I have received some reviews from my clients about my daycare business via email now I just wonder if I can use the Google Rich Snippet to add and display those on Google Search result without having them on Google+/ Google Maps Reviews!
I already tried
<div itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Review">
<span itemprop="itemreviewed">Kiddies Palace Daycare</span>
Reviewed by <span itemprop="reviewer">Sufi</span> on
<time itemprop="dtreviewed" datetime="2015-10-13">2015-10-13</time>.
<span itemprop="summary">This is a great daycare</span>
<span itemprop="description">I must say when it comes to Day Care Center in North Vancouver, Kiddies Palace Daycare is one of the best places to leave you child assured that they will take care of your baby as one of their own.</span>
Rating: <span itemprop="rating">4.5</span>
but I have like 10 reviews like this with different itemprop="rating" values , so how I can put the overall review on all of them? For example how I can fill required data like this (I am not even sure if they are required?!):
You might want to use Schema.org instead of Data-Vocabulary.org (the latter is no longer maintained).
If you want to provide multiple reviews, you need multiple Review items.
If you want to provide the average rating, you need one AggregateRating item.
What Google will (or won’t) do with this markup is documented at https://developers.google.com/structured-data/rich-snippets/reviews. (It might be that you won’t get a Review Rich Snippet if you have multiple reviews on the same page, but I don’t know about that. Such questions would be on-topic on Webmasters SE.)
About a year ago, google maps added the "Located In" feature to places, so if a certain business in located inside another business its listing will show the relation.
This means that if a restaurant for example, is located inside a shopping mall, it will be stated that it is inside.
This means that google keep some kind of relation between places and "sub places" and I was looking for a way to query all places that are inside another place.
For example, If I want to go to a mall, and get all restaurants inside the mall.
I've read the google Places API, and it seems that the "near by" search is based mainly on point(long,lat) and radius, but I could not find a way to query by "located in" businesses.
If anyone is familiar with such a feature, I'd appreciate any help with that.
Unfortunately Places API doesn't support this functionality. I can see that similar issue was created in Google issue tracker 2 years ago:
Bug: Places located inside another (mall, shopping centre) does not show up in results
However it looks like Google rejected it for some reason. I would suggest filing a new issue in Google issue tracker:
Hopefully Google replies something soon.
In Bigcommerce, is it possible to add brand filtering to category pages?
The current options appear to be that you can select from "all brands" by visiting the brands page, or you could use the search engine to narrow your results but you're forced to type a keyword or space. I want to offer a way to narrow the products by brand for the specific category the user is viewing.
I've spoken to tech support and they've informed me that this is NOT an option through the control panel and would have to be done through the API.
In my attempt to do this with the API however, it doesn't appear there is anyway to dynamically identify which category a user viewing. Outside of hard-coding a template for each individual category, how can this be accomplished?
I was informed by API support that this is NOT possible. Their recommendation was to submit the idea to the support team for future implementation, and that I might be able to accomplish it through a combination of javascript and screen scraping.
For the past few months I've been trying to integrate the schema.org microformat into my restaurant review site so that my Google search results for a restaurant will contain rich markup such as the star ratings, average price, etc.. However, these efforts have completely failed. The Google Rich Snippet Testing Tool says that my pages are marked up completely and even shows the correct rich markup search snippet. But for some reason the real-world search snippets don't even come close to matching. I've contacted Google a few times over the past few month but they have never gotten back to me. I've even gone as far as trying to emulate Yelp's markup but even that has failed. Does anyone know what's going on?
Here is an example of a restaurant page: http://peepmeat.com/restaurant.php?id=88
Here is that page in the Rich Snippet Testing Tool: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpeepmeat.com%2Frestaurant.php%3Fid%3D88
And here is a Google search for the page: https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&q=peepmeat+Bonnie's+Grill
From that page:
"Note that there is no guarantee that a Rich Snippet will be shown for
this page on actual search results. For more details, see the FAQ."
Right now it seems that sites are manually approved to some degree. I suspect a combo of age, relevance, manually review etc is needed for them to show up.
This isn't that surprising, as otherwise sites could just put whatever markup they felt like, and Google would misrepresent them in their SERPs.
I wouldn't say you are being penalised by the way – this isn't a negative force suppressing your site, but a threshold you need to reach to be eligible.
We have been successful with the following code:
<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating">
<span itemprop="ratingValue">9.875</span>/<span itemprop="bestRating">10</span> based on <span itemprop="ratingCount">5</span> reviews
Note the bestRating value, however as previously mentioned showing up on the results is not guaranteed
I am working with a company who has multiple locations across the state. I am trying to get them listed higher on Google Places. Google recommended inserting RFDa's into the index page.
Does anyone know if you can have multiple RDFA's describing all locations on the index page?
While I'm not sure whether Google supports it, RDFa allows you to include as many entities as you like on a page. It is a good idea to have separate identifiers (about attribute) for them, like:
<div xmlns:v="http://rdf.data-vocabulary.org/#">
<p typeof="v:Organization" about="#helsinki">
<!-- Address of Helsinki office -->
<p typeof="v:Organization" about="#ny">
<!-- Address of New York office -->
If this was placed on a page behind address http://example.net/, then the URIs for the offices would be http://example.net/#helsinki and http://example.net/#ny, which are unique even though on same page.
I'm designing an api and I'd like to allow users and groups to have saved searches, but am uncertain how to best expose this information. I've come up with a few URI's to expose them:
# These are for CRUD the search definitions, not running the searches
1. /users/{username}/searches # lists the searches for a user
2. /users/{username}/searches/{search-name} # CRUD a specific user search
3. /groups/{groupname}/searches # lists the searches for a group
4. /groups/{groupname}/searches/{search-name} # CRUD a specific group search
5. /searches/{search-id|search-name}
6. /searches/group/{groupname}/{search-name}
7. /searches/user/{username}/{search-name}
I don't feel its right to expose all those URIs. That means there are 2 ways to update or list searches for a user and a group: through the /groups/search, or through /search/group. It also means more to support and I'm afraid that subtle differences would develop.
Searches can be independent records in the database and not tied to a specific user or group (e.g, default system searches, or context-dependent searches).
Because searches can be independent, it feels wrong to expose them as /users/searches and /groups/searches. At the same time, if I'm thinking, "What are bob's searches?" I would first think of /users/bob/searches because, logically, its bob's search. Similarly, if I want to, say, backup bob's account, all his personal information should be under /users/bob.
So, does anyone have advice on which way is preferred, and/or worked well (or poor) for them?
I would tend to stick with
5. /searches/{search-id|search-name}
6. /searches/group/{groupname}/{search-name}
7. /searches/user/{username}/{search-name}
The backup problem can be solved by creating a new resource that contains links to Bob's info throughout the system e.g.
GET /AccountData/Bob
<div class="AccountData">
<link rel="searches" href="/Searches/User/Bob"/>
<link rel="options" href="/Options/User/Bob"/>
<link rel="usagehistory" href="/History/User/Bob"/>
My experience is that you will drive yourself nuts if you try and create a single hierarchy that meets all of your usage scenarios. You just can't do it. That's why Wikis work so well, they use links instead of hierarchy to provide access to the information.
I would suggest you focus more on what links will be returned in the representations.
GET /Groups/{GroupName}
<div class="group">
<div class="name">AGroup</div>
<link rel="searches" href="/Searches/Group/AGroup"/>
With this approach, you care much less about what the URL structure looks like. As Roy states here
A REST API must not define fixed
resource names or hierarchies (an
obvious coupling of client and server)
I realize this may seem like an extreme position, considering how everyone on SO seem fixated on what your urls need to look like to have a RESTful API, but the more you think about it, the more sense it makes.
P.S. Please don't get hung up on my choice of HTML as a media type for the representations, I'm just drawing attention to the fact that you don't always need to use a custom XML vocabulary.
My tendency would be to divide up into the types of queries (e.g. one type of query is a "list searches" query. Then I'd have arguments. E.g. /searchlist?user=john. Unless you're trying to make this stuff get indexed by bots and search engines, that should work fine.
Search is functionality not resource so you have to not use it in resource URI may be in param, like
/users/{username}?q={query string}
/groups/{groupname}?q={query string}
then for this query string you have 2 options
"RQL" (Resource Query Language)
"FIQL" (Feed Item Query Language)