Setting WKS to a Variable Sheet CodeName - vba

I have 4 sheet codenames:
I want to execute a loop setting the WKS = codename but it's not working because I think when I set the array elements I'm using quotes which makes it more like a string than a sheet?
Dim sheetArray(4) as Variant
Dim wks as Worksheet
sheetArray(1) = "Summary"
sheetArray(2) = "Credit"
sheetArray(3) = "Debit"
sheetArray(4) = "Comments"
for i = 1 to 4
set wks = sheetArray(i) stuff...
This isn't working for me... instead I have to do this which feels ugly.
for i = 1 to 4
if i = 1 then
set wks = Summary
elseif i = 2 then
Any tips on the syntax?

You need to set the array as worksheets then set each variable. And no quotes
Dim sheetArray(4) as Worksheet
Dim wks as Worksheet
Set sheetArray(1) = Summary
Set sheetArray(2) = Credit
Set sheetArray(3) = Debit
Set sheetArray(4) = Comments
for i = 1 to 4
set wks = sheetArray(i) stuff...

This works for me as a variant
Sub test()
Dim sheetArray() As Variant
ReDim sheetArray(1 To 3)
sheetArray(1) = "Sheet1"
sheetArray(2) = "Sheet2"
sheetArray(3) = "Sheet3"
Dim ws As Worksheet
For i = LBound(sheetArray) To UBound(sheetArray)
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sheetArray(i))
MsgBox (ws.Name)
End Sub

Alternatively you can set the worksheet name by referencing it directly. Using your first example:
Dim sheetArray(4) as Variant
Dim wks as Worksheet
sheetArray(1) = "Summary"
sheetArray(2) = "Credit"
sheetArray(3) = "Debit"
sheetArray(4) = "Comments"
for i = 1 to 4
wks.Name = sheetArray(i) ###This is the line I changed. Notice wks.Name stuff...

If you need to loop through all the worksheets in a Workbook you can do it without using arrays and using their names as variables as it maybe changed at a later stage:
Sub WorksheetLoop()
' Declare Current as a worksheet object variable.
Dim Current As Worksheet
' Loop through all of the worksheets in the active workbook.
For Each Current In Worksheets
' Insert your code here.
' This line displays the worksheet name in a message box.
MsgBox Current.Name
End Sub


VBA to duplicate large dataset using array

I have data on sheet A and want to duplicate it on sheet B. Because it is a lot of data, I do not want to use copy-paste. If I really simplify it, this is my code. My ranges change although I made it sort of fixed in this simplified code. I do not want to use something like range("A1:BBB100000") since my range will change. I get 1004 error "Application-defined or object-defined error". What am I doing wrong?
Dim origin(1 to 100000, 1 to 100000) as Variant
Dim dest(1 to 100000, 1 to 100000) as Variant
Set A=Worksheets("A")
Set B=Worksheets("B")
set origin=A.range(cells(1,1),cells(Vrow, Vrow))
set dest=B.range(cells(1,1),cells(Vrow, Vrow))
You don't need the array. Only generate an array if your actually going to do any calculations on it. If you just want to do value -> value then that's what you do (as shown below).
Remember to always declare all your variables as well.
Dim A As Worksheet, B As Worksheet, Vrow As Long
Set A = Worksheets("A")
Set B = Worksheets("B")
Vrow = 100000
B.Range(B.Cells(1, 1), B.Cells(Vrow, Vrow)).Value = A.Range(A.Cells(1, 1), A.Cells(Vrow, Vrow)).Value
Copy Range Values to Another Worksheet
Sub CopyValues()
Const sName As String = "A"
Const sFirstCellAddress As String = "A1"
Const dName As String = "B"
Const dFirstCellAddress As String = "A1"
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets(sName)
Dim sfCell As Range: Set sfCell = sws.Range(sFirstCellAddress)
Dim srg As Range: Set srg = sfCell.CurrentRegion
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets(dName)
Dim dfCell As Range: Set dfCell = dws.Range(dFirstCellAddress)
Dim drg As Range: Set drg = dfCell.Resize(srg.Rows.Count, srg.Columns.Count)
drg.Value = srg.Value
End Sub
Sub CopyValuesShorter()
Dim srg As Range
Set srg = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("A").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
Dim drg As Range
Set drg = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("B").Range("A1") _
.Resize(srg.Rows.Count, srg.Columns.Count)
drg.Value = srg.Value
End Sub
Sub CopyValuesShortest()
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("A").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("B").Range("A1") _
.Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value
End With
End Sub

Split Worksheets

Currently this macro splits worksheets based on a cell.
It works well, however I am putting it as a button on a different page but this selects the active page, I want it to run this macro on a specific sheet.
Sub SplitToWorksheets_step4()
'Splits the workbook into different tabs
Dim ColHead As String
Dim ColHeadCell As Range
Dim icol As Integer
Dim iRow As Long 'row index on Fan Data sheet
Dim Lrow As Integer 'row index on individual destination sheet
Dim Dsheet As Worksheet 'destination worksheet
Dim Fsheet As Worksheet 'fan data worksheet (assumed active)
'ColHead = Worksheets("Diversion Report") 'this ask the user to enter a colunm name
ColHead = InputBox("Enter Column Heading", "Identify Column", [c1].Value) 'this ask the user to enter a colunm name
If ColHead = "" Then Exit Sub
Set ColHeadCell = Rows(1).Find(ColHead, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If ColHeadCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Heading not found in row 1"
GoTo Again
End If
Set Fsheet = ActiveSheet
icol = ColHeadCell.Column
'loop through values in selected column
For iRow = 2 To Fsheet.Cells(65536, icol).End(xlUp).Row
If Not SheetExists(CStr(Fsheet.Cells(iRow, icol).Value)) Then
Set Dsheet = Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
Dsheet.Name = CStr(Fsheet.Cells(iRow, icol).Value)
Fsheet.Rows(1).Copy Destination:=Dsheet.Rows(1)
Set Dsheet = Worksheets(CStr(Fsheet.Cells(iRow, icol).Value))
End If
Lrow = Dsheet.Cells(65536, icol).End(xlUp).Row
Fsheet.Rows(iRow).Copy Destination:=Dsheet.Rows(Lrow + 1)
Next iRow
End Sub
Function SheetExists(SheetId As Variant) As Boolean
' This function checks whether a sheet (can be a worksheet,
' chart sheet, dialog sheet, etc.) exists, and returns
' True if it exists, False otherwise. SheetId can be either
' a sheet name string or an integer number. For example:
' If SheetExists(3) Then Sheets(3).Delete
' deletes the third worksheet in the workbook, if it exists.
' Similarly,
' If SheetExists("Annual Budget") Then Sheets("Annual Budget").Delete
' deletes the sheet named "Annual Budget", if it exists.
Dim sh As Object
On Error GoTo NoSuch
Set sh = Sheets(SheetId)
SheetExists = True
Exit Function
If Err = 9 Then SheetExists = False Else Stop
End Function
Change your Sub to:
Sub SplitToWorksheets_step4(SheetName as String)
and in the line:
Set Fsheet = ActiveSheet
Set Fsheet = Worksheets(SheetName)
on a different page but this selects the active page, I want it to run
this macro on a specific sheet.
Well that is simple enough.
Set your Worksheet Object to a specific Sheet.Name - eg:
Dim Fsheet As Worksheet: Set Fsheet = Sheets("Your sheet name")
In a more practical usage, you could for example pass the sheet name as a procedure argument:
Private Sub SplitToWorksheets_step4(ByVal sheetName as String)
Dim fsheet as Worksheet: Set fsheet = Sheets(sheetName)
' ... do something
End Sub
Last but not least a practical way to apply a macro for every Worksheet:
Private Sub for_every_ws()
Dim ws as Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
ws.Range("A1") = "I was here!" ' i.e.
Next ws
End Sub

Can't define workheet in VBA

Going crazy here. I use this definition of worksheet all the time. Copied every string to avoid typing errors. Still, the code below produces "Nothing" when I try to set FR worksheet. Pls help!
Sub FindReplace()
Dim FRep As Worksheet
Dim c As Range
Dim cText As TextBox
Dim i As Integer
Set FRep = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FindReplace")
For i = 1 To 23
cText = FRep.Cells(i, 3).Text
FRep.Cells(i, 2).NumberFormat = "#"
FRep.Cells(i, 2).Value = cText
Next i
The code as is seems correct. Make sure that "FindReplace" worksheet is in ThisWorkbook.
Also, you can try to get "FindReplace" worksheet by CodeName instead of by the name of the sheet. The advantage is that if the user changes the name of the worksheet, the CodeName will remain the same and you won't need to update your code to the new worksheet name.
Public Function GetWsFromCodeName(codeName As String, wb As Workbook) As Worksheet
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
If ws.CodeName = codeName Then
Set GetWsFromCodeName = ws
Exit For
End If
Next ws
End Function
Add this function in your code:
Sub FindReplace()
Dim FRep As Worksheet
Set FRep = GetWsFromCodeName("YourCodeName", ThisWorkbook)

VBA - Loop Each Item in Pivot Filter and Paste into new sheet

I have a challenge... I have a range in Sheet Lookup with each possible value in Pivot table filter "Owner: Full Name".
The range with the names are Sheets "Lookup" Range B2:B98. (Problem 1: This range can change as it creates this list in a different code, how to set this to a dynamic range?)
Once it filters on that i.e. value in B2 it should copy this filtered pivot into a new sheet and name the sheet after the value in b2.
Then it should "deselect" the b2 item and go to filter on value in b3 and continue.
Problem 2: Setting the filter correctly to loop and filter on each single value in the new dynamic lookup range.
Here is what I have at the moment...
Option Explicit
Dim wb As Workbook, ws, ws1, ws2 As Worksheet, PT As PivotTable, PTI As
PivotItem, PTF As PivotField, rng As Range
Sub Filter_Pivot()
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Copy")
Set ws1 = wb.Sheets("Lookup")
Set PT = ws.PivotTables("PivotCopy")
Set PTF = PT.PivotFields("Owner: Full Name")
For Each rng In ws1.Range("B2:B98")
With PTF
For Each PTI In PTF.PivotItems
PTI.Visible = (PTI.Name = rng)
Next PTI
Set ws2 = Sheets.Add
ws1.Name = PTI
End With
Next rng
End Sub
You might be able to avoid all this and use the PivotTable.ShowPages Method. It is optimized for this sort of operation.
"Owner: Full Name" must be in the page field area at the top.
You probably want to check the sheet names don't already exist. You could do an initial loop of sheet names that will be generated from pivot and try deleting them (wrapping inside an On Error Resume Next, attempt delete, On Error GoTo 0) to ensure they don't exist first. I have shown how to do this in the second example.
Info: PivotTable.ShowPages Method
Creates a new PivotTable report for each item in the page field. Each
new report is created on a new worksheet.
Syntax expression . ShowPages( PageField )
expression A variable that represents a PivotTable object.
[Optional parameter of pageField.]
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Copy").PivotTables("PivotCopy").ShowPages "Owner: Full Name"
This will produce a sheet for each possible value in the page field "Owner: Full Name". If you don't want all of them, simply hold a list of sheet names for sheets to keep, in an array, and loop over all sheets in workbook and if not in array then delete as shown below:
① Example of looping sheets and deleting if not in array:
Option Explicit
Public Sub GeneratePivots()
Dim keepSheets(), ws As Worksheet
keepSheets = Array("FilterValue1", "FilterValue2","Lookup","Copy") '<== List of sheet names to keep
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error GoTo errHand
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Copy").PivotTables("PivotCopy").ShowPages "Owner: Full Name"
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If IsError(Application.Match(ws.Name, keepSheets, 0)) And ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count > 1 Then
End If
Next ws
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
② Using a lookup sheet:
If you do want to still read in the sheets to keep from the Copy sheet then you can use the following (but be sure to include in the list in column B the sheet names Copy,Lookup, the filter values of interest, and any other sheet names you don't want deleted):
Option Explicit
Public Sub GeneratePivots()
Dim ws As Worksheet, lookups As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lookup")
Set lookups = .Range(.Range("B2"), .Range("B2").End(xlDown))
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(lookups) = 0 Then Exit Sub
keepSheets = lookups.Value
End With
Dim rng As Range
For Each rng In lookups
On Error Resume Next
Select Case rng.Value
Case "Lookup", "Copy" '<=Extend for sheets to keep listed in lookups that aren't generated by the pivot filtering
Case Else
End Select
On Error GoTo 0
Next rng
On Error GoTo errHand
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Copy").PivotTables("PivotCopy").ShowPages "Owner: Full Name"
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If IsError(Application.Match(ws.Name, Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(keepSheets, 0, 1), 0)) And ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count > 1 Then
End If
Next ws
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Example run:
You may try something like this...
Sub Filter_Pivot()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim PT As PivotTable
Dim PTF As PivotField
Dim rng As Range
Dim lr As Long
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Copy")
Set ws1 = wb.Sheets("Lookup")
Set PT = ws.PivotTables("PivotCopy")
Set PTF = PT.PivotFields("Owner: Full Name")
lr = ws1.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
For Each rng In ws1.Range("B2:B" & lr)
On Error Resume Next
PTF.CurrentPage = rng.Value
If Err = 0 Then
Set ws2 = Sheets(rng.Value)
If ws2 Is Nothing Then
Set ws2 = Sheets.Add
ws2.Name = rng.Value
End If
PT.TableRange2.Copy ws2.Range("A1")
End If
Set ws2 = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
Next rng
End Sub

Excel VBA activate worksheet

I need to activate a specific worksheet. The code is meant to create worksheets with a specif name. I need to paste something from a another worksheet into all these newly created worksheets. The code that I'm using is below. But I'm having a hard time activating the newly created worksheet to paste what I want.
Sub octo()
'Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Ki As Range
Dim ListSh As Range
Workbooks.Open ("C:\Users\Dash\Dropbox\Randika\Misc\Emmash timesheets\timesheet.xlsx")
With Worksheets("PPE 05-17-15")
Set ListSh = .Range("B4:B" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row)
End With
On Error Resume Next
For Each Ki In ListSh
If Len(Trim(Ki.Value)) > 0 Then
If Len(Worksheets(Ki.Value).Name) = 0 Then
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = Ki.Value
'open template
Workbooks.Open ("C:\Users\Dash\Dropbox\Randika\Misc\Emmash timesheets\octo_template.xls")
If ThisWorkbook.Saved = False Then
End If
End If
End If
Next Ki
End Sub
Both Workbooks.Open and Worksheets.Add return references to the opened and added objects, which you can use to directly access and modify them - and in your case, to paste data.
Dim oSourceSheet As Worksheet
Dim oTargetSheet As Worksheet
Set oSourceSheet = Sheet1 'Set reference to any sheet, Sheet1 in my example
Set oTargetSheet = Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
Set oSourceSheet = Nothing
Set oTargetSheet = Nothing
I think that is what you need. As what been mentioned by chris, there is no need Activate or Select. Hope the following code solve your problem.
Option Explicit
Dim MyTemplateWorkbook As Workbook
Dim MyDataWorkbook As Workbook
Dim MyTemplateWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim MyDataWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim MyNewDataWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim CurrentRange As Range
Dim ListRange As Range
Sub AddWSAndGetData()
Set MyTemplateWorkbook = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\lengkgan\Desktop\Testing\MyTemplate.xlsx")
Set MyTemplateWorksheet = MyTemplateWorkbook.Sheets("Template")
Set MyDataWorkbook = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\lengkgan\Desktop\Testing\MyData1.xlsx")
Set MyDataWorksheet = MyDataWorkbook.Sheets("PPE 05-17-15")
Set ListRange = MyDataWorksheet.Range("B4:B" & MyDataWorksheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
For Each CurrentRange In ListRange
If Len(Trim(CurrentRange.Value)) > 0 Then
If Len(MyDataWorksheet(CurrentRange.Value).Name) = 0 Then
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = CurrentRange.Value
Set MyNewDataWorksheet = MyDataWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
MyNewDataWorksheet.Range("A1:L31").Value = MyTemplateWorksheet.Range("A1:L31").Value
If MyDataWorkbook.Saved = False Then
End If
End If
End If
Next CurrentRange
MyTemplateWorkbook.Close (False) 'Close the template without saving
End Sub