Cocoa/objectiveC UI design issue - objective-c

I'm trying to build an app on MacOSX - ObjectiveC. I don't not find a good ressource to understand how I can create the view I need and the steps to made it.
I'm looking mostly to create 3 sections.
Section 1: Few buttons and one image
Section 2: TreeView to have a File browser/finder
Section 3: Progress bar to show the disk usage.
I'm creating an app to read android device and manage file transfer. Such as Android File Transfer.

First and foremost you need to look over the tutorial that Apple provides on creating your first Mac app.
Second you can use NSOutlineView to create your treeview, here's a tutorial on this.
Then you need NSProgressIndicator for your progress bar, here's a tutorial.
I also suggest you look over at ray's tutorials to get started with XCode and all the interface builder tools.


iOS6+ Custom component creation guide

I'm starting the iOS development and need to find out what is required to create custom component. I have a few of them to build like star rating bar (which promising tutorial I've found here btw.) or download button with progress like it is in the App Store app.
Instead of searching for ready built solutions I would like to learn on how to build it thus my question, is there any up-to-date guides on how to accomplish it? Using OOP rules:) ofcourse as I'm used to it from ActionScript and JAVA.

Library or API for file browser view?

I would like to implement a file browser view in my application so users can open files using a side panel similar to the browsers in XCode, Text Wrangler and some other programs.
Before I go off implementing another one of those browsers from scratch, does anyone know if there are existing libraries or APIs that already does this?
Google doesn't turn up with much and most of the searches point me to NSOpenPanel which I believe doesn't do what I want.
Thanks in advance.
The Cocoa class that is used to display hierarchical lists is called NSOutlineView.
Outline views provide several configuration options to adjust the appearance.
The content can be provided by implementing a data source protocol or via Cocoa bindings.
Apple has some sample code online that should get you started (it's a file browser - so maybe you can use larger parts of that sample):

XCode 4.2: How To Use Page-Based Application

I am trying to explore xcode 4.2, and now i am trying to build a simple book app using the page-based app template on xcode.
I actually have no idea how things go on page-based app. to practice i want to load 1 image (different image each page) in every page. it's just a simple picture look book just for me to learn and be familiar how will i able to work with page-based application.
I am a bit confused with it, i don't know where to start. how will i able to do that??
any links for reference? or books that tackles the page-based application??
There is a book by Wei-Meng Lee called 'Beginning iOS 5 Application Development" he has online source code free for book owners. It's located here:,descCd-DOWNLOAD.html
In the FULL DOWNLOAD there is an app called UsingViews ( That app shows you how to move through views. I highly recommend purchasing his book. Very Helpful.
Apple Documentation is also very helpful as others have already pointed out.

Two native AIR windows from a single AIR app?

I'm building in FlashDevlop as pure AS3.
I'm looking at building a kiosk that uses two screens. Its used to administer tests. So one screen has the test, second the controls for admin the test. I have played with wide app but its not very elegant and I really would like both screens to run full screen on each screen. Is it possible to have one air app spawn two native air windows? A secondary question is it possible to detect multiple screens and target a screen to full screen to? Even something as simple as checking the window size to detect would work, im just not sure I can move and if the low level api will fullscreen on that screen. I could not find any examples of this in the docs.
What docs did you look into? I found it right away.
You'll need the Screen class if you want information on the screens that are connected to the PC. And here's some documentation on using it.
To create new windows, just instantiate a new NativeWindow class and call activate() on it when you're done configuring.
There's a lot of other useful stuff for you in the flash.display package. All the AIR stuff is marked with a little AIR icon. I have to admit that it would have been easier to find if they had put these classes in a separate AIR package.

"Loading Checklog" error while loading quartz composition using Quartz Composer Patch Controller

I've created a composition in Quartz Composer, and am following the examples on "Quartz Composer Programming Guide" on Apple's website for connecting it to a XIB.
My goal is to be able to bind inputs in my Quartz Composition with UI controls (sliders, keyboard input, etc.) within my Cocoa application. It seems that this tutorial is sufficient for what I want to do.
However, I can't get the Quartz Composer Patch Controller to load my composition. I add the Patch Controller to my XIB document window, then I go to "Load Composition".
Every time I click "Load Composition", I choose my file and it gives me an error message box that says "Loading Failed: Loading CheckLog".
Here's what may be interesting: I can view my composition if I load it with a QCView object, but can't load it in the Patch Controller.
I've tried loading other compositions, I get the same error. I tried in a different computer, on a new project, same XCode version (4.0.1), and I still get the error.
I've only done the steps outlined in the tutorial, and I am referencing the Quartz framework in my project. My first thought is that there might be some procedures that are not outlined in the programming guide that I may be skipping.
So how do I resolve this error? Please help!
I assume the “CheckLog” bit means that there’s something in the system log (open /Applications/Utilities/ and look under Console Log). There might also be something in ~/Library/Logs/. (Shamefully bad UI in any case, of course.)
I had this problem - solved it by making sure that I was using the corresponding version of quartz composer and xcode since I have multiple versions of developer tools installed. (use both applications contained within the same developer folder).