Sqlite query for fetching latest Exam date time with distinct patientID - sql

In Sqlite db I have a table: Examination with columns ExamID, InternalPID, ExamDateTime
ExamID InternalPID ExamDateTime (from left to right)
1 2 2015-03-11
2 1 2015-11-11
3 4 2015-05-01
4 6 2015-08-10
5 2 2015-04-22
6 1 2014-12-11
7 2 2015-03-12
the query output should be latest Examination date of each patient. i.e the InternalPID should be distinct with its latest ExamDateTime.
Expect output from query:
ExamID InternalPID ExamDateTime
5 2 2015-04-22
2 1 2015-11-11
3 4 2015-05-01
4 6 2015-08-10
Thank you in advance

You can do this using a join and aggregation or a clever where clause:
select e.*
from examination e
where e.ExamDateTime = (select max(e2.ExamDateTime)
from examination e2
where e2.patientid = e.patientid


Creating a new calculated column in SQL

Is there a way to find the solution so that I need for 2 days, there are 2 UD's because there are June 24 2 times and for the rest there are single days.
I am showing the expected output here:
Primary key UD Date
1 123 2015-06-24 00:00:00.000
6 456 2015-06-24 00:00:00.000
2 123 2015-06-25 00:00:00.000
3 658 2015-06-26 00:00:00.000
4 598 2015-06-27 00:00:00.000
5 156 2015-06-28 00:00:00.000
No of times Number of days
4 1
2 2
The logic is 4 users are there who used the application on 1 day and there are 2 userd who used the application on 2 days
You can use two levels of aggregation:
select cnt, count(*)
from (select date, count(*) as cnt
from t
group by date
) d
group by cnt
order by cnt desc;

Writing SQL INSERT which retrieves its data from two separate related rows

I am writing a SQL script that is to insert a new record using data from two rows that are under the same AccountID.
My table looks like the following:
AccountID | ActivityId | DisplayDetails | TransactionDate | EnvironmentId
1 7 Display1 2015-02-02 00:00:00.000 1
1 8 DisplayThis1 2018-02-02 00:00:00.000 1
1 7 Display2 1999-02-02 00:00:00.000 2
1 8 DisplayThis2 2000-02-02 00:00:00.000 2
My fix is to find find each 7,8 combination and insert a new row with ActivityId 78 that gets the DisplayDetails from ActivityId 7 and TransactionDate from ActivityId 8.
My queries looks like the following:
INTO #ActivityEight
FROM Account A
WHERE A.ActivityId = 8
INSERT INTO #Account (AccountId, ActivityId, DisplayDetails, TransactionDate)
SELECT VL.AccountId, 78, S.DisplayDetails, VL.TransactionDate
JOIN #ActivityEight S
ON VL.AccountId = S.AccountId
WHERE VL.ActivityId = 7
However when I run SELECT * FROM Account I get a 78 row for each 7 and 8 row, when I should only get 1 78 row per 7 and 8 combination.
AccountID | ActivityId | DisplayDetails | TransactionDate | EnvironmentId
1 7 Display1 2015-02-02 00:00:00.000 1
1 8 DisplayThis1 2018-02-02 00:00:00.000 1
1 7 Display2 1999-02-02 00:00:00.000 2
1 8 DisplayThis2 2000-02-02 00:00:00.000 2
1 78 DisplayThis1 2015-02-02 00:00:00.000 NULL
1 78 DisplayThis2 2015-02-02 00:00:00.000 NULL
1 78 DisplayThis1 1999-02-02 00:00:00.000 NULL
1 78 DisplayThis2 1999-02-02 00:00:00.000 NULL
I believe I can utilize the EnvironmentId to achieve the desired functionality, but I'm not sure how.
Any help would be appreciated.
I think this will help you
INSERT INTO #Account (AccountId, ActivityId, DisplayDetails, TransactionDate)
SELECT VL.AccountId, 78, S.DisplayDetails, VL.TransactionDate
JOIN Account S ON VL.AccountId = S.AccountId and VL.EnvironmentId = S.EnvironmentId
WHERE VL.ActivityId = 7 and S.ActivityId = 8

Max date among records and across tables - SQL Server

I tried max to provide in table format but it seem not good in StackOver, so attaching snapshot of the 2 tables. Apologize about the formatting.
SQL Server 2012
**MS Table**
**mId tdId name dueDate**
1 1 **forecastedDate** 1/1/2015
2 1 **hypercareDate** 11/30/2016
3 1 LOE 1 7/4/2016
4 1 LOE 2 7/4/2016
5 1 demo for yy test 10/15/2016
6 1 Implementation – testing 7/4/2016
7 1 Phased Rollout – final 7/4/2016
8 2 forecastedDate 1/7/2016
9 2 hypercareDate 11/12/2016
10 2 domain - Forte NULL
11 2 Fortis completion 1/1/2016
12 2 Certification NULL
13 2 Implementation 7/4/2016
**mId revisedDate**
1 1/5/2015
1 1/8/2015
3 3/25/2017
2 2/1/2016
2 12/30/2016
3 4/28/2016
4 4/28/2016
5 10/1/2016
6 7/28/2016
7 7/28/2016
8 4/28/2016
9 8/4/2016
9 5/28/2016
11 10/4/2016
11 10/5/2016
13 11/1/2016
The required output is
1. Will be passing the 'tId' number, for instance 1, lets call it tid (1)
2. Want to compare tId (1)'s all milestones (except hypercareDate) with tid(1)'s forecastedDate milestone
3. return if any of the milestone date (other than hypercareDate) is greater than the forecastedDate
The above 3 steps are simple, but I have to first compare the milestones date with its corresponding revised dates, if any, from the revised table, and pick the max date among all that needs to be compared with the forecastedDate
I managed to solve this. Posting the answer, hope it helps aomebody.
//Insert the result into temp table
, [tId]
, [msDate]
FROM [dbo].[MS]
WHERE ([msName] NOT LIKE 'forecastedDate' AND [msName] NOT LIKE 'hypercareDate'))
// this scalar function will get max date between forecasted duedate and forecasted revised date
SELECT #maxForecastedDate = [dbo].[fnGetMaxDate] ( 'forecastedDate');
// this will get the max date from temp table and compare it with forecasatedDate/
SET #maxmilestoneDate = (SELECT MAX(maxDate)
FROM ( SELECT ms.msDueDate AS dueDate
, mr.msRevisedDate AS revDate
FROM #mstab as ms
LEFT JOIN [MSRev] as mr on ms.msId = mr.msId
) maxDate
UNPIVOT (maxDate FOR DateCols IN (dueDate, revDate))up );

return the count of row even if null sql server

I trying to do a sql query to get the count for shift for each user
I used this query :
COUNT(s.id) AS count, s.user_id
sarcuser AS u
sarcshiftpointuser AS s ON s.user_id = u.id
sarcalllevel AS l ON l.id = u.levelid
sarcshiftpointtable AS t ON t.shift_id = s.shift_id AND s.table_id = t.table_id
(s.shift_id + '' LIKE '2')
AND (CAST(s.xdate AS DATE) BETWEEN CAST(N'2014-01-01' AS DATE) AND CAST(N'2015-01-01' AS DATE))
AND (u.gender + '' LIKE N'%')
AND (u.levelid + '' LIKE N'%')
AND (s.point_id + '' LIKE '2')
It works very well ... but there is a logic problem :
when the user didn't appear in the shift didn't return the count and I need it to return 0
For example :
user1 user2
shift1 2 2
shift2 5 0
shift3 6 10
but actually the code returns :
user1 user2
shift1 2 2
shift2 5 10
shift3 6
and that's wrong ... how to return the count even if it zero with this condition and this inner join ?
Sample for data in table :
sarcuser :
id firstname lastname gender levelid
52 samy sammour male 1
62 ibrahim jackob male 1
71 rebeca janson female 3
sarcalllevel :
id name
1 field leader
2 leader
3 paramdic
sarcshiftpointtable :
id shift_id table_id name_of_shift point_id
1 1 1 shift1 2
2 2 1 shift2 2
3 3 1 shift3 2
4 1 2 shift1 7
5 2 2 shift2 7
6 3 2 shift3 7
sarcshiftpointuser :
id point_id shift_id table_id user_id xdate
1 2 1 1 62 2014-01-05
2 2 1 1 0 2014-01-05
3 2 1 1 71 2014-01-05
4 2 2 1 0 2014-01-05
5 2 2 1 0 2014-01-05
6 2 2 1 52 2014-01-05
7 2 3 1 52 2014-01-05
8 2 3 1 62 2014-01-05
9 2 3 1 71 2014-01-05
10 2 1 1 71 2014-01-06
11 2 1 1 52 2014-01-06
12 2 1 1 0 2014-01-06
13 2 2 1 62 2014-01-06
14 2 2 1 0 2014-01-06
15 2 2 1 52 2014-01-06
16 2 3 1 62 2014-01-06
17 2 3 1 52 2014-01-06
18 2 3 1 71 2014-01-06
if i apply this query 3 times by changing the shift should return :
52 62 71
shift1 1 2 2
shift2 2 1 0
shift3 2 2 2
in shift2 in sarcshiftpointuser the user 71 is not appear
so when I do the code it will return just to field not three ? the count 0 is not returned
52 62 71
shift2 2 1
to be more specific :
I need to export this table into excel so when the 0 is not return it give me a wrong order and wrong value (logically )
You will need to use a nested query using IFNULL
Take a look to this
Something like,
I think you are referring a crosstab query. you can use PIVOT to return your result set. Please refer below link.
Sql Server 2008 Cross Tab Query.
If you give few sample data for sarcuser , sarcshiftpointuser, sarcalllevel & sarcshiftpointtable tables, then we can give you a better answer.

How to create an internal numbering of occurrences with SQL

How can I create a new column (inCount) with numbering of occurrences in a specific column?
Here is an example:
id name inCount
1 Orly 1
2 Ernest 1
3 Rachel 1
4 Don 1
5 Don 2
6 Ernest 2
7 Angela 1
8 Ernest 3
9 David 1
10 Rachel 2
11 Sully 1
12 Sully 2
13 Rachel 3
14 David 2
15 David 3
16 Kevin 1
17 Kevin 2
18 Orly 2
19 Angela 2
20 Sully 3
21 Kevin 3
22 Don 3
23 Orly 3
24 Angela 3
Don from id 5 is numbered 2 because Don appears in id 4 too.
Don from id 22 is numbered 3 due to the above preceding occurrences.
I use MS SQL SERVER 2008 R2 Express edition.
You could use partition by, like:
select row_number() over (partition by name order by id) as inCount
, *
from YourTable
order by
This should work
FROM table
EDIT: Added order by clause on the select in order to show results in same order indicated by OP. The ORDER BY in the ROW_NUMBER did not change the outcome, but I changed to id as it will keep the row_number correct for the sample data.