ScannerBrowser depreciated ImageKit OSX Yosemite - objective-c

I found an example on the website of Apple developers about the library looking ImageKit in which scanners connected but there is a problem because when I connect my scanner is not detected, I ran the program and tells me there is a function NSBeginAlertSheet deprecated.
Somebody help me solve problems.
The link is here.

NSBeginAlertSheet was deprecated in OS X 10.10 and it is recommended to use NSAlert instead. Source:
That specific error is not related to ImageKit.


Are HEIC/HEIF Files Supported In Safari

Trying to figure out if Safari does or doesn't support iOS 11's new image format HEIC/HEIF. Have tried numerous things and it doesn't appear to work. Thanks.
By checking on CanIUse, iOS11 dose't support HEIF in Safari, and I just have a test on iOS11.0.3, yep, it is really not supported.
On MacOS, it is supported on specified platform, which seems like KabyLake CPU, you can check it on WWDC.
Apple said macOS High Sierra will support the HEIF, you can try it.

sofia-sip-ua Library Compilation for RestComm iOS SDK

I am trying RestComm iOS SDK and stuck on Sofia-sip-ua library. Couldn't get it compiled. Please provide some help on this.
I am using the library code provided with
I have Xcode 7.3 and Xcode 8 on El Capitan 10.11.6
You normally don't need to compile sofia-sip-ua library as it is already compiled for you and bundled in the release binary found at the GitHub release page. If you download it you'll find it at dependencies/packages/sofia-sip-1.12.11.
For step by step instructions on how to integrate the Restcomm iOS SDK in an iOS App (including sofia-sip-ua) please refer to the Official Quick Start Guide
Also you can check any of the working sample projects as an example here
If you still have questions, please post here again.
Best regards,

Capture logs (errors, warnings) in exported/deployed OSX app

I am exporting my app as a .app and testing it on different OSX versions and machines. Is there any way to capture warnings, errors, etc. to a log?
The application is not crashing so a crash log is not being generated.
The best way to capture these is using something similar to TestFairy (framework for android / ios beta testing), I suggest you take a look at that, to see what functionalities it provides and the search for something similar on mac os.
Found these two for Mac :

"AFQueryStringPair is implemented in both" Warning while running on device

I am using AFNetworking and get following warning printed on console while running app on device but no warning on simulator. Any help would be appreciated. Am using Xcode 6.1.1 on Yosemite for iOS 8.
objc[306]: Class AFQueryStringPair is implemented in both /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/ and /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.\
I also ran into this problem. You are probably linking to AFNetworking twice somehow. Double check that AFNetworking is only linked once in your build hierarchy.
Please see this answer for more detail.

App crashes on Android kitkat OS

Some of my apps published on play store getting crashed on android version 4.4 and onwords
Same apps worked on other versions of Android.
Is this issue related to os or something else?
Yes, the issue is related to the os. From version to version features can change and old tools can no longer be supported. I recommend you look at the update log and see which old features you used that may no longer be supported.