables=['date','tweet','avatar'];for(var i=0,len=temp_variables.length;i<len;i++){temp=temp.replace(new RegExp('{{'+temp_variables[i]+'}}','gi'),data[temp_variables[i]])}return temp};this.html('<span>Loading...</span>');var that=this;$.getJSON('api/tweet.php',{count:settings.count,exclude_replies:settings.hideReplies},function(twt){that.find('span').fadeOut('fast',function(){that.html('<ul></ul>');for(var i=0;i<settings.count;i++){if(twt[i]){var temp_data={date:dating(twt[i].created_at),tweet:linking(twt[i].text),avatar:'<img src="'+twt[i].user.profile_image_url+'" />'};that.find('ul').append('<li>'+templating(temp_data)+'</li>')}else{break}}})})}})(jQuery);
Does anyone know how to use or get the absolute URL of tweet.php? I've tried researching or doing a google search on it but none seem to work.
The location of the tweet.php is
This is the thread discussion that I posted on their support website. I didn't share the link since it requires visitors to open an account with them just to view responses
Support Thread Picture
According to the Tweetie jQuery plugin documentation, you have to use the apiPath option:
'apiPath': 'http://exampledomain.com/api/tweet.php',
But specifying the domain is discouraged and unnecessary. So :
'apiPath': '/api/tweet.php',
I want to show some SQL queries inside a notebook. I neither need nor want them to run. I'd just like them to be well formatted. At the very least I want them to be indented properly with new lines, though keyword highlighting would be nice too. Does a solution for this exist already?
If you set the cell as Markdown one you can write the sql query as code specifying the language (e.g. mysql)
``` mysql
FROM table_a AS a
This produces:
It highlights the keywords. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to deal with indentation which seems to be the main issue you are trying to deal with but maybe this helps.
If you - like me - find yourself here because you want to highlight (and run) the %%sql magic, you're best of with the technique of this answer. Posting it here cause it took me quite some time before I found the correct keywords to my answer :)
require(['notebook/js/codecell'], function(codecell) {
codecell.CodeCell.options_default.highlight_modes['magic_text/x-mssql'] = {'reg':[/^%%sql/]} ;
Jupyter.notebook.events.one('kernel_ready.Kernel', function(){
if (cell.cell_type == 'code'){ cell.auto_highlight(); } }) ;
I found that this fixed the issue I was having.
``` sql
Produced styled code in edit mode but not when the cell was run.
``` mysql
Produced correct styling
I'm using Sahi for Test Automation of web application. I have to write a script for sahi for uploading a file. But unfortunately I don't know the way. Can anybody please help me?
File upload can be a complex thing depending upon any validations you do on the upload. For a starter, you can try out the following:
_setFile(element, filePath [, actionURL])
_setFile(_file("id"), "C:\abc\efg.jpg", "formSubmit.jsp");
If there are javascript validations on the file field, you can try this hack. Before submitting the file, change the field’s type to “text”, and then set its value. Eg.
// set the file
_setFile(_file("file"), "scripts/demo/uploadme.txt");
// Change the "type" attribute of file field
if (_isIE()){
_call(_file("file").outerHTML = _file("file").outerHTML.replace(/type=['"]?file['"]?/, "type=text"));
_call(_file("file").type = "text");
// Set the value into the textbox
_setValue(_textbox("file"), "scripts/demo/uploadme.txt");
This works for most of the cases. If you still get any error, you can post it here.
You can use the following
_setFile(_file("id"), "C:\\abc\\efg.jpg");
Not sure if you need anything more complex?
Note that as of Sahi 4.3, there is a _setFile2 function that automatically handles js validations and does this input type conversion.
I've solved using the function setFile2, with internally changes the type of field to text