Does $size(or $bits) on 1-D array in verilog compute on current value or the maximum value the array can hold? - size

In Verilog, suppose I use the $size function on a 1-D vector. Would it give me the size of the value it holds or the size of the maximum value it can hold?
For example:
reg[10:0] a;
$display("Size of a is ",$size(a));
In this scenario, would it display "Size of a is 11", since this is the bit length of the max value that the vector can hold? Or would it say "Size of a is 2" since the actual bit length of the value in a, i.e, 3 is 2-bits?
P.S. I am new to verilog. So please excuse any syntax errors. Thank you

According to my understanding, $size() gives the number of bits for a single dimension. Hence it should display 11. You can have a look at this answer for more details.


Getting Value of a Double Variable as Infinity

var num = Math.pow(2.0, 5.0)
num = Math.pow(5.0, num)
num = Math.pow(2.0, num)
When I run the above code I am getting the value as Infinity. I can't understand what's happening. Is it crossing the limit of the double variable? Also, Math.pow() method will always return a double.
I have to run the above code and need the value of num variable. How can I solve it?
Actually, I have to compare two numbers after the calculation of exponential programmatically to determine which one is higher?
Like: (2^(5^(2^5))) or (5^(2^(5^2))). So, which one is higher?
Thanks in advance.
Infinity is a legal value for double and what you'll get whenever your result sufficiently exceeds the maximum number representable as a double (~1.8*10^308). This isn't the only "special" value: there are also negative infinity, negative zero, NaN, subnormal numbers.
There are many sources on how floating point numbers work, you can start here:
I have to run the above code and need the value of num variable. How can I solve it?
When you run this code, the value of num is infinity. There's nothing to solve there.
Actually, I have to compare two numbers after the calculation of exponential programmatically to determine which one is higher?
Like: (2^(5^(2^5))) or (5^(2^(5^2))). So, which one is higher?
You can't use double for that if the numbers are too large, period. Try calculating and comparing their logarithms or logarithms of logarithms.

Why I can't choose only a number as variable's name in titan graph database

I've worked with TinkerFactory.createModern & TinkerFactory.createTheCrew and I've noticed only numbers have been chosen as variables if I'm not mistaking...what I mean is that by "g.V(1)" you can reach Vertex number 1 so I want to do the same but i get the error shown in the picture.
for instance, I want to reach 'V[5]' by typing "g.V(5)"
This is the Picture of the error that I get
The numbers you refer to in g.V(1) are the ids which are automatically assigned to each vertex. So when you say g.V(1) you are asking for the vertex with ID 1. Which is not necessarily the first vertex. Titan uses quite large numbers for example
The error you are having is a different issue though. Variables cannot start with number. They must start with a letter. So do this instead:
v1 = graph.addVertex('name', 'something');

Fortran: can you explain this formatting string

I have a Fortran program which I need to modify, so I'm reading it and trying to understand. Can you please explain what the formatting string in the following statement means:
write(*,'(1p,(5x,3(1x,g20.10)))') x(jr,1:ncols)
breifly, you are writing three general (g) format floats per line. Each float has a total field width of 20 characters and 10 places to the right of the decimal. Large magnitude numbers are in exponential form.
The 1xs are simply added spaces (which could as well have been accomplished by increasing the field width ie, g21.10 since the numbers are right justified. The 5x puts an additional 5 spaces at the beginning of each line.
The somewhat tricky thing here is tha lead 1p which is a scale factor. It causes the mantissa of all exponential form numbers produced by the following g format to be multiplied by 10, and the exponent changed accordingly, ie instead of the default,
g17.10 -> b0.1234567890E+12
you get:
1p,g17.10 -> b1.2345678900E+11
b denotes a blank in the output. Be sure to allow room for a - in your field width count...
for completeness in the case of scale greater than one the number of decimal places is reduced (preserving the total precision) ie,
3p,g17.10 -> b123.45678900E+09 ! note only 8 digits after the decimal
that is 1p buys you a digit of precision over the default, but you don't get any more. Negative scales cost you precision, preserving the 10 digits:
-7p,g17.10 -> b0.0000000123E+19
I should add, the p scale factor edit descriptor does something completely different on input. Read the docs...
I'd like to add slightly to George's answer. Unfortunately this is a very nasty (IMO) part of Fortran. In general, bear in mind that a Fortran format specification is automatically repeated as long as there are values remaining in the input/output list, so it isn't necessary to provide formats for every value to be processed.
Scale factors
In the output, all floating point values following kP are multiplied by 10k. Fields containing exponents (E) have their exponent reduced by k, unless the exponent format is fixed by using EN (engineering) or ES (scientific) descriptors. Scaling does not apply to G editing, unless the value is such that E editing is applied. Thus, there is a difference between (1P,G20.10) and (1P,F20.10).
A format like n() repeats the descriptors within parentheses n times before proceeding.

Value of NSUInteger and NaN?

Why is the value of NSUInteger 2^32 - 1 instead of 2^32? Is there a relationship between this fact and the need of a nan value? This is so confusing.
Count to 10 on your fingers. Really :)
The standard way to count to 10 is 1,2,3,..10 (the ordinality of each finger is counted). However, what about "0 fingers"?
Normally that might represent that by putting your hands behind our back, but that adds another piece of information to the system: are your hands in front (present) or behind (missing)?
In this case, putting hands behind your back would equivalent to assigning nil to an NSNumber variable. However, NSUInteger represents a native integer type which does not have this extra state and must still encode 0 to be useful.
The key to encode the value 0 on your fingers is to simply count 0,1,2..9 instead. The same number of fingers (or bits of information) are available, but now the useful 0 can be accounted for .. at the expense of not having a 10 value (there are still 10 fingers, but the 10th finger only represents the value 9). This is the same reason why unsigned integers have a maximum value of 2^n-1 and not 2^n: it allows 0 to be encoded with maximum efficiency.
Now, NaN is not a typical integer value, but rather comes from floating point encodings - think of float or CGFloat. One such common encoding is IEEE 754:
In computing, NaN, standing for not a number, is a numeric data type value representing an undefined or unrepresentable value, especially in floating-point calculations ..
2^32-1 because counting starts from 0 for bits. If it's easier think of it as 2^32 - 2^0.
It is the largest value a 32-bit unsigned integer variable can hold. Add one to that, and it will wrap around to zero.
The reason for that is that the smallest unsigned number is zero, not one. Think of it: the largest number you can fit into four decimal places is 9999, not 10000. That's 10^4-1.
You cannot store 2^32 in 4 bytes, but if you subtract one then it fits (result is 0xffffffff)
Exactly the same reason why the odometer in your car shows a maximum of 999999 mi/km (assuming 6 digits) - while there are 10^6 possible values it can't show 10^6 itself but 0 through 10^6-1.

Converting meshes to metaballs

I'm doing a project where I need to convert an existing polygonal mesh into a static shape made from metaballs (blobs). I have voxelized the mesh with binvox to "a .raw file" (according to the description at binvox), but I have no clue of how it stores the data, and therefore don't know how to load it.
Question1: Is there any non PHD way to do so? Create a metaball model from a polygonal mesh.
Question2: Has anyone ever used the said .raw file format from binvox and if you did, how?
RLE Run length Encoding
The binary voxel data
The binary data consists of pairs of bytes. The first byte of each pair is the value byte and is either 0 or 1 (1 signifies the presence of a voxel). The second byte is the count byte and specifies how many times the preceding voxel value should be repeated (so obviously the minimum count is 1, and the maximum is 255).