Leaderboard status "Not Live" - app-store-connect

I've developed a game for the Apple appstore. It's already reviewed and accepted by apple (pending my release)
.. but
As I try to enter the leaderboard in my game, it says "Game Center Unavailable. Player is not signed in". And as I check the status of my approved game in itunesconnect its satus is "Not Live".
Can anyone please help me?
Kind regards!

Not Live doesn't matter. It works anyway.
Check a few things:
Enable GameCenter in Capabilities.
did you use the localPlayer authenticateHandler?
self.localPlayer = [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer];
use your real Account. No sandboxTester.
This Is my Setup and it works Fine.


Can't access appstoreconnect.apple.com

I've registered a new apple id, purchased a membership in Apple Developer Programm as individual.
And i've already have access to https://developer.apple.com/account/#/overview/{my_account_number_here}
On screenshot above, when I press "Appstore Connect", it redirects me to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/ra/gettingstarted
If I press Apps (Приложения) , it redirects me to the tutorial and enrollement, but I've already have bought a developer membership!
So the result is: I have a developer access, but can't upload apps to appstoreconnect. What I'm doing wrong?
Called an apple support. They told me that problem is with my address and they are resolving this.

Where do you find Mac App Store analytics

I have recently published my first Mac app onto the Mac App Store, forgive me if this is a stupid question but i can find no place on iTunes Connect that shows the analytics for it, the App Analytics section on iTunes Connect only shows my iOS app? There must be somewhere to see how many units i have sold?
So i contacted apple an there reply was:
App Analytics is available only for iOS developers at this time, and it reports data only from customers using iOS 8 and above. Therefore you will not see data from your Mac app.
If you would like, I can submit feedback on your behalf for a possible future enhancement. If this is something you would like me to do, please reply with a clarification of your request, and I will be happy to send it up for you.
So the short answer is there is nowhere for you to find how many downloads/revenue you have earned. Which is well, shit

iTunes Connect doesn't ask for updated screenshots?

I've updated my iPhone app to support the iPhone 5 screen..
I've done this before for another app and I was forced to upload new screenshots taken with the iPhone 5.
This time however, iTunes Connect just displays the status as "waiting for review" and isn't mentioning anything about the screenshots..
I'm slightly worried something has gone wrong? App works great on iPhone 5 and simulator though.
It turns out Apple can block apps during the review process that have something wrong with metadata. If they decide your metadata is wrong they'll just change your app's status to "Metadata Rejected".
Here's the quote from the rules for this status:
Appears when specific metadata items aside from your binary have not
passed review. To resolve the issue, edit the metadata in iTunes
Connect and your existing binary is then reused for the review
process. You receive a communication from App Review in the Resolution
Center regarding the reason for the metadata rejection.
When things change to the AppStore (Apple adds a device) they might require you to get new screenshots. But if nothing changed in their system, it's normal that they don't ask.
Don't worry!
They copy over the screenshots from your last version of the app (or is your Retina4 screenshot section in itunesconnect empty?). So if you don´t want to update them, it should be okay like this.
Chances are your app has not hit review (and now as of the 21st) and won't be reviewed until after the 29th. Once your app hits review, it will become rejected for the missing screenshots. If you want to save yourself some time and pain, update the screenshots while Apple is on their downtime for the Christmas holiday. You'll thank yourself later.
My app got accepted yesterday, no word about the screenshots.
App works fine on iPhone 5, mailed Apple to complain this probably is a bug (iTUnes Connect does not recognize localized Default.png, which is what is checked to verify it is iPhone 5 optimized I believe.)

How to know if iPhone user SIM Card has changed?

I am developing an app which needs to know if the user has changed his sim card since the last launch. I could't find anything in the documentation except for the notification subscriberCellularProviderDidUpdateNotifier which warns me that the sim card has changed, but if the user do this when the cellphone is turned off for example, my aplication will not be aware of this. Is it possible to do this or is there any workaround for this situation? The app WhatsApp Messenger appears to be able to do something like what i need.
I've seen other questions about this issue but still haven't found any satisfing answer.
Best regards!
All the info, you can get is to read [CTTelephonyNetworkInfo subscriberCellularProvider];.
This is a CTCarrier object. This contains a mobileNetworkCode and a carrierName. But you can only recognize carrier changes.. so if a verizon card is exchanged with another verizon card, you cannot recognize it, I guess.

Logging into Game Kit Sandbox Problems

I am trying to use Game Kit for leader boards and achievements. I am trying to login using the code in the Apple documents. It works fine apart from it isn't logging into the sandbox. It pops up the pannel asking if I want to "Use Existing Account", "Create New Account" or "Cancel". Now I've seen in tutorials before, under the "Sign in to Game Center" title it says " * * * Sandbox * * * ", however mine does not.
I have set it up in iTunes Connect, I have created a Provisioning Profile and everything has the same bundle identifier (including in the xcode Project). I have even added gameKit BOOL YES into the info.plist. It's driving me slightly spare so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am also using Cocos2D though I can't see how this would be affecting me logging in sandbox mode.
If anybody has anything they can sugest or has experienced this problem, please let me know.
Thanks again everybody.
Its because your jailbroken. It likely has to do with AppSync, there was a problem a few months ago where everyone was getting put into the sandbox for any game center app. After several attempts at fixing it with no success, they probably went ape s*** and disabled all kinds of sandbox stuff. After several hours of digging, I have not found a way to get into the sandbox. Partially because the Google results are littered with links trying to DISABLE the sandbox.
I fixed this problem a long time ago but I thought I'd tie up the loose end.
It was basically from my own ignorance. When testing a Game Center App you need to create a Apple ID via iTunes Connect -> Manage Users and then create a test user.
Simple solution and came from me skimming the docs and not reading them properly. Lesson learnt. :-D