how to install and getting start with webrtc on windows server - webrtc

Hi could anyone to tell me how to install depot tools.I went through documentation and trying to install the webrtc in windows,I installed visual studio 2010 and some related stuff given in documentation still i am in confusion and many questions like why visual studio is required? are we have write code in visual studio?It acts like IDE for webrtc?
If not please tell me where we have to place our project in local file system and how to implement my first demo application..I found a video published by google demonstrating about webrtc in that they wrote code in a html file so is html file itself enough to develop.?
Though i have done a sample application in a html file still i am getting blank page and in console i am getting as UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION near navigator.webkitGetUserMedia() please help me out to know more about webrtc.

I suggest you start by watching the excellent videos about WebRTC from Justin Uberti and Cullen Jennings, and then (shameless self promotion) get to grips with the code and examples in Getting Started With WebRTC on HTML5 Rocks. is the home of the WebRTC project -- lots of resources and demos there.

Just last month we released an open source project aimed to get developers into WebRTC fast and easy.
It includes a cross-platform server kit which will run in Windows. Working demos are included.

I just built the webrtc solution using VS2010 by following this web pages instructions and NOT using cygwin. I had but one issue which to resolve required the manual copying of two files into the correct folder, you will know which two files should you see the names of these files and read the error, you will then know the expected location when the build fails.
Ultimately you will get a peerconnection_server.exe and a peerconnection_client.exe by way of sample. I was able to modify them easily.
Hope this helps. Be sure to install the prerequisites and follow the instructions to the letter.

As a clarification, the webrtc C++ library is one implementation you can use for the protocol. Another is using the webrtc implementation in a (very) modern web browser, such as Firefox or Chrome. Then, you'll just need HTML + JS, as per the articles in HTML5 Rocks.


I have multiplatform apps in node-webkit. How do I convert them to nw.js?

I have a bunch of applications that run fine using node-webkit on Macs and Windows.
(They mostly live on shared Dropbox folders. They read and write to data files in the folder).
I gather node-webkit will not run on Mac Catalina.
So I am trying to figure out how to install and use nw.js
I need the Mac and Win versions of the app to be in the same directory. Multiple users will run their local Dropbox version of the app, and read/write to the shared data folders.
I cannot figure out how to get convert the app from node-webkit to nw.js
I've been unable to find an "idiot's guide" to this.
Any suggestions, or pointers to resources, would be most helpful.
Thanks in advance.
And apologies for posting what is probably a dumb question for most users of this site....
You have to run your app's old source code (node-webkit) with NW.js and fix all the exceptions thrown. You can find the migration guide here.

How to instll Siesta Lite on windows 8

We are implementing a project where we need to develop applications in sencha touch and as a tester i will be responsible to test these applications. After some research, I found out that Bryntum's Siesta is the best tool to automate the Manual test cases.
Before we decide to get the license, i just wanted to goof around it a bit so I downloaded the Lite version but I am not able to figure out how to install it on my Windows 8 machine. There isn't any .exe file in the downloaded folder when i extracted it.
Can anyone help me out with this please!
Thanks Already!
There is nothing to install really, since Siesta is just a web based tool (pure HTML, JS and CSS). Just extract into a web server and visit /examples and it will work. Getting started guide here:!/guide/siesta_getting_started

Integrating Google Login in Unity3d iOS

I want to integrate google login in unity so that it can be ported to almost all Operating Systems. I tried stack and unity3d forum but could not find a suitable post. Downloaded a lot of code examples but of no use.
-> I read that there's a paid plugin 'Prime31' but i don't want to pay money for it.
-> I found some code from google in .NET that can be used to authenticate users but i was unable to add that zip file into unity. It could only be opened by MonoDevelop but then also could be added.
Also Found another plugin from gitHub but was again unable to use that.Unity GPGPlugin
I just want to give options to the users that they can either login with facebook or google account and then play the game.
I am quite new to unity so any code/hint/logic would be appreciated.
As far as I can tell, this is an official Google made plugin. I use it, and it's pretty easy. Its documentation is plenty thorough. It has been updated to the new all in one GMS jar. It works for both iOS and android. If you use it with their supplied admob plugin (which in Unity works a lot like the android sdk), you'll have to delete one file (both plugins define the same class, it doesn't seem to matter which version you keep).
edit: Unity will tell you which class has been duplicated.

Distributing TideSDK application

I recently finished an application based on Titanium, Javascript, HTML, CSS. I have only been a web designer to date so I have little experience in distributing applications. I was accustomed to the TiDev Community deploying app, which prepared the app for download and made it available for download at a given link.
But tidev community is no longer supported, so I use TideSDK Developer to package the app, which doesnt do all the hard work the other one did so nicely.
I am obviously a complete rookie to this.
Could anyone outline the steps I would need to take to go from the bundled application folder I have now (put together by TideSDK Developer), to a link that will allow customers to download and install the app or online? I know there is an issue with packaoging the app for platforms other than your own, and that appcelerator is working on a solution to this I think. I also realise I would probably have to pay to host the download online. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You must use the script. to compile a installation package. To compile a binary for a Mac, you must run the script on a Mac, to compile a binary for windows, you must be on a windows box etc.
There is some documentation on how to use it here per platform. The command is very simple and works.
Once you have your application file (DMG for OSX or a MSI for Windows) then just distribute it however you see fit, email, putting it on your web server, whatever works for you.

How I can integrate browser engine to my MASM app?

I'm developing an app on MASM using the RadASM IDE. This IDE comes with an IE control (WebBrowser) but the content that I want to display is broken on that browser (XHTML+CSS), also I want to remove the dependency of an external IE dll so the only solution that comes to my mind is use an engine of other browser like Firefox or Chrome.
I've searched over the net and I found some DevKits that meets my requeriments, but they are designed to work with VS2005+ or they just are coded on C++.
If someone know a way to integrate a browser engine (Not IE) to a MASM app, will be highly appretiated.
I doubt you will find any browser SDK that specifically helps you call it from assembly language. Almost nobody actually writes applications in assembly language today. However, C is pretty close to assembly, so all you have to do is use the instructions for C and translate to assembly language. Since you're already writing an application in assembly language, that should be no trouble for you.
You can use any SDK that comes with pre-compiled binaries using the WinAPI functions LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress. Or you can build your own import libraries for MASM by following what either Iczelion did write on that topic (definately worth a read) or by reading the 3 part guide on my website, which is based on Iczelions guide but works on a live example, namely creating your own MASM import library for the FMOD API.
Weather it is worth all the hassle is another question.