Hybrid app with Google Material Design - cross-platform

I'm currently working on Android & iOS application with looks based on Google Material Design.
I've started off using using Cordova (Ionic + Ng-material), however the performance is poor particularly on Android devices. (more details by contributors here https://github.com/angular/material/issues/1177)
Is there any way of fixing the performance issue? If not is there any platform that would hep me develop the application (not necessairly hybrid, but cross-platform)?
I found that Xamarin / Appcelerator are capable of implementing Material front-end, but only on Android. I'd like to release the app on iOS with the same look.


Adding react-native-windows support for an existing React Native project

We have an ongoing React Native mobile development project targeting Android and iOS. Now a requirement has come to use the app under Windows environment. There is not much information on the web we could found on this.
If we can get some insight on the complexity, pitfalls and challenges in adding windows platform for an already existing React Native project, that will be immensely helpful.
We are using Hermes and we understand the support is still experimental
Realm support is not clear. Realm has support for UWP but is it in a stage where we can use in production level?
How much support is available under windows for other 3rd party libraries
How much code will be able to share between platforms. Will we have to write lot of native level code?
Would react-native-web be more safe bet, if that is an acceptable option for our customer
So far we went through the documents available on web such as
However, have to provide a time estimate and cost benefit analysis before actually implementing it. Thats why we would like to get some insigth from someone who has already done it.

Migrate from Titanium to React native

I have been working in an enterprise app created with titanium SDK, specifically with Alloy, we have been facing that the community and tooling of titanium are quite a few, we are feeling all the time that we are stuck with this technology, so our team have seen in some blogs that they used to talk about titanium SDK that they have been migrated their complete projects to RN, but there is not any manual to do it, so I'm looking for a general recipe o at least a road map to make the migration and have a better idea about the implications.
Thank you so much.

Automation testing for react native app for both android and iOS platform

As per project requirement, need to do automation testing on the Reactnative app for Android/iOS platforms. I have seen many frameworks available such as appium, Cavy, Detox.
Need help in the selection of framework for reactnative app testing.
Have appium automation(with Java) experience for Android application.
I'm currently working on developing and maintaining Cavy, so if you have any particular questions regarding Cavy as a solution, I'd be happy to help. Just pop any issues/questions on the GitHub issue tracker.
We're in the process of moving all our documentation to our new site, but it does include a comparison with Detox in the FAQs that you may find useful :)

Is it possible to build a android and iOS app using React Native in Windows Laptop?

Is it possible guys? As I know I can use the React Native eusing Windows Laptop but I can't build or produce a mobile ios app using Windows laptop?
Also what are the conflicts when developing android app and iOS app using Reactive Native
You can develop your iOS and Android app completely on windows, but it is correct, that you need a Mac to build and deploy it for iOS app. You could use a service like https://www.macstadium.com/ for this step. They offer access to macs on a monthly basis.
I'm working with RN since 2015 and I only found a few "conflicts":
1.) You have to double check styling between iOS and Android, since a few properties behave little different (like overview). But the RN team is constantly working on this and it gets better and better.
2.) If you need access to native device functions like InApp purchase API, you have to find Libraries, which work on iOS and Android.
All in all RN is a very good framework for writing cross platform apps. You should give it a try :-)

How do you utilize a third-party iOS SDK with your Appcelerator Titanium app?

We have a well established iOS (iPad only) app written on top of Appcelerator's Titanium platform. We're looking to integrate a third-party piece of hardware with our app that interfaces with the headphone jack on the iPad. The third-party company provides an official iOS SDK to be used in XCode projects.
How can we get the provided SDK to work in our Titanium app?
You'll have to create a module. Check the guide here.
You can also search the internet. There might be existing modules already for your third-party SDK.