Ebay API - How do I get item info for out of stock items - ebay-api

I'm trying to get item information by searching my ebay store. For example, if I enter this URL, it will search my store for a specific keyword and return info about the item.
However, if an item's quantity goes to zero, the item is no longer visible in my ebay store and therefore, won't show any data. How can I get data for all items, even if they are out of stock?
Please note: the data I need to get is the ebay auction number (itemID)
Thank you.

If you are listing using the API then "custom label" on the front end of eBay is actually the SKU node in the API. Here is a list of API calls that utilize this node: <SKU>
So if you want to pull one item at a time, all you need to do is use is use the GetItem trading API request. Instead of passing in <ItemID>(string)</ItemID> pass in <SKU>(string)</SKU>, and you will get the ItemID in the return output xml.
But, this is if you want to pull each item one at a time. There is a limit on how many API calls you can make a day.
So, I would suggest using GetMyeBaySelling every so often to download all of your items and store the output to a database. The output for GetMyeBaySelling includes <ItemID>(string)</ItemID> and your custom label as <SKU>(string)</SKU>.
At this point you can write a little front-end WebPage or APP to pull the data you want from the database.


eBay REST API Sandbox - How can I take a sku value?

I would like to using a method - createOrReplaceInventoryItem in sandbox ebay rest api. I cannot find a 'sku' value. How can I take it?
I read documentation about api I cannot find information about 'sku' value. Before asking I created policyopion per my user.
You create the SKU yourself, so it is what ever you want to call it, if it is to update an item you have already posted, use https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/sell/inventory/v1/inventory_item?limit=2&offset=0
this will list all your inventory and will have the SKU you used when creating the inventory item.

Is it possible to use GetSellerList to get all the items listed by a different seller?

I am looking for a way to get all the items listed by a different seller. While this is possible to do through the eBay Browse API, there is a delay of a few minutes from when a seller lists an item to when it is visible in the eBay search.
As such, I am looking for a method to return all the items a particular seller (that is not me) has listed that will return the most up to date results.
I have found the https://developer.ebay.com/devzone/xml/docs/reference/ebay/GetSellerList.html method, but I am not certain if it is possible to use it on other sellers. Can I use this method or is there another method that can achieve the required functionality
under the title of the linked url it is written:
Use this call to retrieve items listed by the authenticated user, including item data.
therefore it is clearly not possibile
you could use finding API setting in the filter the username of the seller and get the list of (almost) all the item sold by such seller with few details:
if you need full details then you need to call getItem for each itemID retrieved by finding API
but since eBay released some years ago new APis, if you have to start a new project it can be wise not using the old trading APIs (and also Finding??) that though not deprecated yet, they might be soon

VirtoCommerce API getting item prices

I am using VirtoCommerce 2.9 and have some questions regarding the API and what would be the best way to get all the information I need, while keeping the number of API requests down.
Right now I am using the endpoint /api/catalog/search to find items that matches a number of attributes. But the response does not include prices and product texts. Both I would like to present to the end user. What would be the correct or best way to retrieve this information?
Currently search service does not return the description and price for the products.
To get this details you need to use separate queries
to get product detail with description and
to retrieve actual products prices. You can call them in parallel for better performance.
Be aware to use WithProperties response group because it may cause
perfomance problem. Anyway product returned with all properties values
and this 'response group' is only responsible for retrieving properties meta-information
(as possible dictionary values, multilingual, required or optional flag etc) this information often used in admin area and in storefront almost not used.
Indexed search module will be serious changed in future versions, and you will be able to have more control over the product details in the search index.

Bigcommerce API Get All Skus

I'm trying to load all Skus from a Bigcommerce store. I first tried to use the API path /products/skus/count to get a count of the number of skus in the store as outlined in the BC documentation at https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/stores/v2/products/skus However, the /products/skus/count endpoint is returning {"count":0}. I know for a fact that I have hundreds of products with a sku. Ultimately I'd like to get a list or array of just the skus in my store. Has anyone else been able to use this API or know a way to load all the skus in my store without loading all the product object graphs as that is too slow of a solution as I don't need all the additional information nor do I want to page through all my products since it's limited to 250 items at a time. All of my other API calls are working great so I'm questioning whether there is an issue with the specific API.
Are you try to get the "sku" property for all products or the SKU resource associated with a product?
The api call at the url that you've given https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/stores/v2/products/skus
will return all the SKU resource/object associated with a product. You can either get skus for all products using the resource "products/skus/count" or a specific product using "products/{productid}/skus/count". Both calls works as documented.

Possible to fetch full hierarchical requirements in single portfolio item web service call?

I'm trying to aggregate some information about the kanban states of my user stories. If query a PifTeam item, I get a summarized collection of UserStories associated with it.
Example query:
However I then have to run a loop on the UserStories collection, individually querying each one to get at the information I need. This potentially results in a lot of web service calls.
Is there a way to return the full hierarchical requirement information in the original pifteam query so that there is only one webservice call which returns all sub-objects? I read the webservice api and was trying to play with the fetch parameter but had no success.
This functionality will be disabled in WSAPI 2.0 but will continue to be available in the 1.x versions. That said, you should be able to use a fetch the fields on story that you need like this:
Fetch will hydrate the fields specified on sub objects even if the root object type doesn't have those fields. So by fetching UserStories the returned collection will populated with stories, each having the FormattedID, Name, PlanEstimate and KanbanState fields included.
There is no way to do it from Rally's standard Web Services API (WSAPI) but you can from the new Lookback API (LBAPI). The query would look something like this:
Fill in the ObjectIDs for your Workspace and PortfolioItem. The _ItemHierarchy field will cross work item type boundaries and goes all the way from PortfolioItems down through the Story hierarchy down to Defects and even Tasks, so I added _TypeHierarchy:"HierarchicalRequirement" to limit it to Stories. I have specified Children:null which means you'll only get back leaf Stories. The __At:"current" clause get's the current tree and values. Remember, it's the "Lookback" API, so you can retrieve the state of the object at any moment in history. __At:"current" says to get the current values and tree.
Note, the LBAPI is delayed from current values in the system by anywhere from seconds to minutes. Typically it's about 30 seconds behind. You can see how far behind it is by checking the ETLDate field in the response.
Details about the LBAPI can be found here. Note, that the LBAPI is available in preview now for almost all Rally customers. There are still a number of customers where it is not yet turned on. The best way to tell if it's working for your subscription is to try the query.