XCode 4.2: How To Use Page-Based Application - objective-c

I am trying to explore xcode 4.2, and now i am trying to build a simple book app using the page-based app template on xcode.
I actually have no idea how things go on page-based app. to practice i want to load 1 image (different image each page) in every page. it's just a simple picture look book just for me to learn and be familiar how will i able to work with page-based application.
I am a bit confused with it, i don't know where to start. how will i able to do that??
any links for reference? or books that tackles the page-based application??

There is a book by Wei-Meng Lee called 'Beginning iOS 5 Application Development" he has online source code free for book owners. It's located here: http://www.wrox.com/WileyCDA/WroxTitle/Beginning-iOS-5-Application-Development.productCd-1118144252,descCd-DOWNLOAD.html
In the FULL DOWNLOAD there is an app called UsingViews (UsingViews.zip). That app shows you how to move through views. I highly recommend purchasing his book. Very Helpful.
Apple Documentation is also very helpful as others have already pointed out.


Cocoa/objectiveC UI design issue

I'm trying to build an app on MacOSX - ObjectiveC. I don't not find a good ressource to understand how I can create the view I need and the steps to made it.
I'm looking mostly to create 3 sections.
Section 1: Few buttons and one image
Section 2: TreeView to have a File browser/finder
Section 3: Progress bar to show the disk usage.
I'm creating an app to read android device and manage file transfer. Such as Android File Transfer.
First and foremost you need to look over the tutorial that Apple provides on creating your first Mac app.
Second you can use NSOutlineView to create your treeview, here's a tutorial on this.
Then you need NSProgressIndicator for your progress bar, here's a tutorial.
I also suggest you look over at ray's tutorials to get started with XCode and all the interface builder tools.

How to know about app launched and details jailbreak iOS 7

I am making a tweak for iOS 7, in which I want to know about app launch event, and the details of app being launched (name and identifier). So far the only useful framework I have found is SpringBoardServices.framework. The header files which may be/are useful to track app launch event include:
If I am on right track, can anyone provide me information about their methods usage? There is no relevant information or guide present on iphonedevwiki.
Moreover, How can I get information about app launched? I have studied Andy ibanez's tutorial. It hooks SBApplicationIcon class, which I guess has been removed from iOS 7 frameworks because I can't find it in dumped frameworks. So what is alternate header? Is it SBSCardItem.h and SBSCardItemsController ?
Looking forward for help. Thanks.
You need to look into SpringBoard.app instead of SpringBoardServices.framework. SpringBoard app comes "alone" because like it's extension implies, it's an app, and not a framework that can be found in the entire Private Frameworks.
You can get a lot of info from the SBApplicationIcon class in SpringBoard, such as the app display name and things like that. Check the headers for more info.

iOS Game Center simple leaderboard

I have an iOS app using Sprite Kit that I would like to add a simple leaderboard. I have tried several tutorials, but all are for an older version of Xcode and iTunes connect. As of now I have successfully authenticated the user (ie. when I open the app it says welcome back, or asks to log in if I am not logged in).
Could someone please point me in the direction of a tutorial that encompasses a simple leaderboard (such as in Flappy Bird) that will explain the iTunesConnect side and coding within my app that is up to date with iOS 7 and Xcode 5? Thank you!
The apple documentation for leaderboards is quite good. It explains how to do the iTunes connection portion and another page has the Xcode implementation with code examples.
You can find the iTunes connect info here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnectGameCenter_Guide/Leaderboards/Leaderboards.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40013726-CH2-SW1
The code examples are here: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/GameKit_Guide/Achievements/Achievements.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008304-CH7-SW3
Outside of that the app coda link that Iraklii mentioned is a great one.

iOS6+ Custom component creation guide

I'm starting the iOS development and need to find out what is required to create custom component. I have a few of them to build like star rating bar (which promising tutorial I've found here btw.) or download button with progress like it is in the App Store app.
Instead of searching for ready built solutions I would like to learn on how to build it thus my question, is there any up-to-date guides on how to accomplish it? Using OOP rules:) ofcourse as I'm used to it from ActionScript and JAVA.

How to make Notification Center Widgets (iOS 5)

iOS 5 introduced Notification Center Widgets and I would like to experiment with those widgets and make custom ones (with a Jailbroken device). I couldn't quite figure out how to make such a widget. The Widgets (WeeApps) are bundles stored in /System/Library/WeeAppPlugins. It would be great if anyone has already writren a guide or could share how the principal class of a WeeApp has to look like. Ideal would be to have a WeeApp NIC template for theos :)
Note: This question is regarding so called WeeApps, system plugins for Notification Center introduced in iOS 5. Not to be confused with Today View Extensions introduced in iOS 8.
I don't want to shameless-plug in here, but I wrote a small tutorial to help you with this.
How to write Notification Center Widgets for iOS (iOS 6 and Below)
Hope it helps you!
Please note this is for iOS widgets running iOS 6 and below - In other words, this is for old jailbreak development. I may write an iOS 8 tutorial eventually, but this one is not it.
OK i think i have found a good way to understand it, a sample widget with full source code available on github: https://github.com/WillFour20/WeeAppTest But whats most helpful is this tutorial and the NIC template for theos mentioned in the tutorial, I already made several widgets using this method and my custom NIC templates. http://weeplugins.com/blog/?p=1