Redis desktop dependency on libicu52 for ubuntu12.04 - redis

I want to use a redis browser and I found redis-desktop-manager.
I downloaded a deb file but it requested libicu52.
Frist. How can I install this one in Ubuntu12.04.
Second. I found later that it seems to support Ubuntu version 14+.
Would I run this on 12.04 version?

For the dependency of libicu52 Redis Desktop fail to install. You can follow bellow step:
Step 1: To download the libicu52 file. Run the command in the terminal:
Step 2: Install libicu52 by executing this command:
dpkg -i libicu52_52.1-8ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb
Now, Attempt once again to install redis-desktop-manager client from debian file, I believe now everything is fine ;)
FYI, redis-desktop-manager installs and runs perfectly on my 15.10 systems.

You can probably compile redis-desktop-manager from source on your system, using the libicu* version that comes with 12.04. I would also consider upgrading: 12.04 is no longer supported, has been replaced as an LTS by 14.04 and it generally far behind.
FWIW redis-desktop-manager installs and runs fine on my 15.04 and 15.10 systems.


Libcamera command not found after installing it

Having a terrible time with the raspi related problems. One of them concerning the libcamera. I have Ubuntu 22.04 64bit on my raspi and I have installed the libcamera package with the command sudo apt install libcamera_*. The problem is that whenever I run a command with libcamera it tells me command not found!!! Any solutions?!! The camera is detected and supported. Thanks in advance for your help.

httpd not showing/using most updated version of apache (via brew)

I just installed the latest version of Apache (2.4.43) using brew on Mac OS (10.14.5). (Using instructions from this site.) But after restarting the service, httpd -v still shows 2.4.34 running from the Mac OS default. The same old version is shown when I query apachectl -v.
Thinking that perhaps I needed to update with one more step, I ran brew update httpd but it said that "httpd 2.4.43 already installed."
I'm still pretty new to using brew, and this is my first time creating an Apache server, so any help here would be appreciated. Thanks!
Sorry - easy fix. I neglected to update my .bash_profile to include /usr/local/opt/apache2/bin.
This was clear after I ran which apachectl, and it displayed the default directory for the preinstalled version of Apache - /usr/sbin/apachectl.
I ended up stopping the default version and prevented it from starting again on boot:
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
Then, started the newly installed version, and it worked fine.

Linux Subsystem can't install and recognize packages

I am using windows and didn't wanted to switch to linux. I still wanted to learn it so I downloaded ubuntu subsystem for windows. It works fine and I can also execute linux commands on it. But the problem is I can't check my pip version using "pip --version" command also I can't access nodejs . It says that node isn't recognized. But it is working fine on my cmd windows terminal. How can I make it work ? Do I really have to download all these packages again after running "sudo apt update" command.
Yes, you have to download all these packages again for Ubuntu-WSL. That is because WSL is not compatible with windows executable, just like Ubuntu is supposed to be.

I just installed graphite on my mac, but some fonts are huge

I just installed graphite on OSX, and managed to get the web app running this command:
python /opt/graphite/bin/ /opt/graphite
I'll eventually move it to ubuntu, but in the mean time, some fonts are enormous:
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I chased this down to an issue with the newest version of cairo. I removed cairo and installed 1.12.6. I posted the instructions here
Its the cairocffi that handles the fonts and other display parameters. Sometimes installing only cairo doesn't work. In the above case you should always troubleshoot by ensuring proper and complete installation of the cairocffi package. By complete I mean all the dependencies for cairocffi.
The frequently required are:
1. libffi-devel (for rpm based operating systems)
sudo yum install libffi-devel
2. libffi-dev (for debian based operating systems)
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
3. parse_lookup
sudo pip install parse_lookup
This is the Github page for cairocffi.

How can I build an RPM package in a Debian based system?

I'd like to build packages using a build system (i.e. jenkins, travis, etc) but all I have are Ubuntu 12.04 VMs.
I've found this [1] instructions but mach does not support CentOS 7.0.
[1] <- rpm plugin for the maven build system
sudo apt-get install rpm # for Ubuntu
Check out the command that it installs called rpmbuild.
Found it! There is actually a tool called rinse: "Rinse is a simple tool which is designed to carry out the installation of a new RPM-based distribution".
rinse --distribution="centos-7" --directory="/tmp/centos-7"