Visual Studio - Opening a control reorganises designer.vb -

Just wondering if anyone knows the answer to this one. I am running VS2015, and some colleagues are running VS2013. We are all running our code through TFS for source-control, and we encounter this issue quite a bit.
When we open a form or a control, not even modifying it, then close it, it will completely restructure the *.Designer.vb file, but not modify any data (at worst, it's simply put the upper casing of True/False to true/false).
This proves an issue as we are becoming increasingly wary of working on the same forms as one another.
Does anyone know a potential fix to this, or if this is a bug of sorts?

The VB code use PascalCased keywords.Even though you write the keywords in lower case and VS would auto-casing to PascalCase.
However,there is a way to change to Lowercase Keywords:
Download Glamour from the GitHub repo.
Install it by drag/dropping the truetype font (.ttf) files in your
%SystemDrive%\Windows\Fonts folder.
Change your text editor font in the Tools > Options > Fonts & Colors
dialog to Glamour.
Select "Keyword" in the "Display Items" list and check the "Bold"
Finally you got this as below:
This method is referenced from Anthony D. Green's Blog. More detail: I was wondering anyone of your team are using the lowercase keywords cause this.


How to keep IntelliSense Complete Word option off?

IntelliSense has a mode where if you hit the spacebar, it will automatically type out the suggested auto-complete word. In order to prevent this from happening, you can hit the Escape key before pressing Space. This will close the autocomplete popup, so that the suggested word is not automatically typed.
I prefer the alternative setting, where I actually have to hit the Enter key to accept the suggested autocompletion. If I just type Space, I want a space to follow the characters that I actually typed.
I know that I can toggle between the undesired mode and the second mode I describe, which I do want. To do this, I click Edit -> IntelliSence -> Toggle Completion Mode.
My problem is that this setting never sticks. It constantly reverts to the wrong mode. I'm not sure exactly when it's changing, but it seems to revert back several times a day. If I change this for one Solution, it won't apply to my other Solutions. Even if I apply it to a solution, close VS, reopen, and start working again, it will have reverted.
Does this happen to everyone else, or is this unique to me? Is there some global setting that forces this feature to stay off always? Do I have a corrupted file somewhere that's causing this?
No, this is normal behavior and this setting behaves like what you described in the previous VS versions.
However, thanks to those members who is reporting this issue and Microsoft has fixed this behavior in the latest VS2019 version.
Since VS2015 is not supported by Microsoft so far, so this behavior cannot be fixed on VS2015 and I suggest you could install the latest VS2019 Community and get what you want.
Once you click the Toggle Completion Mode under Edit-->Intellisense, no matter you close VS, create a new project or a solution, use other c# file editor, it will never revert back.

Highlight things marked as obsolete

I recently did some refactoring in our code and marked some widely-used functions as obsolete. The problem now is, that I get not visual indicator when I use an obsolete function right away. I have to hover over the function call to get the popup with further information about that function, and even there the "deprecated" warning is not very prominent. As these functions are to widely-used and cause no real treat, setting the isError property is not an option.
I know that somewhere I saw obsolete functions that were highlighted with some kind of underlining, but I can not find an option that does that. Where is that option, or how else can I achieve a more eye-catching indication?
I have created a simple toy VB.Net console application in MSVS, as you can see in the image the items marked obsolete are underlined in green where they are used.
If you are not seeing this then you will need to provide some more details on your solution's settings - what type of project is it, what version of visual studio are you opening it in, is it the same version it was created in, do you have any third party code linter (eg ReSharper) in use... etc
EDIT: As you mention in your comment, the project's properties, including the Code Analysis settings, will affect whether this underlining show's correctly or not; you will need to ensure the correct rule-set is selected there.

How to see live list of syntax errors in WebStorm 7 (or IntelliJ)?

While editing a JavaScript file, the IDE shows highlights on the lines that have problems and displays the lightbulb when you're on one of those lines.
How can I see a live list of all problems found in the current file (e.g. syntax errors)?
The only way I found so far was to manually run inspection and check the inspection window. That's quite cumbersome. Even the "Problems" section of the Project window updates itself automatically as soon as I change the code (even without saving) - but it doesn't display the actual errors (only which files have errors).
Apparently the IDE knows what errors exist in the file - I just can't find a way to see all of them in a list.
In every other IDE I know, it is a built-in, enabled-by-default, feature: eclipse, visual studio, brackets, etc.
Apparently this is an open issue on the IntelliJ family of products. Please upvote that issue if you feel it is missing as well!

VB2010 Unable to open two applications derived from same code at the same time

This may be a simple question, but I'm not even sure of the search terms to find the answer.
I have two winforms applications which have been derived from the same code. One supersedes the other, but occasionally we have to us the older VB app for legacy information.
The problem is, if one app is already open, when the icon of the other app is clicked, nothing happens. The currently open app's window becomes selected like it has just been opened. Nothing else.
What I would like to happen is that both apps can open at the same time. They reference different DB's so there's not clash there.
I thought it might be something to do with the name spaces, so I changed those, but to no avail.
Any thoughts, I'm sure its a simple answer.
Look at Project Settings (Double Click on "My Project" in the Project Explorer).
In the Application-Tab you'll find the setting "Create Single Instance Application"
(I'm translating from German Version, may be slighlty different).
Better Alternative:
Basicly it is useful to keep this setting as it is and go for the alternative:
In that same spot, you find a button "Assembly Information". Click on that and change the first number of the "Assembly Version". Now the older and newer versions are two different programs for Windows and will run parallel.
Go to, 'project properties', Tab 'Application', section 'Windows application framework properties'. There is a checkbox called 'Make single instance application'. Maybe that's on...
I had the same problem with two applications. They had different assembly versions and I wanted to avoid unchecking "Make single instance application", so I kept looking until I found that they had the same GUID. Just changed one of them and problem solved. You can change the GUID in the Assembly Information dialog. Hope it helps.

Aptana - remove side by side editor windows/tabs

Recently I was using Aptana to view multiple files side by side. The unfortunate thing is that now I can not remove the editor (side by side) windows that are marked by red arrows. Also, you can obviously see that I have been trying to drag them away which is making the problem worse. I have tried to Google around but have found no solution. I can uninstall and reinstall Aptana, but if there is a fix I would rather know it and not have to go through a reinstallation process each time an issue like this arises.
Also I would like to add that I may be having trouble Googling the solution since I am not 100% sure on the name of the "editor tabs". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My reputation is too low so here is a image link of my issue:
The answer is extremely simple. If you ever run into the issue as shown in the picture above, simply open new files and drag them into the empty spaces that the extra "editor windows" are located. From there just close (x) out the window and it will remove the extra windows.