Database table design for a customized scenario - sql

I am trying to design a database that will store one (or more) meal plans for different people. There are 2 different scenarios in this question.
First Scenario:
(Please refer to image)
There are 4 tables: PERSON, MEALPLAN, MEALPLAN_FOOD, and FOOD. The PERSON table stores basic information for each individual owning a meal plan. The MEALPLAN table will keep track of each meal plan (diet). The FOOD table is table of different foods (e.g. egg, spinach, sweet potato, oatmeal, etc.) and stores the protein/carb/fat/calorie information for each 'quantity unit' (e.g. 1 cup) for each food item. The MEALPLAN_FOOD table serves as the lookup/associative table for MEALPLAN and FOOD.
I believe that I have these tables set up correctly. Each person has one (or more) meal plans. Each meal plan consists of one (or more) foods/qty. My question comes in the next scenario.
Second Scenario:
(Please refer to image)
The first scenario is limited in the fact that it only stores a list of food items per meal plan. In the second scenario, we would like to incorporate additional tables so that the meal plans can be broken down and stored by meal. Each person will one (or more) meal plans with between 1 and 4 meals per meal plan (meal plans may consists of only 2 or 3 meals). In order to accomplish this, the first scenario's MEALPLAN_FOOD lookup/associative table was replaced with 2 lookup/associative tables (MEALPLAN_M<#> and M<#>_FOOD) and a meal table (M1 for meal 1, M2, M3, and M4).
Question: Assuming that the design of the first scenario is correct, is the design of the second scenario correct in accomplishing the additional functionality? Is this design correct in additional lookup tables in order to allow for the storage of food items per meal per meal plan per person? Or, is there a better way/design for accomplishing this task?
Thank you!

Generally not a good idea to have a table per entity (i.e. a table per mealplan/meal of the day). Instead, alter your original design - add another column on the MEALPLAN table that foreign keys to a new table called MEALOFDAY. That way, you can add or remove meals of the day (allow a user to have 6 or 10 meals per day), and you can allow a meal plan to be shared between multiple meals if you add another many to many table for MEALPLAN_MEALOFDAY.
Your new table structure for MEALPLAN and MEALOFDAY migh tlook like:
mealplan_id (pk)
person_id (fk)
mealofday_id (fk)
mealofday_id (pk)
Alternatively, get rid of that mealofday_id on MEALPLAN and create another table like so:
mealofday_id (fk/pk)
mealplan_id (fk/pk)


sql many to many relationship table design

I am learning sql now and practicing the scenarios to design the tables. I have a one scenario where I could not find proper suitable table structure.
The scenarios is as follows, I want to store depedencies user journey in sql. For example, in customer creation journey, we need to create valid sector, language and country codes in the system. Another example, to create a new account (bank account), we need to create the sector, language and country followed by customer.
So far, I could think of following table design, but I am sure this is not good as there is no primary key and not following the normalization standards.
I understand that this is many to many relationship as one journey can have many dependent and one dependent can be associated with multiple journeys. I need help to efficiently design the tables in sql, please can anyone help on this.
You need from the intermediate/join table that should look like this -
Table name - journey_dependent
Coll(Jurney_FK) Coll(Dependent_FK)
journey_id dependent_id
You can check more here -
If journey and dependent values are PK in origin tables, you have 2 FK. You can create a composite PK on that table with that 2 columns.
Maybe order need to be in dependent table. If not, there is information on that table : order. So this is not a pur relationship table. So you could optionally had a technical PK column (auto increment) on it.

Turn two database tables into one?

I am having a bit of trouble when modelling a relational database to an inventory managament system. For now, it only has 3 simple tables:
ID | Name | Price
ID | Date | Quantity | Product_ID (FK)
ID | Date | Quantity | Product_ID (FK)
As Receivings and Sales are identical, I was considering a different approach:
ID | Name | Price
Receivings_Sales (the name doesn't matter)
ID | Date | Quantity | Type | Product_ID (FK)
The column type would identify if it was receiving or sale.
Can anyone help me choose the best option, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of either approach?
The first one seems reasonable because I am thinking in a ORM way.
Personally I prefer the first option, that is, separate tables for Sales and Receiving.
The two biggest disadvantage in option number 2 or merging two tables into one are:
1) Inflexibility
2) Unnecessary filtering when use
First on inflexibility. If your requirements expanded (or you just simply overlooked it) then you will have to break up your schema or you will end up with unnormalized tables. For example let's say your sales would now include the Sales Clerk/Person that did the sales transaction so obviously it has nothing to do with 'Receiving'. And what if you do Retail or Wholesale sales how would you accommodate that in your merged tables? How about discounts or promos? Now, I am identifying the obvious here. Now, let's go to Receiving. What if we want to tie up our receiving to our Purchase Order? Obviously, purchase order details like P.O. Number, P.O. Date, Supplier Name etc would not be under Sales but obviously related more to Receiving.
Secondly, on unnecessary filtering when use. If you have merged tables and you want only to use the Sales (or Receving) portion of the table then you have to filter out the Receiving portion either by your back-end or your front-end program. Whereas if it a separate table you have just to deal with one table at a time.
Additionally, you mentioned ORM, the first option would best fit to that endeavour because obviously an object or entity for that matter should be distinct from other entity/object.
If the tables really are and always will be identical (and I have my doubts), then name the unified table something more generic, like "InventoryTransaction", and then use negative numbers for one of the transaction types: probably sales, since that would correctly mark your inventory in terms of keeping track of stock on hand.
The fact that headings are the same is irrelevant. Seeking to use a single table because headings are the same is misconceived.
-- person [source] loves person [target]
-- person [source] hates person [target]
Every base table has a corresponding predicate aka fill-in-the-[named-]blanks statement describing the application situation. A base table holds the rows that make a true statement.
Every query expression combines base table names via JOIN, UNION, SELECT, EXCEPT, WHERE condition, etc and has a corresponding predicate that combines base table predicates via (respectively) AND, OR, EXISTS, AND NOT, AND condition, etc. A query result holds the rows that make a true statement.
Such a set of predicate-satisfying rows is a relation. There is no other reason to put rows in a table.
(The other answers here address, as they must, proposals for and consequences of the predicate that your one table could have. But if you didn't propose the table because of its predicate, why did you propose it at all? The answer is, since not for the predicate, for no good reason.)

Entity relation (normal forms)

Let's assume we have table USERS like:
Users can have Bills (user -> have_many -> bill relation).
Table BILLS like:
Also we have Products so every Product can be associated to ONLY ONE bill (product -> has_one -> bill relation).
Table PRODUCTS like:
So, as you can see, our user can have lot of products (through bills).
My question:
Would it be correct DUE TO Database normalization to add second foreign key to PRODUCTS table named user_id to quickly select all user's Products from PRODUCTS table, or it's not correct and I should use JOIN statement to select all User's Products?
P.S. Sorry for dirty tables drawing )
I would rather go with the normalized view (where you DO NOT have a user_id in the products table).
The only time I would ever consider this, as a last option, is if the performance REALY requires it.
It is usually better to normalize data so as not to duplicate information and retain data consistency.
However there are exceptions required in real life systems, often for performance reasons when dealing with huge volumes of data.

Database structure, one big entity for multiple entities

Suppose that I have a store-website where user can leave comments about any product.
Suppose that I have tables(entities) in my website database: let it be 'Shoes', 'Hats' and 'Skates'.
I don't want to create separate "comments" table for every entity (like 'shoes_comments', 'hats_comments', 'skates_comments').
My idea is to somehow store all the comments in one big table.
One way to do this, that I thought of, is to create a table:
table (comments):
ID (int, Primary Key),
comment (text),
Product_id (int),
isSkates (boolean),
isShoes (boolean),
isHats (boolean)
and like flag for every entity that could have comments.
Then when I want to get comments for some product the SELECT query would look like:
SELECT comment
FROM comments, ___SOMETABLE___
AND ___SOMETABLE___.ID = comments.Product_id
Is this an efficient way to implement database for needed functionality?
What other ways i can do this?>
Sorry, this feels odd.
Do you indeed have one separate table for each product type? Don't they have common fields (e.g. name, description, price, product image, etc.)?
My recommendation as for tables: product for common fields, comments with foreign key to product but no hasX columns, hat with only the fields that are specific to the hat product line. The primary key in hat is either the product PK or an individual unique value (then you'd need an extra field for the foreign key to product).
I would recommend you to make one table for the comments and use a foreign key of other tables in the comments table.
The "normalized" way to do this is to add one more entity (say, "Product") that groups all characteristics common to shoes, hats and skates (including comments)
+-- 0..1 [Shoe]
[Product] 1 --+-- 0..1 [Hat]
1 |
| +-- 0..1 [Skate]
Besides performance considerations, the drawback here is that there is nothing in the data model preventing a row in Product to be referenced both by a row in Shoe and one in Hat.
There are other alternatives too (each with perks & flaws) - you might want to read something about "jpa inheritance strategies" - you'll find java-specific articles that discuss your same issue (just ignore the java babbling and read the rest)
Personally, I often end up using a single table for all entities in a hierarchy (shoes, hats and skates in our case) and sacrificing constraints on the altar of performance and simplicity (eg: not null in a field that is mandatory for shoes but not for hats and skates).

I keep messing up 1NF

For me the most understandable description of going about 1NF so far I found is ‘A primary key is a column (or group of columns) that uniquely identifies each row. ‘ on
I understand that redundancy means per key there shouldn’t be more than 1 value to each row. More than 1 value would then be ‘redundant’. Right?
Still I manage to screw up 1 NF a lot of times.
I posted a question for my online pizzashop
where I was confused about something in the second normal form only to notice I started off wrong in 1 NF.
Right now I’m thinking that I need 3 keys in 1NF in order to uniquely identify each row.
In this case, I’m finding that order_id, pizza_id, and topping_id will do that for me. So that’s 3 columns. Because if you want to know which particular pizza is which you need to know what order_id it has what type of pizza (pizza_id) and what topping is on there. If you know that, you can look up all the rest.
Yet, from an answer to previous question this seems to be wrong, because topping_id goes to a different table which I don’t understand.
Here’s the list of columns:
Blacklist Y or N
Delivery Y or N
Edit: I marked the id's for the first concatenated key in bold. They are only a list of columns, unnormalized. They're not 1 table or 3 tables or anything
use Object Role Modelling (say with NORMA) to capture your information about the design, press the button and it spits out SQL.
This will be easier than having you going back and forth between 1NF, 2NF etc. An ORM design is guaranteed to be in 5NF.
Some notes:
you can have composite keys
surrogate keys may be added after both conceptual and logical design: you have added them up front which is bad. They are added because of the RDBMS performance, not at design time
have you read several sources on 1NF?
start with plain english and some facts. Which is what ORM does with verbalisation.
A Customer has many pizzas (zero to n)
A pizza has many toppings (zero to n)
A customer has an address
A pizza has a base
I'd use some more tables for this, to remove duplication for customers, orders, toppings and pizze:
Table: Customer
Blacklist Y or N
Table: Order
Delivery Y or N
Table: Order_Details
Order_ID (FK on Order)
Pizza_ID (FK on Pizza)
Table: Pizza
Table: Topping
Table: Pizza_Topping
Pizza_topping and Order_details are so-called interselection tables ("helper" tables for modelling a m:n relationship between two tables).
Now suppose we have just one pizza, some toppings and our customer Billy Smith orders 2 quattro stagione pizze - our tables will contain this content:
Pizza(Pizza_ID, Pizza_name, Pizza_price)
1 Quattro stagioni 12€
Topping(Topping_id, topping_name, topping_price)
1 Mozzarrella 0,50€
2 Prosciutto 0,70€
3 Salami 0,50€
Pizza_Topping(Pizza_ID, Topping_ID)
1 1
1 3
(here, a quattro stagioni pizza contains only Mozzarrella and Salami).
Order(order_ID, Customer_name - rest omitted)
1 Billy Smith
Order_Details(order_id, Pizza_id, amount)
1 1 2
I've removed delivery ID, since for me, there is no distinction between an Order and a delivery - or do you support partial deliveries?
On 1NF, from wikipedia, quoting Date:
According to Date's definition of 1NF,
a table is in 1NF if and only if it is
"isomorphic to some relation", which
means, specifically, that it satisfies
the following five conditions:
There's no top-to-bottom ordering to the rows.
There's no left-to-right ordering to the columns.
There are no duplicate rows.
Every row-and-column intersection contains exactly one
value from the applicable domain (and
nothing else).
All columns are regular [i.e. rows have no hidden components such as
row IDs, object IDs, or hidden
—Chris Date, "What First Normal Form Really Means", pp. 127–8[4]
First two are guaranteed in any modern RDBMS.
Duplicate rows are possible in modern RDBMS - however, only if you don't have primary keys (or other unique constraints).
The fourth one is the hardest one (and depends on the semantics of your model) - for example your field Customer_address might be breaking 1NF. Might be, because if you make a contract with yourself (and any potential user of the system) that you will always look at the address as a whole and will not want to separate street name, street number and or floor, you could still claim that 1NF is not broken.
It would be more proper to break the customer address, but there are complexities there with which you would then need to address and which might bring no benefit (provided that you will never have to look a the sub-atomic part of the address line).
The fifth one is broken by some modern RDBMs, however the real importance is that your model nor system should depend on hidden elements, which is normally true - even if your RDBMS uses OIDs internally for certain operations, unless you start to use them for non-administrative, non-maintenance tasks, you can consider it not breaking the 1NF.
The strengths of relational databases come from separating information into different tables. One useful way of looking at tables is first to identify as entity tables those concepts which are relatively permanent (in your case, probably Pizza, Customer, Topping, Deliveryguy). Then you think about the relations between them (in your case, Order, Delivery ). The relational tables link together the entity tables by having foreign keys pointing to the relevant entities: an Order has foreign keys to Customer, Pizza, Topping); a Delivery has foreign keys to Deliveryguy and Order. And, yes, relations can link relations, not just entities.
Only in such a context can you achieve anything like normalization. Tossing a bunch of attributes into one singular table does not make your database relational in any meaningful sense.