Reinstate an account via Yodlee that was removed with removeItemAccount - yodlee

I can't see the process to follow in the Yodlee docs for re-adding an account after it has been removed. I'm using the REST API. The situation is as follows:
User adds a site account
All the user's accounts at that site are added and aggregated
User removes a single account with removeItemAccount
User now wishes to re-add this account
There doesn't seem to be an API endpoint for re-adding this account. Because it is deleted it doesn't even show up in any of the other site-level calls such as getItemSummariesForSite or startSiteRefresh
What is the process I should be following to do this?

To re-add add an account which has been deleted from a site account, user needs to add the same site account again but selecting the same site and providing the credentials again. This will just refresh the already added accounts under that site and re-add the one which was deleted. But the old data of the deleted account will not be present as it will be added again as a fresh data.


Shopify Migrated Customers Need Account Created Automatically

I used Cart2Cart to migrate a Volusion store to Shopify.
All customer data and orders came through successfully, but customer accounts were not created. If they try to login or do a password reset they get the "No account found with that email."
I want to create their accounts for them without sending them activation emails. Don't really care about the password as it'll be super complex and they will need to reset it when trying to login, but at least they won't be getting the no account message.
Any ideas? I found which discusses creating a password for the accounts. Waiting to hear back from them.
This company offers a service where your Shopify store looks for existing customers from your old store and has them "reset" a password when they come back to the store. Thus, no need to mass email them and they feel more secure about doing the password reset because they came back to your store on their terms.

Administration of telegram channel

I get into a problem with the Telegram channel,
one person creates a channel and adds other administrators to it,
then she removed her telegram. and now it is needed to add another telegram administrator to that channel.
As I understand, the only channel creator can add a new admin of the channel.
So.. what should I do?
I think even she(channel creator) reinstalls her telegram, she can't add a new admin to the channel...
if someone deletes their telegram account then bots they created are deleted, and groups or channels lose their master and no one gets the master card
What happens after account deletion?
User will get automatically logged out of their Telegram clients.
Username and the phone number of a deleted account immediately become available to reuse.
If the user recreates the Telegram account with the same phone number, the TQ will change.
The account will have the same phone number but will be a fresh new account with a different unique ID (#tq number).
TDesktop (Windows) will still show the old account's display name, even after restarting the client. The name does not change to DELETED / Unknown / Hidden Name, etc. This is at least if you had a previous chat history with the old deleted account. If you re log in, the name will show as blank (no name at all). Other Telegram clients may display deleted accounts as DELETED / Unknown / Hidden Name, depending on the client and language/translation strings.
User's last seen will display as “Last seen a long time ago” in modern clients (“offline” in very old clients)
You can still type to a deleted account, but the messages will never be received by the Telegram servers. They will always show a clock icon, instead of 1 check.
Bots created from a deleted account are deleted too and their usernames become available to reuse.
Groups and channels aren't deleted and stay orphaned (no one gets privileges of the creator).
update: I'm a quite sure telegram was updated so that if an admin leaves a group or channel (by manually leaving or deleting their account) then the user who was connected for the longest gets the admin control... (bots still lose their admin and become useless)
(I couldn't quickly find the source for this, quite sure it was in one of the update telegraphs they sent when the change happened)
Telegram doesn't work like that. It is completely on the cloud. This means that if she reinstalls her Telegram app, it will be as if she hasn't uninstalled it. (Uninstalling is different from removing your account)

Delete user from iTunesConnect

I have added my developer as iTunesConnect User for the development period. Now that the development is done, I want to remove him from the users but I get the option of only unticking him which only stops him from getting the emails for new builds but he can still login into my account and access my apps, users & roles and the previlidges assigned to him as technical guy. I want to remove him from the users list.
I refer you to check this page

How do I detect Google account deletion?

I've just started working with Google OAUTH2 in order to add a "Sign in with Google" button to my web site.
According to the "Google+ Platform Developer Policies" section B.2.a.III, if a user deletes their Google account, I must delete all personal information I obtained from the Google API relating to them.
Does this apply to my web application as well? And if so, how do I detect that a user's Google account no longer exists? Surely, a successful login will only occur if the Google account exists; so how can I tell if a previously existing account is no longer there?
Maybe someone has a better approach, but a simple and practical solution would be have a link buried somewhere on your site that allows a user to request account deletion via email (assuming you still possess a valid email for him - if he deletes is Gmail and that's all you have then you have no way to contact him other than manually via phone or something).
The doc you link to says Give users a reasonably convenient way to delete any of their personal information you’ve obtained from the API.
So assuming you still have a valid email address, this would work:
Your FAQ says "What if I want to delete my account?". Links to account deletion page.
Account deletion page: What's your email? _____ (Continue)
Email is sent to user with (securely randomized) confirmation link.
Confirmation link is clicked by user which deletes all of his data from your site.
Success of that process is dependent only on your system and the email arriving.
(If you are concerned about complying to EU data protection law, you might want to implement this feature anyway - since one legally has the right to demand the deletion of one's own personal data.)

How would Google Multiple Accounts Sign-in be implemented?

Google published that they are testing a feature that allows you to sign in simultaneously to multiple Google accounts in the same browser.
Any idea how would that be implemented ?
I don’t have any inside info on how multiple accounts are actually supported, but here’s what I presume:
Your cookie holds a security token, just like in the old days.
The security token now maps to a set of signed-in accounts on the server.
I’d guess there’s a notion of an active account among this set.
When you go to a Google service that implements multiple-account support, the service pulls down your active account and drops you into that account by default.
Then, you get presented with some UI that lets you toggle between your other signed-in accounts or lets you sign into a new account.