Exceed Redis maxmemory - redis

I am experimenting with redis 3.0 eviction policies on my local machine - I'd like to limit max memory so redis cannot consume more than 20 megabytes.
my configuration:
loglevel debug
maxmemory 20mb
maxmemory-policy noeviction
from here, I run redis-server with my configuration followed by
redis-benchmark -q -n 100000 -c 50 -P 12
to store a bunch of keys in memory. This puts memory usage for redis at 21MB on my mac, 1 megabyte over the specified limit. If I run it again, even more is consumed.
According to the redis documentation this should be controlled by my maxmemory directive and eviction policy, where an error is thrown on subsequent writes but I am not finding that this is the case.
Why is redis-server consuming more memory than allotted?

The Redis maxmemory policy control the user data memory usage (as Itamer Haber sas in comment). But here is some more complex situation with memory compsumation:
Depends on operation system.
Depends on CPU and used compiler (read as Redis x86/x64 used)
Depends on used allocator (jemalloc by default in Redis)
In real world application (as Redis is) you have limited rights with memory management. So your applicaion would compsume different memory for same application compiled as x64 or x86). In case of Redis data overhead is nearest to 2 times by memory.
Why this important
Each time you write some data to Redis it's allocate or reallocate memory with allocator. The last (jemalloc) has complex strategy about that. In few words - allocate the memory size, lined up to the nearest power of two (you need 17 bytes - 32 would be allocated). Much of Redis structures use same policy. For example HASH (and ZSET becouse of HASH used under hood) use policy like that. Strings use much more brute strategy - double the size (with reallocation) while under REDIS_ENCODING_EMBSTR_SIZE_LIMIT (1 mb) or just allocate need size + REDIS_ENCODING_EMBSTR_SIZE_LIMIT).
So, is you limiting your maxmemory - the actual used memory in os can be a lot more and Redis can't do something with that.
p.s. Do not take for advertising please. Your question is very close to me. Here is series of articles about real memory usage in Redis (they all in russian, sorry for that. I planning to translate them in english in this new years weekend. After that update links here. The part of translated available here).


why use etcd?Can I use redis to implement configuration management/service discovery etc.?

I learned etcd for a few hours, but a question suddenly came into me. I found that redis is fully capable of covering functions which etcd owns.Like key/value CRUD && watch, and redis is very simple to use. why people choose etcd instead of redis?
I googled a few posts, but no post told me the reason.
Redis stores data in memory, which makes it very high performance but not very durable. If the redis server dies, it's easy to lose data. Etcd stores data in files on disc, and performs fsync across multiple nodes before resolving to guarantee consistency, which makes it very durable but not very performant.
That's a good trade-off for kubernetes, which is using etcd for cluster state and configuration, not user data. It would not be a good trade-off for something like user session data which you might be using redis for in your app because you need extremely fast response times and can tolerate a bit of data loss or inconsistency.
A major difference which is affecting my choice of one vs the other is:
etcd keeps the data index in RAM and the data store on disk
redis keeps both data index and data store in RAM
Theoretically, this means etcd ought to be a good fit for large data / small memory scenarios, where redis would require large RAM.
In practice, etcd's current behaviour is that it allocates some memory per transaction when data is accessed. Under heavy load, the memory footprint of the etcd server balloons unboundedly (appears limited by the rate of read requests), and the Go runtime eventually OOM's, killing the server.
In contrast, the redis design requires a virtual address space sized in relation to the dataset, or to the partition of the dataset stored locally.
Memory footprint examples
Eg, with redis, a 8GB dataset partition with an index size of 0.5GB requires 8.5GB of virtual address space (ie, could be handled with 1GB of RAM and 7.5GB of swap), but not less, and the requirement has an upper bound.
The same 8GB dataset, with etcd, would require only 0.5GB of virtual address space, but not less (ie, could be handled with 500MB of RAM and no swap), in theory. In practice, under high load, etcd's memory use is unbounded.
Other considerations
There are other considerations like data consistency, or supported languages, that have to be evaluated separately.
In my case, the language the server is written in is a factor, as I have in-house C expertise, but no Go expertise. This means I can maintain/diagnose/customize redis (written in C) in-house if needed, but cannot do the same with etc (written in Go), I'd have to use it as released by the maintainers.
My conclusion
Unfortunately, the memory behaviour of etcd, whereby it needs to allocate memory to access the indexed data, negates the memory advantages it might have theoretically, and the risk of crash by OOM due to high load make it unsuitable in applications that might experience unexpected usage spikes. Github bug 14362, Github bug 14352, other OOM reports
Furthermore, the ability to customize the server in-house (ie, available C vs Go expertise) is a business consideration that weighs in redis's favour, in my case.

Redis-server using all RAM at startup

i'm using redis and noticed that it crashes with the following error :
MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots
I tried the solution suggested in this post
but everything seems to be OK in term of permissions and space.
htop command tells me that redis is consuming 70% of RAM. i tried to stop / restart redis in order to flush but at startup, the amount of RAM used by redis was growing up dramatically and stops around 66%. I'm pretty sure at this moment no processus was using any redis instance !
what happens there ?
The growing up ram issue is an expected behaviour of Redis at first data load, after restarts, writing the data to disk (snapshot process). Redis tends to allocate memory as much as it can unless you don't use "maxmemory" option at your conf file.
It allocates memory but not release immediately. Sometimes it takes hours, I saw such cases.
Well known fact about Redis is that, it can allocate memory up to twice size of the dataset it keeps.
I suggest you to wait couple of hours without any restart (Redis can work in this time, get/set operations etc.) and keep watching the memory.
Please check that too
Redis will not always free up (return) memory to the OS when keys are
removed. This is not something special about Redis, but it is how most
malloc() implementations work. For example if you fill an instance
with 5GB worth of data, and then remove the equivalent of 2GB of data,
the Resident Set Size (also known as the RSS, which is the number of
memory pages consumed by the process) will probably still be around
5GB, even if Redis will claim that the user memory is around 3GB. This
happens because the underlying allocator can't easily release the
memory. For example often most of the removed keys were allocated in
the same pages as the other keys that still exist.

Improving performance of Redis set up (degraded after setting vm.overcommit_memory=1)

Need some help in diagnosing and tuning the performance of my Redis set up (2 redis-server instances on an Ubuntu 14.04 machine). Note that a write-heavy Django web application shares the VM with Redis. The machine has 8 cores and 25GB RAM.
I recently discovered that background saving was intermittently failing (with a fork() error) even when RAM wasn't exhausted. To remedy this, I applied the setting vm.overcommit_memory=1 (was previously default).
Moreover vm.swappiness=2, vm.overcommit_ratio=50. I have disabled transparent huge pages in my set up as well via echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled (although haven't done echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag).
Right after changing the overcommit_memory setting, I noticed that I/O utilization went from 13% to 36% (on average). I/O operations per second doubled, the redis-server CPU consumption has more than doubled, and the memory it's consuming has gone up 66%. Consequently, the server response time has substantially gone up . This is how abruptly things escalated after applying vm.overcommit_memory=1:
Note that redis-server is the only ingredient showing escalation - gunicorn, nginx ,celery etc. are performing like before. Moreover, redis has become very spikey.
Lastly, New Relic has started showing me 3 redis instances instead of 2 (bottom most graph). I think the forked child is counted as the 3rd:
My question is: how can I diagnose and salvage performance here? Being new to server administration, I'm unsure how to proceed. Help me find out what's going on here and how I can fix it.
free -m has the following output (in case needed):
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 28136 27912 224 576 68 6778
-/+ buffers/cache: 21064 7071
Swap: 0 0 0
As you don't have swap enabled in your system ( which might be worth reconsidering if you have SSDs), ( and your swappiness was set to a low value), you can't blame it on increased swapping due to memory contention.
Your caching about 6GB of data inside the VFS cache. In case of contention this cache would have depleted in favor of process working memory, so I believe it's safe to say memory is not an issue all together.
It's a shot in the dark, but my guess is that your redis-server is configured to "sync"/"save" too often ( search for in the redis config file "appendfsync"), and that by removing the memory allocation limitation, it now actually does it's job :)
If the data is not super crucial, set appendfsync to never and perhaps tweek the save settings to cause less frequent saving.
BTW, regarding the redis & forked child, I believe you are correct.

What would be a good hardware configuration for a Redis dedicated server?

I am planning to configure Redis in Master/Slave configuration.
I have got three machines (8GB RAM, 8 cores), planing to to use one master and two slaves.
What would be the recommended hardware configuration for these machines?
Redis is not CPU intensive, so you should get at least 2 cores per server (one for redis, one for backups, maybe one more to do basic stuff on the server?), more is not really relevant. Redis is single-threaded.
Get as much RAM as you can as it defines the size of your store. Also making a dump consumes RAM so your true space size is less than you can think. Monitor your RAM usage to prevent surprises.
For RAM type, if it fails, redis fails and sometimes silently (consistency broken). If you need to be careful with your data always use ECC RAM, it is expensive but maybe less expensive than broken data in RAM accessed through redis causing unknown effects. Redis has no known checks against hardware errors from RAM, even if it is quite rare (less likely to happen than a broken hard drive) it does happen.

Redis - Can data size be greater than memory size?

I'm rather new to Redis and before using it I'd like to learn some important (as for me) details on it. So....
Redis is using RAM and HDD for storing data. RAM is used as fast read/write storage, HDD is used to make this data persistant. When Redis is started it loads all data from HDD to RAM or it loads only often queried data to the RAM? What if I have 500Mb Redis storage on HDD, but I have only 100Mb or RAM for Redis. Where can I read about it?
Redis loads everything into RAM. All the data is written to disk, but will only be read for things like restarting the server or making a backup.
There are a couple of ways you can use it with less RAM than data though. You can set it up in combination with MySQL or another disk based store to work much like memcached - you manage cache misses and persistence manually.
Redis has a VM mode where all keys must fit in RAM but infrequently accessed data can be on disk. However, I'm not sure if this is in the stable builds yet.
Recent versions (>2.0) have improved significantly and memory management is more efficient. See this blog post that explains how to use hashes to optimize RAM memory footprint: http://antirez.com/post/redis-weekly-update-7.html
The feature called Virtual Memory and it official deprecated
Redis VM is now deprecated. Redis 2.4 will be the latest Redis version featuring Virtual Memory (but it also warns you that Virtual Memory usage is discouraged). We found that using VM has several disadvantages and problems. In the future of Redis we want to simply provide the best in-memory database (but persistent on disk as usual) ever, without considering at least for now the support for databases bigger than RAM. Our future efforts are focused into providing scripting, cluster, and better persistence.
more information about VM: https://redis.io/topics/virtual-memory