RavenDB v1 (888) How do I get a complete list of attachment keys? - ravendb

In RavenDB v1 (build 888), how do I get a complete list of attachment keys? Right now the /static endpoint only shows ~30 when there are over 23k.

The /static endpoint has querystring parameters start and pageSize that you can use to page through the list


Apache mod_ext_filter : Get POST data

I'm trying to get an ID contained in the body of a POST request and only allow access to my location through reverse proxy for some of these IDs
I saw mod_ext_filter which seemed interesting but I didn't find how to access the content of the POST request, do you have any ideas?
Otherwise there is also mod_lua which could be interesting?

I am trying to configure the configuration of the web catalog so that the products

I am trying to configure the configuration of the web catalog so that the products page remains as my main page. I did the following steps but I did not get any result.
go to Marketing / Web Catalogs
click on "Edit Content Tree" for the chosen web catalog
And change the default content variant for the root tree node. By default, it's set to
the "System Page" - "Oro Frontend Root". Set the "System Page Route" to "Oro Product
Frontend Prduct Index
I create a ticket and it asks me if I have consumer messages running, how can I verify this?
The message consumer is one of the required background processes for OroCommerce applications.
Here it's mentioned in the installation guide:
The more detailed reference is available here:
You should be able to find these articles with Google. Like https://www.google.com/search?q=orocommerce+message+consumer

ListBucketResult xml trying to show home page of site in S3 thorugh CloudFront

I created a bucket where I´m hosting my static website.
I set the properties to use it as static website hosting (which index document value index.html)
The URL was: http://mywebsitelearningcurve.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com (not currently up, just to explain)
I exposed it as public (permission).
Overview of my bucket
Using http://mywebsitelearningcurve.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com I could access to my site. However I decided to use CloudFront in front of my bucket.
I created a new distribution for WEB.
On Origin Domain Name I used mywebsitelearningcurve.s3.amazonaws.com
Origin ID: S3-mywebsitelearningcurve
In Viewer Protocol Policy I selected: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
Once it finished and I waited for a prudential time to propagate, I had the url https://d2qf2r44tssakh.cloudfront.net/ (not currently up, just to explain).
The issue:
When I tried to use https://d2qf2r44tssakh.cloudfront.net/ it showed me a xml
<ListBucketResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"><Name>mywebsitelearningcurve</Name>
However, when I tried https://d2qf2r44tssakh.cloudfront.net/index.html it works properly.
I go through several tutos and post but I can´t still make it work. Anyone can provide help?
I had the same problem today and was able to fix it by adding index.html to the Default Root Object in the distribution settings:
Optional. The object that you want CloudFront to return (for example,
index.html) when a viewer request points to your root URL
(http://www.example.com) instead of to a specific object in your
distribution (http://www.example.com/index.html).
i had 5 years prod experience on AWS with 5 certifications in place.
When it comes to s3 + cloudfront, i got always in troubles
I tried to automate that using Cloudformation, but Cloudformation does not support everything needed (.i.e. custom origin in cloudfront).
At the end, i relies only on terraform to automate this part:
If you don't mind to use terraform, i highly recommend to jump there.

Whether it is possible to add redirect link in RAML file e.g. to another API version?

As in subject, I have two RAMLs files one is related with v1 API version, second one is belongs to v2 API version. My problem is that, if I pass to someone my root url with API documentation I wan't to be sure that when someone enters into API v1 page he will be able to se some info ("This is old api version please go to API v2: link") and redirect link to API v2?
Is any way to put this redirect link into v1 RAML file?
Thank for any responses
The documentation section supports Markdown so you can easily insert a link there.
yes You can add Direct URL if its not working then you can try bellow syntax as well
"redirecturl":"URL Location"

AmazonS3: custom error pages

I am planning to share URLs (time limited) for private objects. Is there a way to set custom error pages for 404/403 http responses ?
Yes, it's possible, see this announcement.
In the Developer guide there is a paragraph about "Custom Error Document Support" where I read the following sentence.
You can optionally provide a custom
error document with a user-friendly
error message and with additional
help. You provide this custom error
document as part of adding website
configuration to your bucket. Amazon
S3 returns your custom error document
for only the HTTP 4XX class of error
How to set 4xx custom error page:
With CloudBerry, you can right click on a bucket, select Properties, click the tab Website and set the index document and the 4xx error document.
Use AWS Java SDK, here is an example code (not tested)
AmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(
"accessKey", "secretKey");
BucketWebsiteConfiguration conf = new BucketWebsiteConfiguration(
"index.html", "404.html");
client.setBucketWebsiteConfiguration("bucketname.example.com", conf);
UPDATE I also found this blog post: Host Your Static Website on Amazon S3.