Unable to validate your application and not uploading through Application Loader - application-loader

I'm trying to upload my build from Xcode6.4 but it gives "Unable to validate your application". Then I refer the link from Stack-overflow and trying to upload the app from Application Loader. But agin failure, application loader is not uploading the IPA. I'm getting following error

To submit app to App Store use xcode 7.0 and above.
Please follow following steps if you are using xcode 6.4 & swift 1.2
You can archive using xcode 6.4
then open xcode 7.0 -> organizer submit using xcode 7.0


ITMS-90424: Invalid Swift Support

I am trying to upload my app to the app store. I can archive my app and successfully upload to App Store Connect, however, it keeps getting rejected with the following error message:
Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "Retainer Tracker" 1.0 >>(8). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90424: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Best regards,
The App Store Team
I've tried a bunch of diffrent fixes I've found online but still can't get it to work. Can anyone help?
The basic reason is your application using swift and your swiftsupport folder is empty. Let's move in detail
If your application using Xcode to make .ipa file and there is no third-party IDE involve to create Xcode project, you can fix this issue by upgrading your Xcode
If you are using some other IDE to make the Xcode project then please follow that link. I already give the answer to this question. Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty
The problem occurred right after I added a specific Swift Library
Doing the following fixed the issue in my case
Go to Targets > YourApp > Build Settings
Under Packaging:
Defines Module: Yes
Under Assets:
Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries: Yes
ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
For us, our CICD pipeline was using an Ad-Hoc Provisioning Profile to distribute the ipa build to Testflight/AppStore.
We fixed this by using an App-Store Provisioning Profile instead.

ERROR ITMS - 90167 No. app bundles found in the package on macOS Sierra

I am using Xcode 7.3.1 on macOS Sierra which I just updated yesterday.
Since I updated, I can't upload any more builds to Testflight; I always get this error message.
ERROR ITMS - 90167 No. app bundles found in the package
I see from research that this problem only happens in the macOS Sierra beta, but I worry it's going to continue through the final release
After a deep search and investigation, I finally decided that there is nothing wrong with our build. There was a problem when uploading our build with Apple iTunes Connect, which is that server denied uploading our build on Xcode 7.3.1 on macOS Sierra. But, uploading with Xcode 8 is working just fine. Just use the Application Loader from Xcode 8 if you are not ready for Migration to Xcode 8, or if some of your project's third party libraries don't support Swift 2.3.
So, how do I pass this?
Simply, just install two version on Xcode: one to continue your development.And one for uploading the submit.
Here is how : https://blogs.oracle.com/mobile/entry/how_to_install_multiple_xcodes
Create an archive from your Xcode 7.3.1 and export an .ipa with with your production profile. Then upload that .ipa via the Xcode 8 Application Loader. This is inside the Xcode app bundle: Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app
You can also get to it inside of Xcode:
Xcode menu > Open Developer Tools > Application Loader
This is the only solution until Apple fixes it, believe me.

how to fix 'MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h' file not found error in winobjc

I want to port my ios app to windows desktop app using winobjc.
I imported my xcode project using vsimporter.exe, and tried to build it.
But it displays error" 'MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h' file not found".
How to fix it?

Error when uploading to iTunesConnect

I am using Application Loader to upload my .ipa files (created with Adobe AIR v18) to iTunesConnect.
It's been working fine for months, but today I received two new errors:
The u option must have a non-empty value.
The password must have a non-empty value.
Can anyone shed some light on the issue?
I upgraded to Xcode 7.1 and that solved the problem!
Note: Xcode 7.1 comes with Application Loader 3.3.
You have 2 solutions:
1) Update your Xcode to 7.1 (but since you are not coding natively, use the solution #2 below)
2) Download and use the Application Loader v3.1 (Download link: https://itunespartner.apple.com/en/apps/tools ) to submit your IPA
Apart from low-belly's answer you can try to use XCode's built-in upload feature. If you go to the Organizer, just click on Upload to App Store:
This solved the problem for me in XCode 7.0.1.
Xcode 7.1 was downloading too slow (more than 4GB) and the update failed every time, so for now I downloaded the Application Loader 3.1 from iTunes Connect and it worked fine.
To download it you login into iTunes Connect -> Resources and Help -> click on View Tools (under the title Other Resources at the bottom of the page) and there is the download link.
I got the same error last night. Fixed it by signing out of Application Loader (3.6) and logging back in.
I got the same error with Application Loader 3.2. Submitting with Application Loader 3.0 (bundled with Xcode 6.2) or 3.1 (bundled with Xcode 6.4) solved the problem.

Uploading a tvOS application to iTunes Connect fails

The news section in iTunes Connect says:
You can now create and upload apps for the App Store on Apple TV
I've tried and got this error:
I've added a new tvOS target to an existing App, which is already available in the App Store. Both targets (iOS, tvOS) are using the same bundle identifier.
Does anyone have an idea of what went wrong or has anyone been able to successfully submit a built to iTunes Connect? The error message is not helpful.
use the "Application Loader.app" of the current Xcode Beta to upload your binary.
Works for me.