ShieldUI Grid Export to PDF options - pdf

I am working with the ShieldUI Grid control and have setup a pretty standard sample, similar to this sample.
As demonstrated in it, I have setup the datasource and standard options, however I would like to change the paper size and possibly orientation, since the layout is somewhat bulky. Any pointers in the right direction would be helpful.

Paper size and orientation can be changed using the
exportOptions.pdf.size and exportOptions.pdf.orientation properties.
For example:
exportOptions: {
pdf: {
size: "a4",
orientation: "portrait",
More information can be found in this documentation page.


How does faceeffect decide where to attach the 3dmesh? e.g attach the axis to the nose

Looking into below Mediapipe's faceeefect module's graph definition
node_options: {
[] {
contained_node: {
calculator: "FaceGeometryEffectRendererCalculator"
node_options: {
[] {
effect_texture_path: "mediapipe/graphs/face_effect/data/axis.pngblob"
effect_mesh_3d_path: "mediapipe/graphs/face_effect/data/axis.binarypb"
I further checked the calculator code of FaceGeometryEffectRendererCalculator, I couldn't pinpoint the code where it determines the exact location the renderer render the axis. Maybe I don't understand the OpenGL well which leads to the misunderstanding.
Can someone help shed some lights where should I look for?
By digging into the document and paper I get to understand that the estimated face geometry is aligned with the canonical face model. You can refer the pager and the explanation here

Owl Carousel is ignoring the items option

I'm having an issue with owlcarousel. When I use large images with items:1 everything works well and each slide contains 1 image. But when I use smaller images the items:1 option is ignored and the images display 4 per slide.
owlcarousel is version 2.3.4 as are the corresponding CSS files.
navigation : false, // Show next and prev buttons
items: 1,
margin: 10,
center: true,
nav: true,
navText: [
My first guess is that this is a CSS issue. Mind you even the small images are not that "small", the large images that I used were like half my screen width.
Edit: navText is being ignored as well when small images are used.
The issue was another carousel being initialized targeting the owl-carousel class. This ended up initializing the one I needed with the wrong settings. The carousels initializations were coming from different templates so the result was only visible in the source once the page was loaded.
Adding $(...).owlCarousel('destroy'); before i initialized mine solved the problem.

Adding image as a label on edge in cytoscape.js

Created a graph using cytoscape.js. Need to add image as a label on edge.
After examination of
CanvasRenderer.drawElements in
CanvasRenderer.drawEdgeText in
CanvasRenderer.drawEdge in
it seems that image label on edge is not supported right now.
One candidate where this feature might be added seems to be the CanvasRenderer.drawEdgeText function. The implementation might examine the text contained in the edge's content and if it looks like reference to an image (e.g. url) then draw it as image...
Contributing to Cytoscape.js
Cytoscape.js is an open source project, and anyone interested is encouraged to contribute to Cytoscape.js. We gladly accept pull requests. If you are interested in regular contributions to Cytoscape.js, then we can arrange granting you permission to the repository by contacting us.
If your pull request is a bugfix, please make changes to the master branch. Otherwise, please make changes to the next version's branch (i.e. unstable).
I know this is a late answer. but this will help somebody who looks for an answer as like me.
We can use icon fonts or fontawesome for this.
set the edges data as
edges = {
id: "3f5cb5c4-43aa-4f4d-b816-fb4f279585c7"
label: "1 A \uf023 \uf022" //this is the fontawesome unicode chars for lock and notes icons
source: "1"
sourceName: "shipping"
target: "4"
targetName: ""
value: 2
next in your cytoscape style, mention the font as fontawesome
selector: '.autorotate',
style: {
'edge-text-rotation': 'autorotate',
'font-size': '8px',
// 'color': '#000000',
'color': '#333333',
'font-family': 'FontAwesome, helvetica neue Cantarell',
// 'source-text-margin-x':'5px',
// 'source-text-margin-y':'5px'
Now your cytoscape graph will show edges with images as like this

Horizontal scrollbar when a Rally cardboard is used inside an Ext Tab

I have a Rally.ui.cardboard.CardBoard as an item in an When there are enough cards to cause a vertical scrollbar to appear, eating 16px of width, instead of fitting the new width dynamically, a horizontal scrollbar appears too. This doesn't happen when the CardBoard is rendered to document.body.
I've been looking for the right set of config options to make the TabPanel and its child items[] resize automatically. After two days trying in vain, I'm about to give up and just force a width of 1902px for PCs and 2862px for Macs. If anyone has a better idea, I'm more than willing to try it... anything at this point.
We could find no way to do this through config options alone, so we ended up listening to the App's own resize event and updated the panel size. In the App config we have this, and it does the trick:
listeners: {
resize: function( app, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight, eOpts ) {
if (app.TabPanel) {
If anyone has a better solution that only uses config options and the framework does the resizing, I'd still like to see it, as the above is an ugly hack even if it works.

monotouch dialog cell sizing and section caption color

I am using monotouch dialog to generate a view. I managed to change the background color by subclassing DialogViewController, but the contrast with the section caption makes the text hard to read. How do I change the section caption color?
I am also using a StyledStringElement as a button in the same view. I cant seem to figure out how to shrink this element so that it looks more like a button. Please provide examples. Your help is appreciated.
To solve this issue I used a glassbutton with the it's HandleTapped handler as below.
var butt = new GlassButton(new RectangleF(80,150,150,50))
Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(22),
NormalColor = UIColor.Red,
void HandleTapped (GlassButton obj)
as for the colors, I used miguel's solution here. Hope this helps someone down the road.