Microformat Not Included in Search Results - seo

For the past few months I've been trying to integrate the microformat into my restaurant review site so that my Google search results for a restaurant will contain rich markup such as the star ratings, average price, etc.. However, these efforts have completely failed. The Google Rich Snippet Testing Tool says that my pages are marked up completely and even shows the correct rich markup search snippet. But for some reason the real-world search snippets don't even come close to matching. I've contacted Google a few times over the past few month but they have never gotten back to me. I've even gone as far as trying to emulate Yelp's markup but even that has failed. Does anyone know what's going on?
Here is an example of a restaurant page:
Here is that page in the Rich Snippet Testing Tool:
And here is a Google search for the page:'s+Grill

From that page:
"Note that there is no guarantee that a Rich Snippet will be shown for
this page on actual search results. For more details, see the FAQ."
Right now it seems that sites are manually approved to some degree. I suspect a combo of age, relevance, manually review etc is needed for them to show up.
This isn't that surprising, as otherwise sites could just put whatever markup they felt like, and Google would misrepresent them in their SERPs.
I wouldn't say you are being penalised by the way – this isn't a negative force suppressing your site, but a threshold you need to reach to be eligible.

We have been successful with the following code:
<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="ratingValue">9.875</span>/<span itemprop="bestRating">10</span> based on <span itemprop="ratingCount">5</span> reviews
Note the bestRating value, however as previously mentioned showing up on the results is not guaranteed


Google Merchant Center - Inaccurate availability (due to inconsistent availability between the landing page and checkout pages on your website)

I've gotten a message that my site may be knocked off of Google Merchant Center due to "Inaccurate availability (due to inconsistent availability between the landing page and checkout pages on your website)".
This affects only a small amount of products (only around 0.3% of my 40,000-ish products), so I know it's not an engine issue. After asking Google to recheck the results, they came back with the same error, but with a completely different list of products with no overlap, so I know it's not a problem on the individual product level.
There's no geo-locking on these products, and Google says that the problem exists on US IPs.
Nearly all of the errors look like this:
Value on the landing page - v:out_of_stock
Value in the data feed - v:in_stock
Performing an audit on the products in question shows that none of them have been out of stock for weeks, so the data feed is correct.
None of Google's suggested common issues (geolocking, buy button not working, product can't be shipped to an address, products not available country-wide) seem to apply. The country Google checked this on was a US-based IP.
I'm running out of ideas here, does anyone have any other suggestions?
The answer turned out to be something silly for my site, but I'm posting the answer here just in case this helps someone else.
Google's crawler was setting their country to be Andorra and attempting to check out using the US site. This is obviously not a good representation of the US experience. Google advised us that this was a mistake on their crawler's part, and that we would pass the next audit without any modifications. So if you're here looking for a solution, the absolute best advice I can give you is to find a phone number for Google Merchant Center and give them a call because the error may not be on your end at all.
Update: We passed the audit with no changes made on our part.

Issue on Using Google Rich Snippet

I have received some reviews from my clients about my daycare business via email now I just wonder if I can use the Google Rich Snippet to add and display those on Google Search result without having them on Google+/ Google Maps Reviews!
I already tried
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="itemreviewed">Kiddies Palace Daycare</span>
Reviewed by <span itemprop="reviewer">Sufi</span> on
<time itemprop="dtreviewed" datetime="2015-10-13">2015-10-13</time>.
<span itemprop="summary">This is a great daycare</span>
<span itemprop="description">I must say when it comes to Day Care Center in North Vancouver, Kiddies Palace Daycare is one of the best places to leave you child assured that they will take care of your baby as one of their own.</span>
Rating: <span itemprop="rating">4.5</span>
but I have like 10 reviews like this with different itemprop="rating" values , so how I can put the overall review on all of them? For example how I can fill required data like this (I am not even sure if they are required?!):
You might want to use instead of (the latter is no longer maintained).
If you want to provide multiple reviews, you need multiple Review items.
If you want to provide the average rating, you need one AggregateRating item.
What Google will (or won’t) do with this markup is documented at (It might be that you won’t get a Review Rich Snippet if you have multiple reviews on the same page, but I don’t know about that. Such questions would be on-topic on Webmasters SE.) mandatory fields and the time needed until Google shows changes

I have implemented (using Microdata) inside my product pages and when I check Google Webmaster Tools it is crawled by Googlebot and interpreted successfully. The point is I have not implemented some properties inside Product type like brand.
I need to know whether there is some subset of all product attributes should be implemented essentially?
And the second question is how much it takes for Google to show product rating and price as rich snippet inside search results?
There are no mandatory properties/types in
However, consumers of the data, like Google Search, might have rules under which conditions they will make something with your data (e.g., they are looking for specific properties). So you’d have to check their documentation.
For Google Search, their Rich Snippets are documented at The Products Rich Snippets lists the required and optional properties/types. As you can see, the brand property is not required by Google for showing their Rich Snippet in the search results.
As google has pointed out the structured data required for a snippet are :
Pricespecifications (to include:)
First you should consider checking if the validfrom and availability attributes are added because both of them are the most common mistakes when you write your first SEO codes.
Then there are some attributes that while they are not in required list by Google's developers there seem to be the once that all successful snippets have (you might have noticed that too ) , the : review and vote attributes including the expect values from libraries. In some people's opinion ,mine also, having those will "almost" make sure they will get noticed.
Those are not pretty easy to get because u will have to create a way for getting reviews and votes.
Otherwise try using the webmaster new tool search console to highlight data for product snippet. Just make sure that the required attributes have their expected values in the text so you can mark all the above attributes with the tool.
Make sure all the attributes are markup and not meta data as it shows you are just making information up.
About the time , check that the structured data have increase for the peoduct and if not then fetch and submit to index.

How do you split one item across several pages?

I have a single page describing an organisation marked up with data, there are then multiple related pages with review data on.
At the moment these review pages have the same Organisation tag as the main page but this doesn't feel right to me, it seems like there should be one Organisation record for each company.
Does anyone have an experience or guidance on this matter or the best way of marking up review data on related pages?
-- I have thought about using the organisation url parameter on the review pages which points back to the main page but I am concerned this would eventually impact the listing of these review pages.
Updated with examples
This is an example of the main organisation page
And this is one of the sub pages
[update 5/17/2013]
I've now found that the way we can link items from one to another is with itemid=". This link is to the WebSchemas/ExternalEnumerations page "Country" example. This example shows how this is done. Pay keen attention to the "itemid" usage.
Per HTML - Living Standard -- We can use the HTML5 Microdata "itemref" to accomplish your goal.
[example removed for brevity]
I've done this in MVC by placing the itemscope itemtype="... in the MVC equivalent of a Master Page and in the View's (child pages) used itemprop and itemref etc.
isPartOf = Indicates the collection or gallery to which the item belongs.
Hope this helps.

Some undesired words appeared in Google's snippets, how to get read of it?

I know Google's creation of sites' titles and descriptions (or "snippets") are mainly come from META description. However, when one of my web pages shows up, there are some undesired words like price (which is not good at all). What I want it to show is just the description of the product rather than its price. Actually the price only mentioned twice in the whole page.
How could this happen? And how can I remedy it?
Including the price in the snippet is actually very desirable for most people. If your price is higher than the competition's for the same products they probably don't want to buy from you and check out other results instead.
To make sure the search engines don't see the price (and thus don't display it in the results) you should use JavaScript. I think even Amazon does this to prevent screen scraping in some cases. It should be easy, especially with something like jQuery.
You should be able to control the snippet displayed by google through the use of the meta tags:
However the results displayed by Google in this case might be different if someone is trying to do some searching on a product. Google will then think you're shopping for that product and try to display the price of it. This might be the case for you.