Excel VBA Get True Folder Path Length (Excluding Tilde) - vba

I have VBA code that creates a backup file (using .SaveCopyAs) every X times my client saves the file. Recently a client ran into the max folder & file path length which seems to be around 220 characters. I'm trying to catch the long file name but Excel/Windows is replacing the long folder names with ~ (tilde) so I can't get the true path length.
How do I get the actual folder/file path string length and prevent Windows from using the "~"?
Sub Backup()
Set awb = ActiveWorkbook
BackupFolder = awb.Path & "\Backups"
BackupFileName = BackupFolder & "\" & awb.Name
BackupFileName = BackupFileName & " " & Format(Now(), "mmddhhmm") & ".xlsm"
'debug.print BackupFileName
'Result: D:\MF\DOCUME~1\LATEST~1\MASTER~1\SUPERL~1\SUPERL~1\Backups\TestLength-07021655.xlsm
'debug.print Len(BackupFileName)
'Result: 83 but the TRUE length is well over 300 characters
PathLen = Len(BackupFileName) 'Result: 83
If PathLen > 215 Then 'This obviously doesn't fire
BackupFolder = GetDesktop & "BidListBackups"
BackupFileName = BackupFolder & "\" & awb.Name
BackupFileName = BackupFileName & " " & sType & Format(Now(), "mmddhhmm") & ".xlsm"
End If
With awb
.SaveCopyAs BackupFileName
End With
If PathLen > 215
MsgBox "Backup file was saved to your desktop", vbokonly
End If
End Sub

See this answer for code that uses the GetLongPathName API. Note that you will need to increase the buffer size from the 165 shown in the code.


To move files from multiple source folders to multiple destination folders based on two hour delay

Yesterday we have finalized and tested the code (the first part of the code is VBScript) and the second part of the code is (in Excel VBA) to move file from one source folder to one destination folder successfully based on two hour delay (i.e. each file which will come to source folder will upload 2 hour delay), however the situation is that i have actually 15 source folders and 15 destination folders.
One method is that i should create 15 VBScript files and 15 Excel files that contains the code for each source and destination folder which i believe is not efficient way. I have tried a lot to add multiple source and destination folder options in the below mentioned code(s) but i am not successful, can anyone help me, i will be thankful.
the below mentioned code is VBscript
Dim oExcel, strWB, nameWB, wb
strWB = "E:\Delta\Folder monitor.xlsm"
nameWB = Left(strWB, InStr(StrReverse(strWB), "\") - 1)
nameWB = Right(strWB, Len(nameWB))
Set objExcel = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
Set wb = objExcel.Workbooks(nameWB)
if wb is nothing then wbscript.quit 'the necessary workbook is not open...
dim strComputer, strDirToMonitor, strTime, objWMIService, colMonitoredEvents, objEventObject, MyFile
strComputer = "."
'# WMI needs two backslashes (\\) as path separator and each of it should be excaped.
'# So, you must use 4 backslashes (\\\\) as path separator!
strDirToMonitor = "E:\\\\Delta\\\\Source" 'use here your path
'# Monitor Above every 10 secs...
strTime = "10"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colMonitoredEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN " & strTime & " WHERE " _
& "Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and " _
& "TargetInstance.GroupComponent= " _
& "'Win32_Directory.Name=" & Chr(34) & strDirToMonitor & Chr(34) & "'")
Do While True
Set objEventObject = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent()
Select Case objEventObject.Path_.Class
Case "__InstanceCreationEvent"
' msgbox "OK"
'MsgBox "A new file was just created: " & _
MyFile = StrReverse(objEventObject.TargetInstance.PartComponent)
'// Get the string to the left of the first \ and reverse it
MyFile = (StrReverse(Left(MyFile, InStr(MyFile, "\") - 1)))
MyFile = Mid(MyFile, 1, Len(MyFile) - 1)
'send the information to the waiting workbook:
objExcel.Application.Run "'" & strWB & "'!GetMonitorInformation", Array(MyFile,Now)
End Select
and the second code for this purpose should be copied in a standard module:
Option Explicit
Private Const ourScript As String = "FolderMonitor.vbs"
Private Const fromPath As String = "E:\Delta\Source\"
Sub startMonitoring()
Dim strVBSPath As String
strVBSPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\VBScript\" & ourScript
TerminateMonintoringScript 'to terminate monitoring script, if running..
Shell "cmd.exe /c """ & strVBSPath & """", 0
End Sub
Sub TerminateMonintoringScript()
Dim objWMIService As Object, colItems As Object, objItem As Object, Msg
As String
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & "." & "\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process", "WQL", 48)
For Each objItem In colItems
If objItem.Caption = "wscript.exe" Then
'// msg Contains the path of the exercutable script and the script name
On Error Resume Next
Msg = objItem.CommandLine 'for the case of null
On Error GoTo 0
'// If wbscript.exe runs the monitoring script:
If InStr(1, Msg, ourScript) > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Terminate Wscript process..."
objItem.Terminate 'terminate process
End If
End If
Set objWMIService = Nothing: Set colItems = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetMonitorInformation(arr As Variant)
'call DoSomething Sub after 2 hours (now IT WILL RUN AFTER 1 MINUTE, for testing reasons...)
'for running after 2 hours you should change "00:01:00" in "02:00:00":
arr(0) = Replace(arr(0), "'", "''") 'escape simple quote (') character'
Application.OnTime CDate(arr(1)) + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "'DoSomething """ & CStr(arr(0)) & """'"
Debug.Print "start " & Now 'just for testing (wait a minute...)
'finaly, this line should be commented.
End Sub
Sub DoSomething(strFileName As String)
Const toPath As String = "E:\Delta\Destination\"
If Dir(toPath & strFileName) = "" Then
Name fromPath & strFileName As toPath & strFileName
Debug.Print strFileName & " moved from " & fromPath & " to " & toPath 'just for testing...
MsgBox "File """ & toPath & strFileName & """ already exists in this location..."
End If
End Sub
you can see the previous query here on the link Previous Query
Please, use the next scenario. It assumes that you will fill the necessary path in an existing Excel sheet. Since, it will take the necessary paths based on a cell selection, it is necessary to name the sheet in discussion as "Folders". In Column A:A you should fill the 'Source' folder path (ending in backslash "") and in B:B, the 'Destination' folder path (also ending in backslash).
The proposed solution takes the necessary paths based on your selection in A:A column. The 'Destination' path is extracted based on the selection row.
Please, replace the existing string with the next one, adapting the two necessary paths:
Dim oExcel, strWB, nameWB, wb
strWB = "C:\Teste VBA Excel\Folder monitor.xlsm" 'use here your workbook path!!!
nameWB = Left(strWB, InStr(StrReverse(strWB), "\") - 1)
nameWB = Right(strWB, Len(nameWB))
Set objExcel = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
Set wb = objExcel.Workbooks(nameWB)
if wb is nothing then wbscript.quit 'the necessary workbook is not open...
dim strComputer, strDirToMonitor, strTime, objWMIService, colMonitoredEvents, objEventObject, MyFile
strComputer = "."
'# WMI needs two backslashes (\\) as path separator and each of it should be excaped.
'# So, you must use 4 backslashes (\\\\) as path separator!
strDirToMonitor = "C:\\\\test\\\\test" 'use here your path !!!
'# Monitor Above every 10 secs...
strTime = "10"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colMonitoredEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN " & strTime & " WHERE " _
& "Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and " _
& "TargetInstance.GroupComponent= " _
& "'Win32_Directory.Name=" & Chr(34) & strDirToMonitor & Chr(34) & "'")' and " _
' & "'Win32_Directory.Name=" & Chr(34) & strDirToMonitor & Chr(34) & "'")
Do While True
Set objEventObject = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent()
Select Case objEventObject.Path_.Class
Case "__InstanceCreationEvent"
MyFile = StrReverse(objEventObject.TargetInstance.PartComponent)
' Get the string to the left of the first \ and reverse it
MyFile = (StrReverse(Left(MyFile, InStr(MyFile, "\") - 1)))
MyFile = Mid(MyFile, 1, Len(MyFile) - 1)
'send the information to the waiting workbook:
objExcel.Application.Run "'" & strWB & "'!GetMonitorInformation", Array(MyFile, Now, strDirToMonitor)
End Select
The adapted script sends also the source path to the waiting workbook...
TerminateMonintoringScript Sub remains exactly as it is.
Please, copy the next adapted code instead of existing one, in the used standard module (TerminateMonintoringScript included, even not modified):
Option Explicit
Private Const ourScript As String = "FolderMonitor.vbs"
Private fromPath As String, toPath As String
Sub startMonitoring()
Dim strVBSPath As String, actCell As Range, strTxt As String, pos As Long, endP As Long, oldPath As String
Set actCell = ActiveCell
If actCell.Parent.Name <> "Folders" Then MsgBox "Wrong activated sheet...": Exit Sub
fromPath = actCell.Value
If actCell.Column <> 1 Or Dir(fromPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then Exit Sub 'not a valid path in the selected cell
strVBSPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\VBScript\" & ourScript
'change the script necessary "strDirToMonitor" variable path, if the case:__________________________
strTxt = ReadFile(strVBSPath)
pos = InStr(strTxt, Replace(fromPath, "\", "\\\\"))
If pos = 0 Then 'if not the correct path already exists
pos = InStr(strTxt, "strDirToMonitor = """) 'start position of the existing path
endP = InStr(strTxt, """ 'use here your path") 'end position of the existing path
'extract existing path:
oldPath = Mid(strTxt, pos + Len("strDirToMonitor = """), endP - (pos + Len("strDirToMonitor = """)))
strTxt = Replace(strTxt, oldPath, _
Replace(Left(fromPath, Len(fromPath) - 1), "\", "\\\\")) 'replacing existing with the new one
'drop back the updated string in the vbs file:
Dim iFileNum As Long: iFileNum = FreeFile
Open strVBSPath For Output As iFileNum
Print #iFileNum, strTxt
Close iFileNum
End If
TerminateMonintoringScript 'to terminate monitoring script, if running...
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") 'to be sure that the next line will load the updated file...
Shell "cmd.exe /c """ & strVBSPath & """", 0 'run the VBScript
End Sub
Function ReadFile(strFile As String) As String 'function to read the vbscript string content
Dim iTxtFile As Integer
iTxtFile = FreeFile
Open strFile For Input As iTxtFile
ReadFile = Input(LOF(iTxtFile), iTxtFile)
Close iTxtFile
End Function
Sub TerminateMonintoringScript()
Dim objWMIService As Object, colItems As Object, objItem As Object, Msg As String
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & "." & "\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process", "WQL", 48)
For Each objItem In colItems
If objItem.Caption = "wscript.exe" Then
'// msg Contains the path of the exercutable script and the script name
On Error Resume Next
Msg = objItem.CommandLine 'for the case of null
On Error GoTo 0
'// If wbscript.exe runs the monitoring script:
If InStr(1, Msg, ourScript) > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Terminate Wscript process..."
objItem.Terminate 'terminate process
End If
End If
Set objWMIService = Nothing: Set colItems = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetMonitorInformation(arr As Variant)
'call DoSomething Sub after 2 hours (now IT WILL RUN AFTER 1 MINUTE, for testing reasons...)
'for running after 2 hours you should change "00:01:00" in "02:00:00":
arr(0) = Replace(arr(0), "'", "''") 'escape simple quote (') character'
fromPath = Replace(arr(2), "\\\\", "\")
Dim rngFrom As Range: Set rngFrom = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folders").Range("A:A").Find(what:=fromPath)
toPath = rngFrom.Offset(, 1).Value
Application.OnTime CDate(arr(1)) + TimeValue("00:00:30"), "'DoSomething """ & fromPath & "\" & CStr(arr(0)) & """, """ & toPath & CStr(arr(0)) & """'"
Debug.Print Now; " start " & arr(0) & fromPath & "\" & CStr(arr(0)) 'just for testing (wait a minute...)
'finaly, this line should be commented.
End Sub
Sub DoSomething(sourceFileName As String, destFilename As String)
If Dir(destFilename) = "" Then
Name sourceFileName As destFilename
Debug.Print sourceFileName & " moved to " & destFilename 'just for testing...
Debug.Print "File """ & destFilename & """ already exists in this location..."
End If
End Sub
Sub DoSomething_(strFileName As String) 'cancelled
If Dir(toPath & strFileName) = "" Then
Name fromPath & strFileName As toPath & strFileName
Debug.Print strFileName & " moved from " & fromPath & " to " & toPath 'just for testing...
MsgBox "File """ & toPath & strFileName & """ already exists in this location..."
End If
End Sub
So, you only need to replace the existing VBA code with the above adapted one, to place the 'source'/'destination' paths in columns A:B of one of Excel sheets, which to be named "Folders".
Select in column A:A a 'Source' cell and run startMonitoring.
Play with files creation and check their moving from the new 'source' to the new 'destination'...
But you have to understand that only a session of the WMI class can run at a specific moment. This means that you cannot simultaneously monitor more than one folder...
I am still documenting regarding the possibility to use a query able to be common for multiple folders. But I never could see such an approach till now and it may not be possible...

Ms Access Get filename with wildcards or loop

I am using MS Access Forms and I am trying to open a file but don't know how to open the file based knowing only part of the name. Example below works
Private Sub Open_Email_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdExplore_Click
Dim x As Long
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = "C:\data\office\policy num\20180926 S Sales 112.32.msg"
strApp = """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\Outlook.exe"""
If InStr(strFileName, " ") > 0 Then strFileName = """" & strFileName & """"
x = Shell(strApp & " /f " & strFileName)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdExplore_Click
End Sub
If I change the strFilename to being
strFileName = "C:\data\" & Me.Office & "\" & Me.nm & " " & Me.pol & "\" & "*"& " S Sales " & Me.amt & "*" & ".msg"
It includes the * rather than using it as a wildcard, the date/numbers can be anything or in another format but always eight numbers. I tried using a while loop on the numbers but I am not sure the best way of doing this sorry.
You can use the Dir function to iterate over all files that match a string pattern.
strApp = """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\Outlook.exe"""
Dim strFilePattern As String
strFilePattern ="C:\data\" & Me.Office & "\" & Me.nm & " " & Me.pol & "\" & "*"& " S Sales " & Me.amt & "*" & ".msg"
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = Dir(strFilePattern)
Do While Not strFileName = vbNullString
If InStr(strFileName, " ") > 0 Then strFileName = """" & strFileName & """"
x = Shell(strApp & " /f " & strFileName)
strFileName = Dir
The first call to Dir with the pattern as a parameter will find the first file that matches the pattern supplied. All subsequent calls without the pattern will return the next file that matches the pattern.
So, lets rebuild the question a bit. Imagine that you are having the following 5 files in a given folder:
and you need to find the files, that correspond to "A:\*eter.msg" and print them.
For this, you need to use the keyword Like:
Sub TestMe()
Dim someNames As Variant
someNames = Array("A:\peter.msg", "A:\bstack.msg", _
"A:\coverflow.msg", "A:\heter.msg", "A:\beter.msg")
Dim cnt As Long
For cnt = LBound(someNames) To UBound(someNames)
If someNames(cnt) Like "A:\*eter.msg" Then
Debug.Print someNames(cnt)
End If
End Sub
Loop through files in a folder using VBA?

VBA: Saving without overwriting existing files

how can I make sure that my VBA code is not overwriting existing files while saving?
Example: I'm saving every sheet as a new workbook, and want to have v1, v2, v3 etc. With the code below I'm always overwriting the existing file, as every file I save has the same file name with "_V1" ending...
NewWbName = Left(wbSource.Name, InStr(wbSource.Name, ".") - 1)
For i = 1 To 9
'check for existence of proposed filename
If Len(Dir(wbSource.Path & Application.PathSeparator & NewWbName & "_V" & i & ".xlsx")) = 0 Then
wbTemplate.SaveAs wbSource.Path & Application.PathSeparator & NewWbName & "_V" & i & ".xlsx"
Exit For
End If
Next i
If i > 9 Then
'_V1.xlsx through _V9.xlsx already used; deal with this situation
MsgBox "out of options"
wbTemplate.Close False 'close template
Next wsSource
wbSource.Close False 'close source
End If
End Sub
Loop through various _Vn.xlsx variations until you find one that isn't there.
dim i as long, NewWbName as string
NewWbName = Left(wbSource.Name, InStr(wbSource.Name, ".") - 1)
for i=1 to 9
'check for existence of proposed filename
if len(dir(wbSource.Path & Application.PathSeparator & NewWbName & "_V" & i & ".xlsx")) = 0 then
wbTemplate.SaveAs wbSource.Path & Application.PathSeparator & NewWbName & "_V" & i & ".xlsx"
exit for
end if
next i
if i>9 then
'_V1.xlsx through _V9.xlsx already used; deal with this situation
msgbox "out of options"
end if
If you are going to raise the loop into double digits, perhaps ... & "_V" & Format(i, "00") & ".xlsx would be better so that a folder sorted by name puts them in the correct order.
Recommend using a date and time stamp for so many versions.
“V” & Format(date, “yyyymmdd”) & format(time, “hhmmss”) & “.xlsx”
Yes, you may still want to check for an existing file, but it’s seldom the user will submit input in less than a second

Excel VBA - Passing a variable path with spaces to WinSCP command-line

I have the code at the bottom of this post inside one of my excel books (my first time ever writing vba code). The goal here is to allow users to:
start a video encode using MXLight software with a temp file name
select a cell with the person currently on video
stop the video encode, rename the temp file, move it to a specific folder,
upload it via FTP via WinSCP software, mark it green, move one cell
So during the event, you:
Press button 1 which is the Sub StartMXL
then you highlight your cell
Press button 2 which is the Sub StopAndProcess
My questions are the following:
1) First and foremost, the entire (stop and process) button doesn't work because the upload function fails, because I can't figure out how to get the winscp command to use the variable referenced... and not try to literally use that word. Check the code under the Sub Upload, and here is the log file when I try that:
1 . 2015-11-12 17:53:18.490 Connected
2 . 2015-11-12 17:53:18.490 Using FTP protocol.
3 . 2015-11-12 17:53:18.490 Doing startup conversation with host.
4 > 2015-11-12 17:53:18.491 PWD
5 < 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 257 "/" is the current directory
6 . 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 Getting current directory name.
7 . 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 Startup conversation with host finished.
8 < 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 Script: Active session: [1] ftp1934501#ftp.kaltura.com
9 > 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 Script: put RealFile
10. 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 Copying 1 files/directories to remote directory "/"
11. 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 PrTime: Yes; PrRO: No; Rght: rw-r--r--; PrR: No (No); FnCs: N; RIC: 0100; Resume: S (102400); CalcS: No; Mask:
12. 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 TM: B; ClAr: No; RemEOF: No; RemBOM: No; CPS: 0; NewerOnly: No; InclM: ; ResumeL: 0
13. 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 AscM: *.*html; *.htm; *.txt; *.php; *.php3; *.cgi; *.c; *.cpp; *.h; *.pas; *.bas; *.tex; *.pl; *.js; .htaccess; *.xtml; *.css; *.cfg; *.ini; *.sh; *.xml
14* 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 (EOSError) System Error. Code: 2.
15* 2015-11-12 17:53:18.520 The system cannot find the file specified
You can see on line 9 it's trying to literally upload the file called "RealFile" instead of using the contents of the variable with file name and folder structure. That variable is working in other parts of the code, such as when I'm renaming and moving it.
Any idea there?
Here is the total code for the whole thing:
Public Sub StartMXL()
Dim MXLapp As String
MXLapp = "C:\1a7j42w\MXLight-2-4-0\MXLight.exe"
Shell (MXLapp & " record=on"), vbNormalNoFocus
AppActivate Application.Caption
End Sub
Public Sub StopMXL()
Dim MXLapp As String
MXLapp = "C:\1a7j42w\MXLight-2-4-0\MXLight.exe"
Shell (MXLapp & " record=off"), vbNormalNoFocus
AppActivate Application.Caption
End Sub
Sub ChooseRootDir()
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.Title = "Please choose a folder"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = -1 Then Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub RenameAndMove()
Dim TempFile As String
Dim RealFile As String
If Len(Dir(Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("J1").Value, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("J1").Value
End If
If Len(Dir(Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("J1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("K1").Value, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("J1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("K1").Value
End If
If Len(Dir(Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("J1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("K1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("L1").Value, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("J1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("K1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("L1").Value
End If
TempFile = Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value & "\tempfile\spiderman.TS"
RealFile = Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("J1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("K1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("L1").Value & "\" & ActiveCell.Value & ".TS"
Name TempFile As RealFile
End Sub
Public Sub Upload()
Dim RealFile As String
Dim TempFile As String
RealFile = Sheets("rawdata").Range("I1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("J1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("K1").Value & "\" & Sheets("rawdata").Range("L1").Value & "\" & ActiveCell.Value & ".TS"
TempFile = "C:\1a7j42w\MXLight-2-4-0\recordings\tempfile\spiderman.TS"
Call Shell( _
"C:\1a7j42w\WinSCP\WinSCP.com /log=C:\1a7j42w\WinSCP\excel.log /command " & _
"""open ftp://ftp1934501:da7Mc4Fr#ftp.kaltura.com/"" " & _
"""put RealFile"" " & _
End Sub
Sub StopAndProcess()
Call StopMXL
Call RenameAndMove
Call Upload
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
In WinSCP script, you want:
put "path with space"
See Command parameters with spaces.
On WinSCP command line, you have to enclose each command to a double quotes and double all double quotes in the command itself:
"put ""path with space"""
See WinSCP command-line syntax.
In VB you need to enclose the string in double quotes and double all double quotes in the string itself:
"""put """"path with space"""""" "
And to replace the path with a variable, substitute the path with space with " & RealFile & ".
This gives you:
"""put """"" & RealFile & """"""" "

Move file into dynamically created folder with VB Script

I am working on a backup script in VBS that creates a folder and then copies a powerpoint file into the most recently created folder.
Everything works great except MoveFile command at the bottom
Here is what I got so far (the bottom code is most important but just so everyone can understand where I am coming from):
sourceDir = "T:\Team"
destinationDir = "T:\Team\Archive\Archive"
const OverwriteExisting = True
intNum = 1
strDirectory = destinationDir & "_" & replace(date,"/",".") & "_" & intNum
'This checks if the folder exists and if not it will create a folder with the date and increment the folder name incase there are multiple updates in a single day.
if not filesys.FolderExists(destinationDir) then
While filesys.FolderExists(destinationDir & "_" & replace(date,"/",".") & "_" & intNum) = True
intNum = intNum + 1
Set archivefolder = filesys.CreateFolder(destinationDir & "_" & replace(date,"/",".") & "_" & intNum)
Set archivefolder = filesys.CreateFolder(destinationDir)
Set objFolder = fso.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
End if
Dim thisday, thisdayy, thisdayyy
' This is the problem code
filesys.MoveFile "T:\Arriva\Project_Organigram_" & thisday & "." & thisdayy & "." & thisdayyy & ".pptm", "destinationDir & "\" & Project_Organigram_" & thisday & "." & thisdayy & "." & thisdayyy & ".pptm"
Function Today_Date()
thisdayy=Right("0" & Month(Date),2)
thisdayyy=Right("0" & Year(Date),2)
End Function
This results in a folder being created as "T:\Team\Archive\Archive_03.12.2014_1
My goal is to be able to move the file in T:\Team to the dynamically created folder above.
Everything works great until the MoveFile part. The destination is the part throwing a "type mismatch" at the line where I define the strDirectory
I am just learning this type of programming so please let me know if I can provide any further details!
Thank you in advance!
You have a couple syntax errors with your quotes that are cancelling each other out. Change your line to this:
filesys.MoveFile "T:\Team\Project_Organigram_" & thisday & "." & thisdayy & "." & thisdayyy & ".pptm", "destinationDir" & "_" & replace(date,"/",".") & "_" & intNum & "\" & "Project_Organigram_" & thisday & "." & thisdayy & "." & thisdayyy & ".pptm"